All Eyes On 6th District Appeals Court For Polygamy/gay Marriage/adoption


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Well the only shot orphaned kids have now is on the 6th District Court of Appeals upholding voters' rights to set standards for marriage and the adoption of kids that will be the new loophole for other than man/woman to gain access to them.

October 6, 2014 Some media outlets are calling today’s cert denials a surprise given the high-profile issue involved. But the denials are not really unexpected when you consider there has been little disagreement among lower courts over whether same-sex marriage bans are constitutional. Perhaps the Court is waiting for a split to emerge (as we predicted in prior posts and media comments). All eyes are therefore on the Sixth Circuit’s forthcoming decisions to see whether they will be in line with other courts or whether the Sixth Circuit will blaze a different path. We will continue to keep close watch. Still Waiting on Sixth Circuit s Same-Sex Marriage Rulings As U.S. Supreme Court Denies Cert Petitions In Same-Sex Marriage Appeals From Three Other Circuits 6th Circuit Appellate Blog

Reminding again that we are talking about behaviors, not race. And behaviors that parades themselves as a matter of sober "pride" in lewd sex displays in front of kids invited to watch and even participate in the deviant sex parades.

Marriage for LGBTs will not only mean marriage for polygamists as well, but also legal access to orphans, our nation's most vulnerable citizens. I contend orphans' civil rights surpass these people's to access them legally via lawsuits after the federal protection. I would contend also that the 82% of people who voted in this website's more popular polls feel the same way I do about this subculture finally getting unfettered legal access to orphaned kids Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum :

So far, 0% of LGBT people have come and spoken out publicly against these parades or against the veneration of Harvey Milk, a man who openly preyed on teen boys on drugs to sodomize. I hope the 6th thinks of the children first and adults second:




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Below is the Oakland apology to the leather S&M camp for excluding them at first from the 'family friendly' public gay pride event. Notice the bootlicking retraction. The children will march in the same parade as the S&M leather adults.

The parade will host pony rides, Jolly Trolly from Children’s Fairyland and singer/drummer Sheila E. Instead of Dykes on Bikes, they are kicking off with Tykes on Trikes....

...The leather community was not pleased to hear that they would be excluded from the event, leading to a correction and apology released late Saturday from Oakland Pride saying that Uribe was misquoted in the article and that although there will be "no nudity or sexually explicit material at the Parade or Festival, this in no way denies the leather community from participating." Uribe continued, "First off, let me apologize to anyone who was offended by the quote in the article. Those are not my sentiments and not my words. What the article should have said is that we are not allowing nudity, which I can only assume that the reporter made the jump to leather, which is not acceptable."- See more at: Oakland Pride No Nudity but Leather Community is More Than Welcome "

Below is the lineup for the San Francisco gay pride parade for 2015: SF Pride Parade Line-up
Adult nudity and the lewdest sex acts are commonplace in the SF "Pride" parade..

[Note the ones in bold]

001Dykes on Bikes/Women's Motorcycle Contingent
002San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
005San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band & San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
006SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee - Prancing Elites - Special Guests
007San Francisco Balloon Magic
008KOFY TV-20 & Harley Davidson Motor Company
009Cheer SF / Cheer For Life Foundation
010Mock, Janet - Celebrity Grand Marshal
011Gutierrez, Jewlyes - Community Grand Marshal
012Trans March - Organizational Grand Marshal
013Griffin-Gracy, Miss Major - Community Grand Marshal & TGIJP
014Bud Light - Anheuser Busch
015Pelosi, Nancy, Congresswoman
016San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Model-A Ford Club of America
018San Francisco Police Officer Pride Alliance
019Newsom, Gavin - Lt Gov., Chiang, John - CA Controller, & Lee, Edwin - Mayor
020San Francisco Sheriff's Department - Protect and Defend
021Yee, Betty - State Board of Equalization Member
023Kaplan, Roberta - Celebriity Grand Marshal
024National Center for Lesbian Rights - NCLR
025Leno, Mark - Senator, State of California
026C5 Children's Schools
027Berkeley School, The
028Ammiano, Tom - Assemblyperson
029Bay Area Independent Schools
030Youth Pride Coalition
031Virgin America
032URJ Camp Newman
033Kaiser Permanente
034San Leandro Unified School District
035Our Family Coalition / COLAGE
036Gay-Straight Alliance Network
037Apple Inc.
038Chabot College Gay-Straight Alliance
039Ting, Phil - Assemblymember
040Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center
041Adachi, Jeff - Public Defender, City of San Francisco
042Frank, Barney - Guest of Honor, with husband James Ready
043Girl Scouts of Northern California, SF Service Unit w/Big Bus
045Scouts for Equality - Golden Gate Chapter
046Gordon, Rich, Assemblymember
047United Airlines
048PG&E PrideNetwork
049Mullin, Kevin - Assemblymember
050Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
051Mathews, Ross - Celebrity Grand Marshal
052Gascón, George - San Francisco District Attorney
053Project Open Hand
054Hospice by the Bay
055Cisneros, José - Treasurer, City & County of San Francisco
056Whole Foods Market
057Chu, Carmen - San Francisco Assessor-Recorder
058Shanti Project
059Black Brothers Esteem/San Francisco AIDS Foundation
060AIDS Emergency Fund/Breast Cancer Emergency Fund
061Chiu, David - President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors
062On Lok Lifeways
064Rainbow Community Center
065Bank of America
066AIDS Healthcare Foundation / Out of the Closet Thrift Stores
067Let's Kick Ass
068Campos, David - SF Board of Supervisors &Latinos de Ambiente del Area de la Bahía
069Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, The
070Green Cross, The
071Hard Rock Café
073Cohen, Malia - Supervisor, City of San Francisco & UTOPIA
074Glide Memorial United Methodist Church
076San Francisco SPCA, The
077Burger King
078Farrell, Mark - San Francisco Board of Supervisors
079Johnson, III - EJ - Celebrity Guest
080Union for Reform Judaism
082Kim, Jane - San Francisco Board of Supervisors
083Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
084Genentech Out & Equal
085Institute on Aging
087Wiener, Scott - Supervisor, City of San Francisco
088Breed, London - SF Board of Supervisors
089Nathan, Melanie - Community Grand Marshal
090San Francisco LGBT Community Center, The
091One Marriott - IMG
092Betty's List & Bay Times
093Grahn, Judy - Lifetime Achievement Grand Marshal
094Avicolli Mecca, Tommi - Community Grand Marshal
095Manning, Chelsea - Hon. Grand Marshal
096Courage to Resist & Pvt. Manning Support Network
097Clear Channel
098Pride Radio / Clear Channel
099Joie de Vivre
101Intel Corporation
102Tang, Katy - SF Board of Supervisors & SF Dept Animal Care & Control
103McIlvenna, Dr. Ted - Gilbert Baker Pride Founder's Award
104Swirl Radio
105Atheist Groups of the Bay Area
106Bay Area Intactivists
107Bay Area Furrys
108San Francisco Leather Pride Contingent
109Bare Chest Calendar
111Worthington, Kriss - Berkeley City Council
112San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - SFMTA
113Pink Pistols San Francisco
114San Francisco Public Library, James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center
115San Francisco Department of Veterans Affairs
116Independent Adoption Center
117Equality California Institute
118Marriage Equality USA
119United States of Marriage Equality
121Abadá Capoeira San Francisco
122Colectivo ALA
124NASA Ames Research Center
126University of San Francisco LGBTQ Caucus for Faculty/Staff
127San Francisco State University
128University of California, San Francisco
129UC Hastings College of the Law
130Graton Casino
131UNITE HERE! Local 2
132SEIU Local 1000 Lavender Committee
133Gay Business Graduate Association
134Tesla Inc.
135Freedom in Christ
137Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits (BAAITS)
138Asexuality Visibility and Education Network
139Buddhist Church of San Francisco
140United in Spirit
141Dignity / San Francisco
142Lutherans Concerned / Oasis
143Episcopal Diocese of California / Oasis California
144Soul of Pride
145City of Oakland - Oakland Pride
146City of Fremont
147Wells Fargo
148Bay Area LGBT Catholics
149Mormons for Marriage Equality
150Church Ladies & Gents for Gay Rights/First Cong. Church Sonoma UCC
151San Francisco Opera
152JPMorgan Chase
154Coca Cola, Inc.
155Imperial Council of San Francisco, Inc.
156Planting Peace / The Equality House
158Levi Strauss
159Feinstein's at the Nikko
160Bank of the West
161Chipotle Mexican Grill
162Bay Area Bisexual Network - BABN
163Guerneville: Hub of the Russian River
164Trevor Project, The
166US Bank
167San Francisco Human Rights Commission
168Straights for Gay Rights
169Berkeley Free Clinic
170San Francisco Department of Public Health - HIV Research Section
171San Francisco Fire Department
172San Francisco Area Local #2
173Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System
174Zendesk & St. Anthony Foundation
175BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)
176National Park Service
177Aquarium of the Bay
178Contemporary Jewish Museum
179San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and Asian Art Museum
181Rhythm & Motion Dance Program and ODC School
182San Francisco FrontRunners
183Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific
185ACLU of Northern California
187America Cancer Society
188Golden State Warriors
189Mischief Lab
191San Francisco Media Company / SF Examiner and SF Weekly
192Body Freedom Network
193San Francisco Ducal Court
195Oracle LGBT Group
196San Francisco Zen Center
198PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
199Mercy For Animals
200Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
201YMCA of San Francisco
202United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 5
203Sutter Health
205Electronic Arts
207You Move Me
211American Immigration Lawyers Association Northern California PRIDE
213Yellow Cab Company
214Great Giant Moving Company
216Lookout Mobile Security
217San Francisco Bay Area Curling Club
219SEIU United Healthcare Workers - West
221Rainbow Honor Walk
For what it's worth [and I think it isn't much anymore...]

Jude 1 New Testament:

1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:
2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.
3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
12 These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.
17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;
18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
That's their ID card...normal homos should be disgusted.
What is their "ID card"? And no LGBT people to my knowledge have ever spoken out against pride parades or Harvey Milk's sodomizing teens on drugs. Do you know of any? Anywhere? No press release I've heard of..

What's a "normal gay person" BTW? Someone who speaks out against LGBT 'pride' parades or Harvey Milk? Don't hold your breath.
That's their ID card...normal homos should be disgusted.
What is their "ID card"? And no LGBT people to my knowledge have ever spoken out against pride parades or Harvey Milk's sodomizing teens on drugs. Do you know of any? Anywhere? No press release I've heard of..

What's a "normal gay person" BTW? Someone who speaks out against LGBT 'pride' parades or Harvey Milk? Don't hold your breath.
Porn is their ID card....and I would not expect to see barney fag in his underwear bent over a fence....but then...maybe yore right...
Sil is having a complete meltdown today.
Yes she is.
Uh, no? As usual, you folks take something that is a mundane political move on behalf of the SCOTUS [unfortunately they do that stuff] and turn it into "we won!". And as usual I keep reminding you that being the first Court to legalize polygamy is not the badge this Court is anxious to wear.

Was watching liberal media and Maddow gloat last night. Though she did note that the four [conservative/GOP] Justices opposed to gay marriage could've taken it up right now. She brushed that aside like it was nothing, or a joke, and then went on to tout Windsor as a victory. I often wonder if she has actually read it.

That was followed immediately by the Lawrence O'Donnell show with a bunch of very long faces of the LGBT crowd who looked a bit nervous like they were having some sort of private meltdown off-set, speaking of meltdown.

And as I've always said before. If the SCOTUS wants to give these folks an unfettered legal platform to launch winning lawsuits against adoption agencies currently able to protect kids from supporters of lewd/sober/proud sex acts where they hope kids will be watching, it's on them. And if they allow this suspension of the civil rights of orphaned kids, it's on their heads. I will go to my grave knowing I did everything I could to prevent it. I will have tried to reduce the chances of what happened to my friend happing to another boy. That will be my personal sense of calm. And opposed to them, I'll be able to sleep at night.
As I understand it, the 6th has a majority of conservative-appointed judges. Here's a little bio on one of them:

..As ThinkProgress warned last June, “appointments to federal circuit courts have historically been much more politically charged than appointments to the lower-ranking district courts, so litigants are far more likely to encounter a judge who was selected for their loyalty to a particular ideology.” We also predicted that the Sixth Circuit, with a strong Republican majority and a history of partisan acrimony, was especially likely to treat a marriage equality case with skepticism…
To the extent that there is a wild card on the panel, it is Judge Jeffrey Sutton. Prior to becoming a judge, Sutton was a brilliant — and very conservative — litigator who devoted much of his career to cases seeking to expand the role of the states at the federal government’s expense. He also helped lead the conservative Federalist Society’s Federalism and Separation of Powers practice group. Sutton was widely expected to be a reliable conservative vote when he joined the bench, and for most of his time as a judge, he has been. Could Marriage Equality Hit a Bump at the Sixth Circuit

So if he is all about state's power, and I assume he's read Windsor, he's going to interpret it a bit differently than the blind, politically-correct and biased judges in the circuits so far.
Constitutional law professors and court observers say the 6th Circuit could deliver the first victory to gay marriage opponents.
The three judges hearing the case are Jeffrey S. Sutton and Deborah L. Cook, both nominees of President George W. Bush, and Martha Craig Daughtrey, a pick of President Bill Clinton.
Sutton is considered the least predictable, shocking Republicans in 2011 when he became the deciding vote in a 6th Circuit ruling that upheld President Barack Obama’s landmark health care overhaul.
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr urged Roman Catholics in the 19-county Cincinnati archdiocese to pray that the appeals court would uphold Ohio’s 2004 ban on same-sex marriage in support of “traditional marriage” of “one man and one woman for life.”
If the 6th Circuit decides against gay marriage, that would create a divide among federal appeals courts and put pressure on the U.S. Supreme Court to settle the issue for good in its 2015 session.

Read more:

I guess at the courthouse when this was being heard last Summer, two gay dudes showed up. One in a full wedding dress, the other in a suit. You sometimes see them doing this:


The question isn't whether or not adults can have the freedom to do *whatever* together. The question is that if that behaviors is appropriate to set as a venue in which to raise children... THAT is the question I hope the 6th addresses. So far no other court has talked about the LGBT phenomenon as a CULTURE. Other courts have taken LGBTs word at face value that they were somehow "born that way" [while other fetishes like necrophilia aren't?]. I hope the 6th sees the behavioral genesis of this cult and thinks of the kids. Research has shown that not only are sexual fetishes learned, they are "gifted" socially and then become imprinted in the new generations. It's how human fads become human norms.

The 6th literally sits at a fork in the road in human society.

Read more about that here:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Received August 9, 2000, accepted March 1, 2001

Also here and here:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
Constitutional law professors and court observers say the 6th Circuit could deliver the first victory to gay marriage opponents.
The three judges hearing the case are Jeffrey S. Sutton and Deborah L. Cook, both nominees of President George W. Bush, and Martha Craig Daughtrey, a pick of President Bill Clinton.
Sutton is considered the least predictable, shocking Republicans in 2011 when he became the deciding vote in a 6th Circuit ruling that upheld President Barack Obama’s landmark health care overhaul.
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr urged Roman Catholics in the 19-county Cincinnati archdiocese to pray that the appeals court would uphold Ohio’s 2004 ban on same-sex marriage in support of “traditional marriage” of “one man and one woman for life.”
If the 6th Circuit decides against gay marriage, that would create a divide among federal appeals courts and put pressure on the U.S. Supreme Court to settle the issue for good in its 2015 session.

Read more:

I guess at the courthouse when this was being heard last Summer, two gay dudes showed up. One in a full wedding dress, the other in a suit. You sometimes see them doing this:


The question isn't whether or not adults can have the freedom to do *whatever* together. The question is that if that behaviors is appropriate to set as a venue in which to raise children... THAT is the question I hope the 6th addresses. So far no other court has talked about the LGBT phenomenon as a CULTURE. Other courts have taken LGBTs word at face value that they were somehow "born that way" [while other fetishes like necrophilia aren't?]. I hope the 6th sees the behavioral genesis of this cult and thinks of the kids. Research has shown that not only are sexual fetishes learned, they are "gifted" socially and then become imprinted in the new generations. It's how human fads become human norms.

The 6th literally sits at a fork in the road in human society.

Read more about that here:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Received August 9, 2000, accepted March 1, 2001

Also here and here:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
You people make me laugh.. Yeah a few insane gay rights people dress up and do inappropriate things in public and you all blow a gasket! Where were you when the priest were molesting LITTLE BOYS! That is worse than a few bad parents taking kids to some gay rights event. I bet most of you let your children play on the computer or smart phone without checking to see what they access online. Police your own children and show them the idiots in the photos above so they know what NOT to do in public. I'm not gay but if they want to get married why the hell not? They are going to hell already right? Let them get married and they can do that shit in their own home. If they weren't fighting to have the right; most of them wouldn't be out in public. If I remember correctly only God can judge. "Let he who be without sin cast the first stone"
Sillhy is whipping out her favorite pics again I see. Hey what about the one with the gay couple holding the baby Sillhy? Did that one backfire on you?
You people make me laugh.. Yeah a few insane gay rights people dress up and do inappropriate things in public and you all blow a gasket! Where were you when the priest were molesting LITTLE BOYS!....

...Let them get married and they can do that shit in their own home. If they weren't fighting to have the right; most of them wouldn't be out in public. If I remember correctly only God can judge. "Let he who be without sin cast the first stone"

Let's see a two-part response...

1. I was as disgusted as anyone would be in the hetero culture of priests [gay pedophiles] molesting little boys. We called for inquiries, dispatching of justice and a deep review by the Vatican, remember? Where were YOU? Probably organizing a gay pride parade and having the "tykes on trikes" or boy scouts being first in that lineup... right in front of the leather and S&M floats.. It's a difference of cultural values and the hetero one was shocked and disgusted by the gay priest scandal.

2. Two wrongs don't make a right. You seem to be less disgusted with gay-pedophile priests than you are with the idea of not being allowed to put little boys amongst the lewd sex acts in the gay pride parades. BTW, what's your stance on Harvey Milk?
Sillhy is whipping out her favorite pics again I see. Hey what about the one with the gay couple holding the baby Sillhy? Did that one backfire on you?
You're talking about this one right?


No, I think it belongs here too. Thanks for that reminder. I think seeing a man in his 40s with an older teen, very young 20s boy at his side as they both fondle a newborn infant [hope it's not a boy] is completely appropriate for the consideration of the topic of this thread. Especially when taken in with the information in post #11 here...

Again, thanks for the reminder.
Sillhy is whipping out her favorite pics again I see. Hey what about the one with the gay couple holding the baby Sillhy? Did that one backfire on you?
You're talking about this one right?


No, I think it belongs here too. Thanks for that reminder. I think seeing a man in his 40s with an older teen, very young 20s boy at his side as they both fondle a newborn infant [hope it's not a boy] is completely appropriate for the consideration of the topic of this thread. Especially when taken in with the information in post #11 here...

Again, thanks for the reminder.

Oh you're welcome. Do you know the names of the couple? I'd look to google them so that every once in a while I can point out to you that the kid is doing just fine. Please let me know thanks.
Sil is having a complete meltdown today.

I can imagine. Silo imagined quite a bit in the stays that the USSC allowed a few months ago on the implementations of gay marriage in a variety of states. He insisted that the court had ruled that gay marriage bans were constitutional with the granting of those stays.

Sil is having a complete meltdown today.

I can imagine. Silo imagined quite a bit in the stays that the USSC allowed a few months ago on the implementations of gay marriage in a variety of states. He insisted that the court had ruled that gay marriage bans were constitutional with the granting of those stays.

Why would they have granted them otherwise?
Sil is having a complete meltdown today.

I can imagine. Silo imagined quite a bit in the stays that the USSC allowed a few months ago on the implementations of gay marriage in a variety of states. He insisted that the court had ruled that gay marriage bans were constitutional with the granting of those stays.

Why would they have granted them otherwise?

Why would they have allowed gay marriages to go through in Utah and 6 other States if SCOTUS recognized that gay marriage bans were constitutional? The court's actions are an explicit and irreconcilable contradiction of your interpretation.

Especially since the courts have already ruled that once a State has extended a right to marry, it cannot be stripped away. And as of this morning, the right to marriage was extended to gays and lesbians in States like Utah.

The Utah AG even asked that his appeal be dismissed. What does the Utah Ag know that you clearly don't?
Why would they have allowed gay marriages to go through in Utah and 6 other States if SCOTUS recognized that gay marriage bans were constitutional? The court's actions are an explicit and irreconcilable contradiction of your interpretation.

Especially since the courts have already ruled that once a State has extended a right to marry, it cannot be stripped away. And as of this morning, the right to marriage was extended to gays and lesbians in States like Utah.

The Utah AG even asked that his appeal be dismissed. What does the Utah Ag know that you clearly don't?
I won't argue with you that the Court's actions are contradictory and almost whimsical. They certainly are avoiding acting like a court at all costs. One minute gay marriage is allowed against the will of the majority. They next they aren't, then they are again, then they aren't.

I'll tell you something though, the fact that gay marriage STILL isn't legal in all 50 states sure is saying something? Or's hard to say isn't it? The SCOTUS knows that this question is probably one of the most important society-altering questions of this century. So what do they do? They give it a pass for other lesser legal questions for the 2015 calendar.

I share your frustration for sure. Would be nice to be told once and for all "this is why we are letting gay marriage be legal in some places and not in others". Wouldn't you like to know exactly why that is? I sure would...

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