All this presumption that the CO shooter is mentally ill.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
Just cause he killed a dozen or so most seem to think the guy is mentally ill.
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Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.
Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.

For me...i really don't care if they are sane or not.. mentally ill or not... the punishment should fit the crime.

This guy.... im up for the death penalty :thup:
Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.

For me...i really don't care if they are sane or not.. mentally ill or not... the punishment should fit the crime.

This guy.... im up for the death penalty :thup:

That is my point, if one commits murder they are insane in my book.
Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.

For me...i really don't care if they are sane or not.. mentally ill or not... the punishment should fit the crime.

This guy.... im up for the death penalty :thup:

That is my point, if one commits murder they are insane in my book.

Why? Murder isn't automatically insane. If I decide to kill my husband because I want to cash in on his life insurance policy, am I insane, or am I just evil? Seems to me that it's a completely sane, logical choice to make, if one is starting from the amoral position that selfish personal desires take more precedent than other people's lives.
I'll wait until we have considerably more information.

Probably the best thing to do.

You need more information to decide whether or not someone who killed 12 people is mentally ill?

IMO, he isn't mentally ill, because I don't believe that someone could so calmly kill those people and not be of sound mind. It sounds, so far, that he planned this.

But its only very early days, so lets see. Whatever the case, he is never getting out of prison.
For me...i really don't care if they are sane or not.. mentally ill or not... the punishment should fit the crime.

This guy.... im up for the death penalty :thup:

That is my point, if one commits murder they are insane in my book.

Why? Murder isn't automatically insane. If I decide to kill my husband because I want to cash in on his life insurance policy, am I insane, or am I just evil? Seems to me that it's a completely sane, logical choice to make, if one is starting from the amoral position that selfish personal desires take more precedent than other people's lives.

I am going with one having to be insane to be evil, but that is just me.
I'll wait until we have considerably more information.

Probably the best thing to do.

You need more information to decide whether or not someone who killed 12 people is mentally ill?

Mass murder is abnormal, aberrant, and repellant. That doesn't automatically make it insane. Whether or not he's insane depends on why he did it, whether he knew what he was doing, and whether or not he understood the nature of the act and the consequences.
Probably the best thing to do.

You need more information to decide whether or not someone who killed 12 people is mentally ill?

IMO, he isn't mentally ill, because I don't believe that someone could so calmly kill those people and not be of sound mind. It sounds, so far, that he planned this.

But its only very early days, so lets see. Whatever the case, he is never getting out of prison.

Insanity doesn't necessarily mean you're so disorganized as to be unable to make basic plans and carry them out. Depends on the insanity.

As to whether he ever gets out, I wish that was more certain than it is. Probably he never will, but probably doesn't really do it for me.
That is my point, if one commits murder they are insane in my book.

Why? Murder isn't automatically insane. If I decide to kill my husband because I want to cash in on his life insurance policy, am I insane, or am I just evil? Seems to me that it's a completely sane, logical choice to make, if one is starting from the amoral position that selfish personal desires take more precedent than other people's lives.

I am going with one having to be insane to be evil, but that is just me.

Why? It's abnormal and aberrant, like I said, but that doesn't make it crazy.
Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.

For me...i really don't care if they are sane or not.. mentally ill or not... the punishment should fit the crime.

This guy.... im up for the death penalty :thup:

That is my point, if one commits murder they are insane in my book.

i agree, and that should not give them a pass on punishment if he is found insane or not.
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A soldier that kills twelve people might be considered a hero or a murderer; depends on one's moral definitions.

'Mentally ill' is a majority judgment and totally relative outside a physical, demonstrable brain defect. Our standard is what makes something mentally ill or not. Some people consider being 'left' or 'right' sick.

I think a great number of people would assume walking into a movie and mowing down innocent attendees qualifies as 'nuts'.
Personally, I hate it that people can use the insanity plea in murder trials. I feel if you commit murder who are mentally ill.

I would not be unhappy if we replaced "Not guilty by reason of insanity" with "Guilty but insane".

But the fact is, very few people actually can make such a plea work, since the standard is so high. Holmes won't make it work because the level of planning and execution that went into his scheme showed he knew the difference between right and wrong. So this isn't even a discussion.

Even when people do "get off", usually, they end up spending more time in an institution than they would have spent in prison, because no one wants to sign off on them being "cured" and then have them do something else.
What possible pinishment that we can give this cretin is fitting for his crime?

Even the DP seems merciful to me.

LWOP in a BOX seems more fitting.

And I do not mean he spends the rest of his life in weight room, I mean the man spends his every moment until DEATH sitting alone in a BOX.

Give him time LOTS OF TIME, to regret the choices he's made.

SLOW DEATH by human isolation seems fitting to me.
A soldier that kills twelve people might be considered a hero or a murderer; depends on one's moral definitions.

'Mentally ill' is a majority judgment and totally relative outside a physical, demonstrable brain defect. Our standard is what makes something mentally ill or not. Some people consider being 'left' or 'right' sick.

I think a great number of people would assume walking into a movie and mowing down innocent attendees qualifies as 'nuts'.

Unless it is done in the movie that you are watching, then it is entertainment.
People pay hundreds of millions for that.

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