All the news that’s fit to slant


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A book about journalism written by a former New York Times editor.

A guy by the name of Matthew Continetti reads and it tears it to shreds. Here’s his opening:

Indeed, Merchants of Truth exemplifies the very problems it describes. Abramson needs an editor, too. Her narrative is repetitive, contains factual errors, and loses momentum near the end. She acknowledges the Times’s liberal bias but is much more circumspect when it comes to her own. She says the Times “generally eschewed celebrity news,” which is laughable to anyone who has had to endure its endless profiles of Frank Ocean, Lena Dunham, and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter.

My question is; how did such a clearly unprofessional person get a job as an editor for a major news outlet?

And he continues:

were clotted with mistakes. Lots of them. The truth promised in Merchants of Truth was often not true. While trying to corroborate certain claims, I noticed that it also contained…plagiarized passages.

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