Alimony is sexist

Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.
It has more to do with the wage gap between men and women and the fact that many women still interrupt their careers to care for children. When that equals out, so will alimony awards.

Sorry, but that's horseshit. Women don't interrupt their careers to care for children. They go on maternity leave. If they stop working, it's because they don't want to work. The whole idea that women can raise children on their own is all part of women's equality. If working women can raise children on their own, then there is no reason to pay a woman alimony because she decided spend her marriage by keeping her lazy ass at home and leeching off her husband.
Lol, you have some issues with a woman, amirite?
Lol, you have some issues with a woman, amirite?

Actually, I recently became engaged. So the one with the issues is her. She's actually volunteering to spend the rest of her life with me. Fucking moron.

But putting that aside. I take strong issue with all of the "hidden" sexism in our society. All the things that are so institutionalized that we usually fail to notice them on a day to day basis. All of the privileges women traditionally receive in society--once back handed privileges when they were attached with infringements upon women--that many people want to see retained for women. All of the superficially pro-women ideas and concepts which in reality are insults to men and women alike because they are laced with underlying implications of weakness or inferiority. So on, and so forth.
Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.
That is because more women are the caregivers
And sacrifice a career for family.

However it is becoming more common for stay at home dads. Women are making more than every and are becoming executives. Many women are the breadwinner. Then when the kids come and they decide who stays home, more men are making that choice.
Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.
That is because more women are the caregivers
And sacrifice a career for family.

However it is becoming more common for stay at home dads. Women are making more than every and are becoming executives. Many women are the breadwinner. Then when the kids come and they decide who stays home, more men are making that choice.

As stated above, the very notion that women "sacrifice" their careers to raise a family is pure bullshit. They stop working. They choose to stop working. Not to raise children. Because they just don't want to work anymore. Single women raise children while having successful careers all the time. That one must be sacrificed to allow for the other is pure sexism.

But of course, the anti-male crowd likes sexism when it benefits women.
Been decades since I worked in domestic relations matters, but it used to be that women had a lot of protections in the Courts ... stayed home, raised the kids, etc. and 25 years down the pike hubby wants to trade her for two 20-somethings. Yeah - she got alimony - good until such time as she remarried. NOW feminist movement did a lot to change that. Women are seldom awarded alimony longer than a couple years so they can get some job training skills or college ... AND women do now have to pay alimony to their ex if all the evidence proves he deserves it. Used to be unheard of for a man to collect alimony.

It's still uncommon, and the deck is still stacked. And the double whammy is the continued preference toward women when it comes to custody. Women get awarded custody, then oh yeah! Now they have to "stay home" to take care of the kids, so on top of child support they need alimony too! If I were ever in a situation where I was facing a divorce, I would quit my job and take a sabbatical. What's 50% of kiss my ass?

That would be a very stupid move. Good example is my youngest daughter's case - which is a very common situation for thousands of women and children. She neither asked for nor received alimony ... but child support? Yes. BOTH parents have an obligation to see that the needs of their children are met. Her ex quit his job and pulled every trick in the book to avoid paying child support. She worked her ass off to support her child. The last time she was in court they had a new judge who had never seen the file ... her ex's lawyer was stupid enough to ask for a reduction of ARREARAGES...probably because the ex lied to him in the first place. When the Judge got the whole story, he went absolutely ballistic. The only thing that saved the ex from going from courtroom to jail was that my daughter said since he was now collecting disability she was at least getting $100 a month right off the top of that payment - and that was better than nothing. He's still into her for some $40,000 PLUS accruing interest. My grandson is now an adult and with time, maturity, and circumstances he says, "You go, Mom. Now I understand."

So, go ahead and quit your job - it could be more expensive for you than just manning up and paying.
Been decades since I worked in domestic relations matters, but it used to be that women had a lot of protections in the Courts ... stayed home, raised the kids, etc. and 25 years down the pike hubby wants to trade her for two 20-somethings. Yeah - she got alimony - good until such time as she remarried. NOW feminist movement did a lot to change that. Women are seldom awarded alimony longer than a couple years so they can get some job training skills or college ... AND women do now have to pay alimony to their ex if all the evidence proves he deserves it. Used to be unheard of for a man to collect alimony.

It's still uncommon, and the deck is still stacked. And the double whammy is the continued preference toward women when it comes to custody. Women get awarded custody, then oh yeah! Now they have to "stay home" to take care of the kids, so on top of child support they need alimony too! If I were ever in a situation where I was facing a divorce, I would quit my job and take a sabbatical. What's 50% of kiss my ass?

That would be a very stupid move. Good example is my youngest daughter's case - which is a very common situation for thousands of women and children. She neither asked for nor received alimony ... but child support? Yes. BOTH parents have an obligation to see that the needs of their children are met. Her ex quit his job and pulled every trick in the book to avoid paying child support. She worked her ass off to support her child. The last time she was in court they had a new judge who had never seen the file ... her ex's lawyer was stupid enough to ask for a reduction of ARREARAGES...probably because the ex lied to him in the first place. When the Judge got the whole story, he went absolutely ballistic. The only thing that saved the ex from going from courtroom to jail was that my daughter said since he was now collecting disability she was at least getting $100 a month right off the top of that payment - and that was better than nothing. He's still into her for some $40,000 PLUS accruing interest. My grandson is now an adult and with time, maturity, and circumstances he says, "You go, Mom. Now I understand."

So, go ahead and quit your job - it could be more expensive for you than just manning up and paying.

We're not talking about child support. :slap:
Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.
That is because more women are the caregivers
And sacrifice a career for family.

However it is becoming more common for stay at home dads. Women are making more than every and are becoming executives. Many women are the breadwinner. Then when the kids come and they decide who stays home, more men are making that choice.

As stated above, the very notion that women "sacrifice" their careers to raise a family is pure bullshit. They stop working. They choose to stop working. Not to raise children. Because they just don't want to work anymore. Single women raise children while having successful careers all the time. That one must be sacrificed to allow for the other is pure sexism.

But of course, the anti-male crowd likes sexism when it benefits women.
The irony of you making such a sweeping generalization about women while pretending to care about sexism.

Many people feel it is a good thing to bond with their children and will interrupt their careers to do so. This can be either parent.

And as alimony can be awarded to either gender the entire premise of your thread is bullshit.
a sweeping generalization about women


Many people feel it is a good thing to bond with their children and will interrupt their careers to do so. This can be either parent.

And? It's a choice to be a stay at home parent. I'm not knocking that choice. But I reject that anyone, in any way, is obligated to do so in any manner.

And as alimony can be awarded to either gender the entire premise of your thread is bullshit.

We've already been over this. Your argument is just as easily applied toward wages. Men and women both receive wages, men and women both negotiate for wages, men and women both have the same freedom to pursue whatever whatever line of work they wish. Therefore, based on your argument here, there is nothing sexist about the wage gap.

Now, if you're willing to agree to that, then I'll entertain your premise that alimony cannot be sexist due to both genders receiving it. However, if you insist that receiving pay is not enough, but that it has to be equal pay in order for there to be no sexism, then you must say the same thing about alimony. It's not enough that men receive alimony, men must receive equal pay when it comes to alimony.
a sweeping generalization about women


Many people feel it is a good thing to bond with their children and will interrupt their careers to do so. This can be either parent.

And? It's a choice to be a stay at home parent. I'm not knocking that choice. But I reject that anyone, in any way, is obligated to do so in any manner.

And as alimony can be awarded to either gender the entire premise of your thread is bullshit.

We've already been over this. Your argument is just as easily applied toward wages. Men and women both receive wages, men and women both negotiate for wages, men and women both have the same freedom to pursue whatever whatever line of work they wish. Therefore, based on your argument here, there is nothing sexist about the wage gap.

Now, if you're willing to agree to that, then I'll entertain your premise that alimony cannot be sexist due to both genders receiving it. However, if you insist that receiving pay is not enough, but that it has to be equal pay in order for there to be no sexism, then you must say the same thing about alimony. It's not enough that men receive alimony, men must receive equal pay when it comes to alimony.
Your broad generalization was your claim that women stay home with kids because they don't want to work.

Yes, women need to become better negotiators in the work place and refuse to work for subpar wages.

I have no idea what you mean by men must receive equal pay when it comes to alimony.
Alimony does go over the line at times. I have a buddy he makes a decent living They have 3 kids after he is on the line for $3500 child support and $4k alimony (it drops down to $2.5k in 7 yrs so she can go back to college and start a career. He still has to provide the kids healthcare and eventually pay for their college. She also got the house. When all is said and done he lives off of $3000. Far cry from the over $10k after taxes he used to live off of.

On top of that she is seeking to make him pay half of the daycare and the kids activities. Meanwhile he moved back in with his parents.
Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.

women are not given PREFERENCE-------the math works out that way ----now-----
men earn more and men do not interrupt their careers for children

Yeah, and if people are given a subsidy only if they have a baby, clearly that is not sexist. The math just works in a way that only women have babies.

Get real... 97% is pretty close to 100%.

It's really ironic though that it's the minuscule amount of women who have to pay and complain that are taken seriously.
Alimony does go over the line at times. I have a buddy he makes a decent living They have 3 kids after he is on the line for $3500 child support and $4k alimony (it drops down to $2.5k in 7 yrs so she can go back to college and start a career. He still has to provide the kids healthcare and eventually pay for their college. She also got the house. When all is said and done he lives off of $3000. Far cry from the over $10k after taxes he used to live off of.

On top of that she is seeking to make him pay half of the daycare and the kids activities. Meanwhile he moved back in with his parents.
He should have kept his knees together.
Men can be awarded alimony so I'm not seeing how it is sexist.

Can. Rarely are. In practice, women are overwhelmingly given preference in the matter.

What you're saying is really no different then the fact that women can get paid just as much as men. If the pay gap is sexism, then alimony is sexism too.

women are not given PREFERENCE-------the math works out that way ----now-----
men earn more and men do not interrupt their careers for children

Yeah, and if people are given a subsidy only if they have a baby, clearly that is not sexist. The math just works in a way that only women have babies.

Get real... 97% is pretty close to 100%.

It's really ironic though that it's the minuscule amount of women who have to pay and complain that are taken seriously.

3 % is nothing to sneeze at since men VERY VERY VERY rarely know how to shop for fruits and vegetables or know how to do laundry
most women are not awarded alimony and most child support is never paid
Somewhat alimony is not prevalent as prevalent because 75% of women/mothers/wives are working moms on par or close to their husbands. Alimony is generally awarded when these elements are present:
(1) Children in the marriage,
(2) A spouse gave of career opportunities in order to care for the family,
(3) Lack of spouse's income potential or education.
(4) Longevity of marriage, sweet spot is 10 yes
(5) Standard of living during the marriage
(6) The breadwinner's income potential and education

Child support is easy to collect on. All jurisdictions follow the ruling in the original jurisdiction. Not paying child support is a felony. In addition child support is regularly taken right from a the spouse's income in the form of a wage garnishment.

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