All things Doctor Who!

yea he kinda grows on ya....

My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.

I'm so Old School I remember being upset when Tom Baker left and got replaced with the Cricket Player.

Someday, I need to watch everything leading up to nine. Because I became a Whovian with Eccleston, and I was bitter when Tennant came along. I did not like him - and then I loved him. :)
My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.

I'm so Old School I remember being upset when Tom Baker left and got replaced with the Cricket Player.

Someday, I need to watch everything leading up to nine. Because I became a Whovian with Eccleston, and I was bitter when Tennant came along. I did not like him - and then I loved him. :)

Well, if you can get ahold of it, great.

Unfortunately, most of Patrick Troughton's (Second Doctor) episodes have been lost, and a large section of William Hartnell's.

Despite the poor special effects, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker are the best of the Old School Doctors.

I'm kind of okay with Peter Davidson. Colin Baker, I think was a big mistake. He's an okay actor, just wrong for that role. Sylvester McCoy was okay, but the show got weird under his tenure.
I'm so Old School I remember being upset when Tom Baker left and got replaced with the Cricket Player.

Someday, I need to watch everything leading up to nine. Because I became a Whovian with Eccleston, and I was bitter when Tennant came along. I did not like him - and then I loved him. :)

Well, if you can get ahold of it, great.

Unfortunately, most of Patrick Troughton's (Second Doctor) episodes have been lost, and a large section of William Hartnell's.

Despite the poor special effects, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker are the best of the Old School Doctors.

I'm kind of okay with Peter Davidson. Colin Baker, I think was a big mistake. He's an okay actor, just wrong for that role. Sylvester McCoy was okay, but the show got weird under his tenure.

yea its to bad about the 2nd Doctors being lost i kinda liked the guy....and Pertree and Leftbridge-Stewart were great together.....T.Baker was the first guy who pulled the stick out of his Ass and had some fun with the roll....i liked Davison the first layed back Doctor....C.Baker treated sweet Peri like shit....but McCoy i kinda liked...the Columbo of the Doctors....i would have liked to have seen more of the 8th Doctor....
They are talking about making some shorts starring the 8th Doctor. McGann says he's up for it.

great.....what gets me is even though he just did the one movie, he has WAY more novels out than any of the Doctors except the 7th who has a ton of them out there too....
I just finished season 4 (I think) and was sad to see David Tennant go. Like really....But I like the new Doctor almost instantly. Weird

yea he kinda grows on ya....

My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.

that's how I felt when David Tennant became the Doctor. I was like "Who is this nerdy guy" but (in my David Tennant Doctor Who voice) OH YES! He grew on me.

This new guy Matt....Is weird and funny but rough tho. I'm only 2-3 episodes in
They are talking about making some shorts starring the 8th Doctor. McGann says he's up for it.

great.....what gets me is even though he just did the one movie, he has WAY more novels out than any of the Doctors except the 7th who has a ton of them out there too....

How are the Who books?

BD if you like Doc Who you would like the novels....some of the authors have written for the show i believe.....but they have the different Doctors Characters down fairly good .....and some of the books have introduced Companions not from the TV shows....i have read dozens of them and they were fast reads with good reading a 2nd Doctor one right now....
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yea he kinda grows on ya....

My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.

that's how I felt when David Tennant became the Doctor. I was like "Who is this nerdy guy" but (in my David Tennant Doctor Who voice) OH YES! He grew on me.

This new guy Matt....Is weird and funny but rough tho. I'm only 2-3 episodes in

the 11th Doctor had a few episodes with the Weeping Angels that were pretty good...
I'm not really liking this 11th Doctor :(

Well, Christmas is his last episode...

Hope the next guy is wonderful.

My sister and I just watched the last Tennant episode, but now we can't find where he actually regenerates and 11 appears. Any ideas?

I think she was more saddened by Donna being returned to stupid than Tennant's departure. :(
I'm not really liking this 11th Doctor :(

Well, Christmas is his last episode...

Hope the next guy is wonderful.

My sister and I just watched the last Tennant episode, but now we can't find where he actually regenerates and 11 appears. Any ideas?

I think she was more saddened by Donna being returned to stupid than Tennant's departure. :(

It was at the end of "End of Time" Part 2, after he defeats the Master and the Time Lords, and says goodbye to all his companions.

Incidently, I'm not fond of the way they handled Tennett's regeneration. I thought it was self-indulgent and over the top.

But this is kind of my complaint with the way Davies ran DW in his tenure, he tended to load things down with emotion and forgot to have as much fun.
Well, Christmas is his last episode...

Hope the next guy is wonderful.

My sister and I just watched the last Tennant episode, but now we can't find where he actually regenerates and 11 appears. Any ideas?

I think she was more saddened by Donna being returned to stupid than Tennant's departure. :(

It was at the end of "End of Time" Part 2, after he defeats the Master and the Time Lords, and says goodbye to all his companions.

Incidently, I'm not fond of the way they handled Tennett's regeneration. I thought it was self-indulgent and over the top.

But this is kind of my complaint with the way Davies ran DW in his tenure, he tended to load things down with emotion and forgot to have as much fun.

i dont think the Doctors are having fun when they regenerate it supposed to be a fun time?....
Hope the next guy is wonderful.

My sister and I just watched the last Tennant episode, but now we can't find where he actually regenerates and 11 appears. Any ideas?

I think she was more saddened by Donna being returned to stupid than Tennant's departure. :(

It was at the end of "End of Time" Part 2, after he defeats the Master and the Time Lords, and says goodbye to all his companions.

Incidently, I'm not fond of the way they handled Tennett's regeneration. I thought it was self-indulgent and over the top.

But this is kind of my complaint with the way Davies ran DW in his tenure, he tended to load things down with emotion and forgot to have as much fun.

i dont think the Doctors are having fun when they regenerate it supposed to be a fun time?....

no, but it's also not supposed to be over the top.

"I'm so badly injured I am going to go back in time and say goodbye to all of my companions. Then I'm going to find the granddaughter of the woman who I breifly fell in love with when I was disguised as a human. Then I'm going to swing by, borrow money from Donna's dead dad, go into the future and find out what the winnig lottery tickers are, then go back and buy a ticket and give it to Donna on her wedding day."

The other times, Regeneration is, you get injured, you regenerate, new Actor. They did not drag it out for 20 minutes of sorrow.
It was at the end of "End of Time" Part 2, after he defeats the Master and the Time Lords, and says goodbye to all his companions.

Incidently, I'm not fond of the way they handled Tennett's regeneration. I thought it was self-indulgent and over the top.

But this is kind of my complaint with the way Davies ran DW in his tenure, he tended to load things down with emotion and forgot to have as much fun.

i dont think the Doctors are having fun when they regenerate it supposed to be a fun time?....

no, but it's also not supposed to be over the top.

"I'm so badly injured I am going to go back in time and say goodbye to all of my companions. Then I'm going to find the granddaughter of the woman who I breifly fell in love with when I was disguised as a human. Then I'm going to swing by, borrow money from Donna's dead dad, go into the future and find out what the winnig lottery tickers are, then go back and buy a ticket and give it to Donna on her wedding day."

The other times, Regeneration is, you get injured, you regenerate, new Actor. They did not drag it out for 20 minutes of sorrow.

well then lets see if he has this Doctor go back and find Amy and Rory...

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