Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

I'm thinking the next Democratic Convention is going to make the notorious 1968 Democratic Convention look tame in comparison.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

I really wish you had not slept through your high school classes on government and economics.

Even sleeping through them I know both government and economics far better than you do. Some of us have moved past what we learned in High School and added to that knowledge. You might want to try it, perhaps you have heard of this thing called "college"? Though doubtful you have ever seen the inside of a classroom at one.
We understand it’s always better to be able to invest in facilities and people in Asia than to invest in US entities.
And yes, a “US” entity that operates from Asia is not a US entity in reality.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
Sure they are.
I have quite a few Canadians in my Nassau County town.
They came to the US, in part, because health care in Canada sucks.

And at the same time we have thousands upon thousands of Americans that go to Mexico for prescription drugs and medical treatments.

Seems our system is not really all that perfect either.
No system is perfect but if you have a heart condition you don’t want to wait 6 months for an appointment.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

This is as I predicted when Trump shocked the Republican establishment by defeating their chosen candidates. Dissatisfaction with the existing power structure has been building for quite a while on the Republican side, being embodied in the TEA party and now in Trump. The democrats, being more accustomed to marching in unison behind their leaders, are just now catching up. If their rebellion is not ruthlessly squashed by the party elites, we'll see more maverick democrats becoming prominent and winning. Maybe there actually is hope to eventually overturn and flush out the complacent power structure.

Quite frankly, I think the irrational anti-Trump hate and fear is driven in part because he showed that the stranglehold can be broken.
The Democrats are moving further left wing and intensifying their hate.
It's not going to work.

This is what happens when revolution starts. The hope is that the power structure will not go lawless, but we're seeing some indications that the previous admin may have been willing to do just that.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

I really wish you had not slept through your high school classes on government and economics.

Even sleeping through them I know both government and economics far better than you do. Some of us have moved past what we learned in High School and added to that knowledge. You might want to try it, perhaps you have heard of this thing called "college"? Though doubtful you have ever seen the inside of a classroom at one.

I have a Master's degree in education and taught government and economics for over 20 years.

In case you didn't know, you just had your ass handed to you!

I probably have more time on the toilet in the last month than you had in college.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

No, it's still not socialist although it keeps moving closer. Mainly because people are just ignorant, indoctrinated in public schools. They don't have a chance and then elect socialists.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

This is as I predicted when Trump shocked the Republican establishment by defeating their chosen candidates. Dissatisfaction with the existing power structure has been building for quite a while on the Republican side, being embodied in the TEA party and now in Trump. The democrats, being more accustomed to marching in unison behind their leaders, are just now catching up. If their rebellion is not ruthlessly squashed by the party elites, we'll see more maverick democrats becoming prominent and winning. Maybe there actually is hope to eventually overturn and flush out the complacent power structure.

Quite frankly, I think the irrational anti-Trump hate and fear is driven in part because he showed that the stranglehold can be broken.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.

What would happen to all your “amazing” free shit programs if 12-40 million low iQ, immoral, dependent, illegal thirdworlders were thrown in the laps of your people?
Who will be the first democrat to go full Communist and state their platform is now "from each"
I have quite a few Canadians in my Nassau County town.
They came to the US, in part, because health care in Canada sucks.

And at the same time we have thousands upon thousands of Americans that go to Mexico for prescription drugs and medical treatments.

Seems our system is not really all that perfect either.
They go their for the cheap unregulateddrugs and medical treatments that wouldn't or are very slow to be approved by the FDA. One of the things Trump tried to fix by signing The Right to Try bill of course the left raised hell about that.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

Plus, has a vagina! Maybe 2020 Presidential run? She'll almost be 35 and after Obama what difference do qualification make?
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.

Maybe they are happier because they are idiots who are snowbound 9 months out of the year and don't know any better.

Fine example why Americans are so loved and admired in the world.
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.

What would happen to all your “amazing” free shit programs if 12-40 million low iQ, immoral, dependent, illegal thirdworlders were thrown in the laps of your people?

California is spending $570 billion a year and racking up $100 billion a year in new debt, that's what will happen.

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