All of Trumps support coming out by his closest Republican allies


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Are all people who will be indited for many of the same charges as Trump, they are all people who were part of the group that tried to bring down this country or hide his guilt or supported his criminal actions in other ways. Every person so far that has protested the criminal charges in support of Trump are part of the Trump criminal consortium. There will be about 3 to 5 dozen people that will be charged after the first court case that finds him guilty.,When their time is loosened up, and that will be sooner than you think.
Are all people who will be indited for many of the same charges as Trump, they are all people who were part of the group that tried to bring down this country or hide his guilt or supported his criminal actions in other ways. Every person so far that has protested the criminal charges in support of Trump are part of the Trump criminal consortium. There will be about 3 to 5 dozen people that will be charged after the first court case that finds him guilty.,When their time is loosened up, and that will be sooner than you think.
I agree there will be many heads to roll. Those that are the closest. That Russian guy Boris Epshteyn is a definite co-conspirator. Some could have turned States evidence. I believe one of Trump's lawyers did and of course, Trump's own COS Meadows. I think he said immunity over and over while shaking out of fear of a Fed lockup. I can hear Trump calling them all traitors.
Are all people who will be indited for many of the same charges as Trump, they are all people who were part of the group that tried to bring down this country or hide his guilt or supported his criminal actions in other ways.

Tell me, JBlender, do you snort airplane glue or were you born with much of your brain damaged?
The Democrat Cult is so blinded by their hate that they can't see that this bogus indictment will destroy them and not Trump.


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