Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE
She obviously represents the viewpoints and mood of the sheeple-D in the district she hopes to represent better than the incumbent she defeated does. It's an NYC district after all so it's no big surprise that a socialist would do well among the Democrat lemmings that live there.

What cracks me up is how these socialists try to cloak themselves in the mantle of "Democratic Socialist" as if it somehow makes socialism palatable to add the word "Democratic" to it, these left wing dingbats ALWAYS have to put on some kind of mask (e.g. "progressive", "liberal") in an attempt to hide the nature of their collectivist, authoritarian ideologies.

The reality is, all of these terms have the same ending, Communism. There is really no way around it if one is honest with the economic system in particular that it gives birth to.
IMHO the economic end point is more often some variant of fascism, whereby ownership of the means of production is a mix of public and private but government is fully in control of all of it. I have more respect for communists since at least they're honest about what they want, what their principles are and how their preferred economic system functions.

Many American Left Wingers love fascism as long as they don't actually have to call it fascism. :dunno:
Only thing I got to say is Kudos for them.
The end of incumbents is good for every single American.
It is the ONLY way the complete corruption of Washington ends.
This is something to celebrate for everyone.

While I never liked Bernie Saunders, that Socialist idiot, I have no problem with people voting for who they want to vote for.

Sounds like the incumbent pulled a Hitlery and thought he had the election won.

That's what happens when your ego over rules what common sense should be telling you.
And socialism is always the tool of the Uber rich to control the ignorant and the greedy.

the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.

LOL. Save it, Canadians are nice and naive. I used to be one of them, until they targeted the wrong guy.

The RCMP just got hit with another $1 BILLION lawsuit. What do you think of that?
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

She’s a radical leftwing communist feminazi. A true representation of the Democrat Party.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
Do you know any Canadians? It's a great health care system, as long as you don't rely on it
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist
No, not all socialist. There are good Democrats, whom I define has good people simply slugging it out in business and commerce everyday in order to provide as best they can for their families. All they want is to live a peaceful lifestyle in the world’s greatest country like millions before them have done. These folks understand the dangers the extreme lefty dimocrats pose to the future of our country if they become more powerful and, I believe, will not support, in this case, AO-C in November. Not all of them of course but some percentage will and that could be a huge problem for the party, and it won’t just be limited to this NY district. Good Democrats are nationwide and you can bet the DNC leaders fear losing votes they heretofore could count on. Why else are some in DC trying to get racist Waters to shut her yap? They fear she and others will alienate enough good Democrats to the detriment of their party.

Can’t wait for November!
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

I really wish you had not slept through your high school classes on government and economics.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
Do you know any Canadians? It's a great health care system, as long as you don't rely on it

Or worse, are an "enemy of the state". These SOBs literally denied me surgery and even the MRI test for which the emergency doctor recommended. My wife has waited almost 2 years or so now if my dates are correct, to get knee surgery.

Why all this suffering? The State. They have deemed me a problem as I know too much and I'm too vocal about sharing these details, including with allied governments. So as all abusive, centralized systems do, they deny me my rights, even my health. I fear the day I get really sick and need life saving help, they will ensure I don't leave the hospital...

I am quite serious about that comment, no government goes to the length they have to destroy someone unless they are looking to go to all lengths. They won't kill me, they just won't give me proper care. If they aren't going to do it for non-life threatening issues, what will they do if I am really sick? Thankfully the Good Lord has graced me to this point with excellent health, I see the doctor once every 5 years. However, I can't stop age and I can't beat the oppressive system.

I've said it before, and I mean it, don't shed a tear for any tariffs against Canada. In fact, celebrate and think of people like me who have been crushed without any interest by our media or so-called human right groups. Canada is the Poster Boy for socialism, the conduit for which these International governments and ideology will try and influence America. We see it happening in places like California and Seattle already.
Last edited:
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.

Maybe they are happier because they are idiots who are snowbound 9 months out of the year and don't know any better.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
Do you know any Canadians? It's a great health care system, as long as you don't rely on it

I have to agree. I lived in NH for over twenty years, almost on the Canadian border.

I have a friend who has a relative that lives in Canada.

She had breast cancer and came to the US for treatment because the Canadian health system has long waits even for something like breast cancer that needs to be treated in a timely manner.

She paid out of pocket for treatment here in the US and is alive and doing well ten years later.

If she'd waited for treatment in Canada she'd be dead.

Oh and believe me she isn't the only Canadian who comes to the US for medical treatment.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.

The Democrat party now is all socialist

Our whole country is pretty much socialist, each year we slide closer and closer with each dollar spent and each dollar added to the debt.

And Trump's tariffs are just one more step towards socialism.

Tariffs & socialism, corporatism & civil war

I really wish you had not slept through your high school classes on government and economics.

Even sleeping through them I know both government and economics far better than you do. Some of us have moved past what we learned in High School and added to that knowledge. You might want to try it, perhaps you have heard of this thing called "college"? Though doubtful you have ever seen the inside of a classroom at one.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.

Canadians are very happy with their people first programs. You’re an outlier. Every American I know of who comes to Canada raves about our health care, our programs which provided support and assistance to young families and the elderly.

Canadians have much higher satisfaction levels and quality of life to Americans. Better and cheaper education, healthcare, infrastructure and personal freedoms.

It makes me suspect that you’re not a Canadian at all.
You are entitled to your point of view.
A Bernie Sanders minion beating a NY Liberal. The loons are losing to the wackadoodles. I see this as a good thing there is no way in hell they are going to convince middle class America that they have to give over more and more of their hard earned money to finance the "Democratic" Socialist dream of an ever expanding government .
I have quite a few Canadians in my Nassau County town.
They came to the US, in part, because health care in Canada sucks.

And at the same time we have thousands upon thousands of Americans that go to Mexico for prescription drugs and medical treatments.

Seems our system is not really all that perfect either.

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