All "climate skeptics" need to read this

Truth be told, mammoooo has none, but that doesn't stop her from pumping out loads of fudge here daily...

We went to court in 2007 about Antarctica - and the verdict was that Antarctic ice was increasing, and the FUDGE side was TOO CHICKEN TO APPEAL...
And, once again, the TIPPYs take raw data showing NO WARMING and FUDGE IT...

As nobody has ever denied there's an urban heat island effect, you're lying again by pretending they have. UHI is compensated for in the temperature averages.

And in a supreme embarrassment for Watts, it was found that his "bad stations" showed _less_ warming than the "good stations". That conspiracy theory went boom, and anyone still pushing it is a proud cult liar.

Lose the namecalling, pissdrinker, or I keep returning the favor. Try acting like a grownup for a change.

why would Greenland be melting on land?

Because it's warming. Duh.

Are you saying that CO2 is to blame?

Yes. Have you heard of this "global warming thing?

Why isn't it melting Antarctica then?

Antarctic land ice is melting. Try to keep up with current events.
name calling? I have no idea what a mamooth is so tooth works for me. Like none of you pissdrinkers don't change names like what has been happening with my user name. Don't be so serious all the time, you'll learn to relax and enjoy life.

Now, if you're saying it's warming, why isn't the warmth the same around the globe, I mean were only talking a difference of about 20 PPM of CO2 around the globe right? Also, are you saying that land ice hasn't melted before in Greenland? What about the yearly calving? Hmmm there have been videos of a calving event in the past really awesome. I was told the melt is the same as back in 1889, well I know for a fact that CO2 levels weren't as high then? So the fact that the same melt is occurring like 1889, then CO2 can't be your heater.
Truth be told, mammoooo has none, but that doesn't stop her from pumping out loads of fudge here daily...

Your queer stalker routine is kind of creepy.

We went to court in 2007 about Antarctica - and the verdict was that Antarctic ice was increasing, and the FUDGE side was TOO CHICKEN TO APPEAL...

Why would Gore appeal, given the British judge ruled in his favor? Somebody sued to stop the movie, the judge rejected that. Let's quote that judge.

Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education & Skills [2007] EWHC 2288 (Admin) (10 October 2007)
i) It is substantially founded upon scientific research and fact, albeit that the science is used,
in the hands of a talented politician and communicator, to make a political statement and to
support a political programme.

Oh, nothing in that judge's ruling says Antarctica is gaining ice. Why did you lie about that? If you're not lying, I'm sure you can point it out in the ruling that I so helpfully linked to.
Now, if you're saying it's warming, why isn't the warmth the same around the globe,

Because that would contradict the laws of physics and common sense.

It's your theory, that temperatures should equalize across the globe, so don't ask me to explain your theory.
And THIS is the best the "warmers" have here???


When you leave your car in the Sun, only the front seats get hot.... according to Flat Earth Society President Mamooooo..
Why do all the Warmers sound so much alike?

Remember, crying at me just encourages me, and displays to everyone that you're butthurt over losing.

Oh, here's the RATPAC radiosonde data, RATPAC being the gold standard of weather balloon data.


LaDexter claims that's not warming. All honest people see the strong warming trend in it.

If you redacted the name of the poster and has to guess who it might be it would be impossible to say if it were Crick or Mammoth. They say the exact same things with the same snarky attitude
Now, if you're saying it's warming, why isn't the warmth the same around the globe,

Because that would contradict the laws of physics and common sense.

It's your theory, that temperatures should equalize across the globe, so don't ask me to explain your theory.
well either CO2 is causing it or not. all over the globe is 380 to 400PPM, why wouldn't all of the CO2 behave the same? I'm sorry, but you're confused.

BTW, how do you explain the 1889 melt then?
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jc, it's not worth the trouble to attempt to figure out what you're babbling about, being how your logic is not like our mere Earth logic.
jc, it's not worth the trouble to attempt to figure out what you're babbling about, being how your logic is not like our mere Earth logic.
I know, cause you have no idea what CO2 can do. you'd just pop up an experiment that can show how it actually works. You know, emit three times what it absorbs.
UHI is compensated for in the temperature averages.

And, once again, a closer look reveals just what kind of "scientists" we are dealing with here. The global "correction" from the TIPPYs is 0.05 degrees F, a laughably small correction since going from nature to Tokyo warms the surface right there 10 full degrees. Most major urban areas, which is where Surface GRound temperatures are measured, have moved up the nature to Tokyo scale by 2-5 degrees or more. The correction should be 1.5 degrees, which would completely wipe out the warming in Surface Ground and put Surface Ground in correlation with the raw data from oceans and atmosphere, which both show precisely

If you redacted the name of the poster and has to guess who it might be it would be impossible to say if it were Crick or Mammoth. They say the exact same things with the same snarky attitude

They are both PAID by the TAXPAYER to post here and other places online, shouting down truth and trying to get those who have the truth banned... "climate science" at its finest...




"This isn't about truth, it is about plausible deniability" - Dr. Mann
If you redacted the name of the poster and has to guess who it might be it would be impossible to say if it were Crick or Mammoth. They say the exact same things with the same snarky attitude

They are both PAID by the TAXPAYER to post here and other places online, shouting down truth and trying to get those who have the truth banned... "climate science" at its finest...




"This isn't about truth, it is about plausible deniability" - Dr. Mann

EnviroMarxists don't care about truth
My deal is simple. I just ask "believers" to explain what happened in between 5 serious kick ass ice ages.

And they probably stare at you, astonished at how you thought such a stupid question made any sense. And you imagine that you've scored a great victory.

Are you also of the opinion that because forest fires used to all be natural, it's impossible for humans to cause forest fires?

That example explains why your "Climate changed naturally before, so humans can't change climate!" line of reasoning is so hilariously stupid.

How much must we lower CO2 to get the climate back to normal

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