Alien Laser Strike Australia Outback


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Links? Quotes? Sources?

A 12yr old could have done that with a match

If you would bother to right-click on the picture and check out the information, it would SHOW where it came from!!!!!

Your OP.
Your responsibility to support your title.

When I c/p the img link and back out the img title all I get is the news site.
Why should I search the entire site to find a story you should have posted?

Is that an elephant hiding behind that bush to the right?
Maybe he's been playing with matches.

Thats the spaceship that shot the laser

Let me have a crack at it. I do have a few years experience as a forensic analyst. What we have here is evidence of a common occurrence in the "Outback". Behind the tree is the trailer, the living quarters of a typical Ossie shepherd. He was sitting in the grass, having a smoke while counting sheep and fell asleep on the job. It scared the piss out of him, thank God or else that grass fire would have spread way more than it did.

Okay, now I got one for you:

No, it would not be fair to leave you dangling in suspense.
"Moped jousting" is a Bavarian Spring ritual. When spring has arrived you leave your car in your garage, put on a full face cover helmet get on your Moped and kick over all the speed traps in your neighborhood. Unfortunately the city bureaucrats have deep pockets and mount these on stands that are increasingly harder to kick over.
My friend back in my old hometown almost crashed and nearly his right leg
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Is that an elephant hiding behind that bush to the right?
Maybe he's been playing with matches.

Thats the spaceship that shot the laser

Let me have a crack at it. I do have a few years experience as a forensic analyst. What we have here is evidence of a common occurrence in the "Outback". Behind the tree is the trailer, the living quarters of a typical Ossie shepherd. He was sitting in the grass, having a smoke while counting sheep and fell asleep on the job. It scared the piss out of him, thank God or else that grass fire would have spread way more than it did.

Okay, now I got one for you:
[ame=]Moped jousting - YouTube[/ame]

No, it would not be fair to leave you dangling in suspense.
"Moped jousting" is a Bavarian Spring ritual. When spring has arrived you leave your car in your garage, put on a full face cover helmet get on your Moped and kick over all the speed traps in your neighborhood. Unfortunately the city bureaucrats have deep pockets and mount these on stands that are increasingly harder to kick over.
My friend back in my old hometown almost crashed and nearly his right leg

In keeping with the importance of this thread, do you have proof it wasn't hit by an alien laser? :D
Thats the spaceship that shot the laser

Let me have a crack at it. I do have a few years experience as a forensic analyst. What we have here is evidence of a common occurrence in the "Outback". Behind the tree is the trailer, the living quarters of a typical Ossie shepherd. He was sitting in the grass, having a smoke while counting sheep and fell asleep on the job. It scared the piss out of him, thank God or else that grass fire would have spread way more than it did.

Okay, now I got one for you:
[ame=""]Moped jousting - YouTube[/ame]

No, it would not be fair to leave you dangling in suspense.
"Moped jousting" is a Bavarian Spring ritual. When spring has arrived you leave your car in your garage, put on a full face cover helmet get on your Moped and kick over all the speed traps in your neighborhood. Unfortunately the city bureaucrats have deep pockets and mount these on stands that are increasingly harder to kick over.
My friend back in my old hometown almost crashed and nearly his right leg

In keeping with the importance of this thread, do you have proof it wasn't hit by an alien laser? :D

Naah the only thing I`m not too sure of is if the sheep-counter fell asleep with a burning cigarette or if it was a case of spontaneous human combustion when he dehydrated after he ran out for Foster`s Lager. But had that been the case he would not have been able to piss on the fire and put it out before it spread more than it did. Aliens are way past primitive stuff like lasers, they have been using photon torpedoes long before we climbed down from our trees.
The laser strikes, that`s the CIA. But they don`t zap grass in Australia. Their target is Greenland and the arctic ice.
Why? open the Northwest Passage so that we can send aircraft carriers through there that don`t fit in the Panama Canal.
These alien rumors are a clever CIA conspiracy like area 51. Just in case a laser goes haywire and fries somebody in Australia...which can then be blamed on aliens. Don`t let them fuck with your mind. The same bastards slide the rocks around in Death Valley when nobody is looking...for the same reasons:

This picture was taken when their area 51 anti-gravity beam had not yet been perfected to get larger rocks completely off the ground even after long take off runs. But as we know since Feb 15th, they got all the bugs out now and dropped a huge rock from Death Valley on Russia...while the whole world believes that was a meteor from outer space. The timing was perfect, don`t you agree. Had they not fucked up the trajectory then everybody would have assumed it was a piece of DA 14.
How could I possibly be wrong ?
Just figure out what the odds are that 2 meteors head towards earth from 2 different directions and arrive at the same day.
One of them hit the CIA`s try-out target and the other one, DA 14 missed Iran by just 15 minutes. That was pulled in with their tractor beam, designed by none other than Gene Roddenberry.
Want some more proof that you can`t dis-prove ?
For now I rest my case because I have to write some more hard to deny "empirical AGW evidence" for the IPCC, to deflect attention from my real employer who wants all the arctic ice gone by 2020 at the latest.
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