All Those Vulgar Insults Hurled At Conservatives,Especially Since 2016.Yet,Not One Peep From Maxine

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?
:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?

They are literally calling our president "Orangutan".

They haven't been this pissed since we freed their slaves.
:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?

They are literally calling our president "Orangutan".

They haven't been this pissed since we freed their slaves.
:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?

It was reported a few days ago that she did have a complete meltdown on the floor in Congress ...

:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?

They are literally calling our president "Orangutan".

They haven't been this pissed since we freed their slaves.

Yes, I take you are still shedding tears for not having slaves to whip over.

Today the democrat party has become much more modern of course. Collecting their slave contributions by taxation.
:CryingCow: Maxine Waters, and all of her reasons why Trump needs to be impeached. But at the same time, we have seen Democrats/Liberals using the most vicious/maybe borderline racist slurs on Conservatives. From Bill Maher, to a few MSNBC Hosts/Guests, and now, Samatha Wasp. {or was it Bee?}.
So where is Maxine Waters throughout all this? We have seen both her and "Singer/Congressman Al Green" wanting to impeach Trump for a few things he said over the past two or so years, yet Trump has never called anyone a "C",,,a "M.F",,a "D.A.N",,,A "Feckless {Fill In The Blank}...ect. etc.
Hmm, maybe Maxine has brain damage?,,only needs to speak out against Trump just to show off her new wig?

Look, if YOU had smoked as much crack in your life as Maxine has, you'd be brain damaged too....

I'm just saying.

But remember, racism is COOL when pointed at Republicans.
Why do Republicans go apeshit over Democrat’s attempts to remove the Confederate flag if it’s a symbol of Democrats keeping slaves, and Democrat’s heritage?

You’re not smart. Not even close.

Why is blatant racism by Stalinists okay?

Dr. Ben Carson deserves a “‘coon of the year’ award,” says a tweet from Anthea Butler, a University of Pennsylvania religious-studies professor and a frequent MSNBC guest.

Butler’s revealing invective was in response to a tweet from Daily Beast editor-at-large Goldie Taylor. That tweet highlighted a Sports Illustrated article in which Carson championed Americans’ right to fly flags — including the Confederate flag — that other Americans see as a symbol of hate.}

Prof. Anthea Butler Says Ben Carson Deserves 'Coon' Award

Butler still teaches and still appears on MS13NBC

What does the hate mongering leftist advocacy group CNN have to say about Dr. Carson?

{His harsh criticism of Obama, the Black Lives Matter movement, Muslims, and Mexican immigrants provides the political right with racial cover. Their logic is that if a black man says it, then it can’t be racist. Their support of him is proof to progressives that they too are willing to vote for a black man. If you’re trying to boast your racial tolerance credibility these days, “I’m voting for Ben Carson” sounds a lot more convincing than “some of my best friends are black.”}

Awww. Do you cons need a safe place ?

The name caller in Chief has zero standing to complain.
When is someone going to prosecute and jail Maxine? Her skin color has given her a pass for way too long....where is justice in America?????
Awww. Do you cons need a safe place ?

The name caller in Chief has zero standing to complain
Near full employment in the Trump economy...I would think you could be a bit more grateful......

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