Alitalia/Air Wales: Commercial Deadline?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The marketing of airline companies could boost tourism for nations in Europe looking to use commerce to catalyze vital geo-political ties in this age of consumerism-driven 'nationalism-negotiations' regarding USA-China (such as Wales and Italy!).

Alitalia and Air Wales for example represent a modern business investment in transit-based culture-marketing which could boost consumerism-profiles for Europe (in general) and spell enhanced cpmmercial-ties for U.S. government related product exporting for companies such as Microsoft and importing for non-American companies such as Samsung (e.g., Trump's trade-talks with friendly South Korea during North Korea's nuclear bravado near Labor Day weekend indicated this new trend in 'commerce-driven political grandstanding').


TRUMP: We have to become best-friends with South Korea.
CARTER: Yes, Samsung and Hyundai are popular brands from South Korea.
TRUMP: Consumerism is the key to modern peace...
CARTER: That's the view of the World Bank (and arguably the European Union).
TRUMP: We don't want China to ally with North Korea!
CARTER: Certainly, and that requires trade-driven confidences.
TRUMP: That takes work; we can't just say, "Americans love Korean food!"
CARTER: No, the flowery of Chinatown must spell new 'dimensions' for immigration.
TRUMP: Precisely, which is why the tourism industry is so symbolic and vital.
CARTER: Airlines such as Alitalia and Air Wales may appeal to young American travelers.
TRUMP: Yes, college students want good amenities while traveling to Europe.
CARTER: Commerce separates civilization from terrorism/fascism.
TRUMP: The new world order is about energy policy and commerce maturity!
CARTER: We don't want pilots being taken hostage, reminding us of Munich...





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