Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

No - But once again your racism shines through loud and clear!
WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

No - But once again your racism shines through loud and clear!

Screaming “RACIST” changes nothing.
I nailed her spun message in few words and you know it...You just prefer the word choice to be better
Before we get to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her upset victory, IMO, it is critical to point a few things out.

Ever hear 'THE Democratic Party has been taken over by the radical Leftist Extremists'?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just more proof this is the case and has been for some time.

Barak Hussein Obama was not a 'Democrat'.
He was the son of an anti-Colonialist who hated the US and wanted to see it eliminated S a world power and world influence. Barry identified with his father and what he believed so much so in college that he changed his name.

Barry ADMITTEDLY was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

He ADMITTEDLY studied and admired the Socialist Saul Alensky who wrote the book 'Rules For Radicals' - Obama even quoted the book in his inauguration speech.

He was mentored for approximately a decade by a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American 'Pastor' who taught Barry things like ' Not God bless America - God D@MN America' from his pulpit.

Barry was also friends of an independent domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed his fellow Americans.

Despite the DNC and liberal media bombarding the nation with the message that ' the past doesn't matter, it definitely DOES matter. Our past and all that is in it defines us. It defined Barry. His Presidency is a testament to this fact.

He was definitely NOT a 'Democrat'.

Despite the DNC's best efforts to turn the reins over to a more 'traditional' (yet criminal / corrupt) 'Democrat', Hillary simply could not win her Party's nomination against a member of the SOCIALIST PARTY/ Socialist Bernie Sanders.

in the end they had to rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud during the primaries, commit election fraud, and break election laws / campaign finance laws.

Even then they had to screw Sanders and his army of supporters By GIVING Hillary the nomination. By all rights, the Democratic Party's 2016 Presidential Candidate should have been BERNIE even bigger political upset than Trump defeating Hillary for the WH.

So the fact that 'Socialist' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just defeated the #4 Democrat really shouldn't be any surprise.

Welcome to the new, evolving Socialist / Leftist Democratic Party
Those of you who are wringing your hands at this point may want to buckle in. She is the first of many, I think.
If Trump somehow is able to pull it back just a little bit, the democratic party may very well end up quickly becoming a fringe party. That won't happen, Trump isn't capable of it. But with the way the democrats are moving hard left in response to Trump, if he could make just modest inroads on communicating in more modest and stately manner: the Republicans would sweep up a ton of the independent votes by default.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.
Morning Joe

She's not wholly wrong about the problems. She's got the absolutely wrong policy prescriptions though.

So, looks like you've got a broken femur here. Ouch, that's a bad one. We're going to have to fix you up, so we'll get you scheduled for a quadruple bypass surgery later in the week and you'll be good to go.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

Back in '08 there was a clown on another board who said that there was no way a guy named Barack Obama could win because it "wasn't an American sounding name".

This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

Back in '08 there was a clown on another board who said that there was no way a guy named Barack Obama could win because it "wasn't an American sounding name".


I would never make that claim...we have way too many unAmerican lowlife piece of shits among us these days. They vote for whomever promises them the most free shit.
First, a word on "Canadian" healthcare: You can't make generalizations. Each province has its own healthcare system, it is NOT a national system. A couple of the provinces have healthcare that is superior in many ways to what most Americans get (Quebec), a couple of the provinces are almost third world. I was on Prince Edward Island a couple weeks ago, and was told that more than half of the residents don't even have a PCP, and waits for elective surgery are almost always more than a year. So don't generalize.

This election result is GREAT for Republicans. The gerry-mandering of our country has resulted in many, many districts that are so uniformly ethnic and leftist that they will elect - if given the chance - total whack jobs. Ever heard of Maxine Waters - Congressperson for life?

But the country is not there. Most Americans are appalled at the insanity. Indeed, Republicans should be building monuments to Barry Soetoro; he was the best thing that ever happened to the U.S. Republican Party, delivering countless state legislative seats, governorships, and so on, around the country. He was better for Republicans than Ronaldus Maximus.

And one cannot fail to notice that this lady is a Babe. I'm sure that didn't hurt. Fortunately, most Leftists are, to be kind, homely.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

Back in '08 there was a clown on another board who said that there was no way a guy named Barack Obama could win because it "wasn't an American sounding name".


I would never make that claim...we have way too many unAmerican lowlife piece of shits among us these days. They vote for whomever promises them the most free shit.

You're one of a kind Trumpkin - One of our top Deplorables!
It is difficult ti discriminate 'socialism' from what was done to save banks, investment houses and the derivatives scam back at the time of the Bush League's recession crisis.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

No, it's still not socialist although it keeps moving closer. Mainly because people are just ignorant, indoctrinated in public schools. They don't have a chance and then elect socialists.

We elect people that claim to be conservatives and they move as closer to socialism just as much as the socialist do.

Speaking of being indoctrinated, have you looked in a mirror lately?
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

No, it's still not socialist although it keeps moving closer. Mainly because people are just ignorant, indoctrinated in public schools. They don't have a chance and then elect socialists.

We elect people that claim to be conservatives and they move as closer to socialism just as much as the socialist do.

Speaking of being indoctrinated, have you looked in a mirror lately?

Why would I do that? I don't want to scare myself .
Those of you who are wringing your hands at this point may want to buckle in. She is the first of many, I think.
I disagree that she is the '1st', as I pointed out, but I do agree she will not be the last.

Democrats like to claim the GOP was / is the party of 'Old People' ... While being led around by their nose rings by decrepit Senior Citizens like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton.

In the last few years the Millenials have had to watch as a corrupt DNC rejected their voices, rigged primaries, screwed their choice for President - Bernie, and the nomination given to a crooked, ancient, decaying dinosaur who had to have 'nursing assistants' on either side of her to help her walk, climb stairs, and get in and out of her limo.

They have had to watch the female version of the Crypt Keeper - Pelosi - freeze, mumble, and speak incoherently from apparent Alzheimer's or stroke in the middle of Press Conferences yet she still refuses to step aside / retire.

Youngsters like Ocasio-Cortez are tired if being screwed and ignored, their DNC entrusted to Pakistani spies / criminal elderly self-enriching Senior Citizens...politicians they weren't even alive to know when these politicians came into office but who are still fighting off death just to hold on to power and make even more money.

The Democrat leadership does not relate to today's younger base anymore than a Pterodactyl could.

Ocasio-Cortez's election is the younger generation telling the old guard in the DNC that its time for them to step aside ... or be stepped over.

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