All three identities of Kyle Rittenhouse's Valor now known: A Convicted Pedophile, an Open Communist and a Wife Beater.

Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.
Make up your mind. Are borders good or not?

Self defense is a basic human right. Yes, even for people you hate.
State border should have been enough to keep him out and parents should have never let him think they would approve his going. Armed incursion outside the law in not anything I ever heard of a supported by rule of law. The kid is no hero. The only reason he is not an out and out villain is just because he is a dumb kid. Wisconsin isn't Tennessee, not a stand your ground state, and even I would be on flaky legal ground to go armed to a riot, especially in another town, got myself into a situation confronting protesters with a gun and shot somebody. It's not how self defense laws are written and is no carte blanche defense. BTW, I've been on here since November. Have you ever heard me say i hated anybody? Right. Never said it, did I? Don't put words in my mouth. Falsely labeling somebody is just another kind of lie, isn't?
Pssst we don’t live in a communist country lol
Psst you aren't even allowed a gun and I don't think you just got back from Kenosha armed legally or illegally, and we live in the same country. Kind of bet you didn't scarf one and go to meet and defeat the rioters in Boston, back in late April or June.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
And none of this makes any difference to the crime committed by the RWNJ tRumpling vigilante. It's still murder 1, and he's still gonna get life in prison.

Get over it.
Goodness, you Commies hate it when conservatives defend their lives.

We'll just put you in the "wishes the pieces of shit had murdered the white conservative kid" column.
He wasn't defending his life. He was committing murder in the first as a vigilante. If he was worried about his life he shouldn't have driven across a state line to attend a riot.
So...why is then okay for all the BLM armed activists to be bussed in to riot?
No. Not like pedophile. More like a minor chile of a broken home, not restrained and guided, but humored and given ungoverned access to firearms with not control over his associations or actions. Sounds like what many think is wrong in the inner city.
You can complain about how this kid was allowed to leave his home to attend a riot fully armed.
You cannot deny that the trio of deviants, criminals and the radical who drew a pistol on Rittenhouse
were all shot in self defense. Joseph Rosenbaum Kenosha shooting victim shot in self defense?

A trial will establish this. The blame the victim sickness simply must end.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

Failure of the authorities to put down the riots as they should have done months ago has compelled regular citizens to feel like they need to defend their own communities.
This is exactly why this shit should have been stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately yes, by law the kid now bears responsibility for the life he took, but charging him with 1st degree murder is a crock. He was chased down and knocked down.
The mayor and governor need to look themselves in the mirror and place the blame on the first face they look at. None of this should have happened except for fear of maintaining law and order and giving into rioters as if they were actually some civil rights movement.
many of these "peaceful protestors" are criminals with records.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?
how do you know his parents let him go???
If they live under your roof and are a minor child, you should be exercising control or you are not doing your job as a parent.

but how do you know they let him do it???
Our kids were the talkative types, secure in our nuclear family. Kid's parent knew or should have known the kid was hanging with militia. Definitely knew he had the AR-15. Should have known he was interested in getting involved to do his (misguided) part, as he would have been talking about it. Knowing this a normal parent wouldn't have said "NO" they would have said "Hell No", and told him to stay home. If the kid didn't respect that judgement, they raised him wrong already. Moral responsibility is theirs or more accurately, responsibility to control the actions and activities of the child living under the roof was hers, as we are talking about a broken home situation, reason unknown.
but how do you know they let him do it???
Because he was there. Ever run an accident investigation? Somebody is always responsible whether the take or accept responsibility or not.
but that doesnt mean they let him go,,,

you might think that if you were a soyboy still tied to his mothers apron stings at 17,,,but not everybody's that pathetic,,,
1. Who is "they" and who did they let go?
2. Kid definitely not tied to apron string, but should have respected her on a major thing like whether it is alright to take is AR-15 and ammo out of the house to go play cop wannabe in the streets in another state. Does no mean no, under your roof for your kids, or did you raise yours wrong and figure everybody else did too, so it's OK?
You are stating as fact things you have no way of knowing.
Sorry, but if she didn't know, she should have known, as she is responsible for knowing and controlling. I have been held responsible for what people under my command did that I was unaware of until I was pointedly informed by somebody that was pretty damn sure I should have known and there was no room for shirking. No fun, but you are responsible for your people and you are dang sure responsible for your kids. On the organizational side though, it flows down hill and if you do it right the next level or two down do not forget your wrath and better handle their responsibilities to assist you in better handling yours. At the family level, the buck stops with the parents to be responsible and exercise control because kids do not.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Nice shot!!

Note handgun boi's "paramedic" hat.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Nice shot!!

Note handgun boi's "paramedic" hat.

I wonder if he has a "press" hat in his backpack?
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

The link to Rosenbaum is gone.. No surprise.. it was commercial site that got threatened probably.. Still gonna be on the state sex offender list right? I don't care to look...
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This is who the American Communist Left is today.

They are the biggest ENEMY this Great Nation Faces Today !!!!!
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Seems to be an issue here.. I searched Wisc Sex offenders by name and got no hit on your guy.. The "homelink" is gone.. Not a reliable criminal list anyways... Here's what I got


Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Sex Offender Registry

Name Search:
Enter a last name and/or first name to search for sex offenders by name.
Last Name:*First Name:Middle Initial:

Offender Search Results
No offenders found.

I entered Rosenbaum Joseph D -- no hits.. Try it yourself..
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
And none of this makes any difference to the crime committed by the RWNJ tRumpling vigilante. It's still murder 1, and he's still gonna get life in prison.

Get over it.
Goodness, you Commies hate it when conservatives defend their lives.

We'll just put you in the "wishes the pieces of shit had murdered the white conservative kid" column.
He wasn't defending his life. He was committing murder in the first as a vigilante. If he was worried about his life he shouldn't have driven across a state line to attend a riot.
Really? LolView attachment 380924View attachment 380925
It's not self defense if you go out of your way to put yourself in the situation.
Lol what situation would that be? Standing at a gas station?
He left his mom's house with a gun looking for someone to shoot. That's not self defense no matter how long you look at it.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
And none of this makes any difference to the crime committed by the RWNJ tRumpling vigilante. It's still murder 1, and he's still gonna get life in prison.

Get over it.
Goodness, you Commies hate it when conservatives defend their lives.

We'll just put you in the "wishes the pieces of shit had murdered the white conservative kid" column.
He wasn't defending his life. He was committing murder in the first as a vigilante. If he was worried about his life he shouldn't have driven across a state line to attend a riot.
Really? LolView attachment 380924View attachment 380925
It's not self defense if you go out of your way to put yourself in the situation.
Lol what situation would that be? Standing at a gas station?
He left his mom's house with a gun looking for someone to shoot. That's not self defense no matter how long you look at it.
We need the "winner" tag back.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Seems to be an issue here.. I searched Wisc Sex offenders by name and got no hit on your guy.. The "homelink" is gone.. Not a reliable criminal list anyways... Here's what I got


Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Sex Offender Registry

Name Search:
Enter a last name and/or first name to search for sex offenders by name.
Last Name:*First Name:Middle Initial:

Offender Search Results
No offenders found.

I entered Rosenbaum Joseph D -- no hits.. Try it yourself..
Gosh, you don't suppose the right wing "media" lied do you?
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
And none of this makes any difference to the crime committed by the RWNJ tRumpling vigilante. It's still murder 1, and he's still gonna get life in prison.

Get over it.
Goodness, you Commies hate it when conservatives defend their lives.

We'll just put you in the "wishes the pieces of shit had murdered the white conservative kid" column.
He wasn't defending his life. He was committing murder in the first as a vigilante. If he was worried about his life he shouldn't have driven across a state line to attend a riot.
Really? LolView attachment 380924View attachment 380925
It's not self defense if you go out of your way to put yourself in the situation.
Lol what situation would that be? Standing at a gas station?
He left his mom's house with a gun looking for someone to shoot. That's not self defense no matter how long you look at it.
Any video? Link? Are you sure you have the right guy?
Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender as of this morning. In a sense being dead gets him off that list
but his name should still be there.

LOL he was daring right wingers to shoot him in the head yesterday. Looks like he got his wish.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Seems to be an issue here.. I searched Wisc Sex offenders by name and got no hit on your guy.. The "homelink" is gone.. Not a reliable criminal list anyways... Here's what I got


Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Sex Offender Registry

Name Search:
Enter a last name and/or first name to search for sex offenders by name.
Last Name:*First Name:Middle Initial:

Offender Search Results
No offenders found.

I entered Rosenbaum Joseph D -- no hits.. Try it yourself..

Gosh, you don't suppose the right wing "media" lied do you?

Was no "right wing media" involved here. The only link to proof was a commercial homesearch website and that page was taken down PROBABLY BECAUSE some other innocent Joseph B Rosenbaum's house was being shown with a false title..

So -- even tho I have zero interest in this squabble, I was being assailed by members for closing a Pol Satire thread about this guy being a dead pedophile and decided to go to the SOURCE.. And nothing turns up... Just natural curiousity and trying to be fair.. That's all...
No. Not like pedophile. More like a minor chile of a broken home, not restrained and guided, but humored and given ungoverned access to firearms with not control over his associations or actions. Sounds like what many think is wrong in the inner city.
You can complain about how this kid was allowed to leave his home to attend a riot fully armed.
You cannot deny that the trio of deviants, criminals and the radical who drew a pistol on Rittenhouse
were all shot in self defense. Joseph Rosenbaum Kenosha shooting victim shot in self defense?

A trial will establish this. The blame the victim sickness simply must end.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

Failure of the authorities to put down the riots as they should have done months ago has compelled regular citizens to feel like they need to defend their own communities.
This is exactly why this shit should have been stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately yes, by law the kid now bears responsibility for the life he took, but charging him with 1st degree murder is a crock. He was chased down and knocked down.
The mayor and governor need to look themselves in the mirror and place the blame on the first face they look at. None of this should have happened except for fear of maintaining law and order and giving into rioters as if they were actually some civil rights movement.
many of these "peaceful protestors" are criminals with records.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?
how do you know his parents let him go???
If they live under your roof and are a minor child, you should be exercising control or you are not doing your job as a parent.

but how do you know they let him do it???
Our kids were the talkative types, secure in our nuclear family. Kid's parent knew or should have known the kid was hanging with militia. Definitely knew he had the AR-15. Should have known he was interested in getting involved to do his (misguided) part, as he would have been talking about it. Knowing this a normal parent wouldn't have said "NO" they would have said "Hell No", and told him to stay home. If the kid didn't respect that judgement, they raised him wrong already. Moral responsibility is theirs or more accurately, responsibility to control the actions and activities of the child living under the roof was hers, as we are talking about a broken home situation, reason unknown.
but how do you know they let him do it???
Because he was there. Ever run an accident investigation? Somebody is always responsible whether the take or accept responsibility or not.
but that doesnt mean they let him go,,,

you might think that if you were a soyboy still tied to his mothers apron stings at 17,,,but not everybody's that pathetic,,,
1. Who is "they" and who did they let go?
2. Kid definitely not tied to apron string, but should have respected her on a major thing like whether it is alright to take is AR-15 and ammo out of the house to go play cop wannabe in the streets in another state. Does no mean no, under your roof for your kids, or did you raise yours wrong and figure everybody else did too, so it's OK?
You are stating as fact things you have no way of knowing.
Sorry, but if she didn't know, she should have known, as she is responsible for knowing and controlling. I have been held responsible for what people under my command did that I was unaware of until I was pointedly informed by somebody that was pretty damn sure I should have known and there was no room for shirking. No fun, but you are responsible for your people and you are dang sure responsible for your kids. On the organizational side though, it flows down hill and if you do it right the next level or two down do not forget your wrath and better handle their responsibilities to assist you in better handling yours. At the family level, the buck stops with the parents to be responsible and exercise control because kids do not.
Funny how you can't seem to work up the same level of outrage over rioters.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
And none of this makes any difference to the crime committed by the RWNJ tRumpling vigilante. It's still murder 1, and he's still gonna get life in prison.

Get over it.
Goodness, you Commies hate it when conservatives defend their lives.

We'll just put you in the "wishes the pieces of shit had murdered the white conservative kid" column.
He wasn't defending his life. He was committing murder in the first as a vigilante. If he was worried about his life he shouldn't have driven across a state line to attend a riot.
Really? LolView attachment 380924View attachment 380925
It's not self defense if you go out of your way to put yourself in the situation.
Lol what situation would that be? Standing at a gas station?
He left his mom's house with a gun looking for someone to shoot. That's not self defense no matter how long you look at it.
And the armed domestic terrorists...?

Don't bother condemning them now. Not that you would.
No. Not like pedophile. More like a minor chile of a broken home, not restrained and guided, but humored and given ungoverned access to firearms with not control over his associations or actions. Sounds like what many think is wrong in the inner city.
You can complain about how this kid was allowed to leave his home to attend a riot fully armed.
You cannot deny that the trio of deviants, criminals and the radical who drew a pistol on Rittenhouse
were all shot in self defense. Joseph Rosenbaum Kenosha shooting victim shot in self defense?

A trial will establish this. The blame the victim sickness simply must end.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

Failure of the authorities to put down the riots as they should have done months ago has compelled regular citizens to feel like they need to defend their own communities.
This is exactly why this shit should have been stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately yes, by law the kid now bears responsibility for the life he took, but charging him with 1st degree murder is a crock. He was chased down and knocked down.
The mayor and governor need to look themselves in the mirror and place the blame on the first face they look at. None of this should have happened except for fear of maintaining law and order and giving into rioters as if they were actually some civil rights movement.
many of these "peaceful protestors" are criminals with records.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?
how do you know his parents let him go???
If they live under your roof and are a minor child, you should be exercising control or you are not doing your job as a parent.

but how do you know they let him do it???
Our kids were the talkative types, secure in our nuclear family. Kid's parent knew or should have known the kid was hanging with militia. Definitely knew he had the AR-15. Should have known he was interested in getting involved to do his (misguided) part, as he would have been talking about it. Knowing this a normal parent wouldn't have said "NO" they would have said "Hell No", and told him to stay home. If the kid didn't respect that judgement, they raised him wrong already. Moral responsibility is theirs or more accurately, responsibility to control the actions and activities of the child living under the roof was hers, as we are talking about a broken home situation, reason unknown.
but how do you know they let him do it???
Because he was there. Ever run an accident investigation? Somebody is always responsible whether the take or accept responsibility or not.
but that doesnt mean they let him go,,,

you might think that if you were a soyboy still tied to his mothers apron stings at 17,,,but not everybody's that pathetic,,,
1. Who is "they" and who did they let go?
2. Kid definitely not tied to apron string, but should have respected her on a major thing like whether it is alright to take is AR-15 and ammo out of the house to go play cop wannabe in the streets in another state. Does no mean no, under your roof for your kids, or did you raise yours wrong and figure everybody else did too, so it's OK?
You are stating as fact things you have no way of knowing.
Sorry, but if she didn't know, she should have known, as she is responsible for knowing and controlling. I have been held responsible for what people under my command did that I was unaware of until I was pointedly informed by somebody that was pretty damn sure I should have known and there was no room for shirking. No fun, but you are responsible for your people and you are dang sure responsible for your kids. On the organizational side though, it flows down hill and if you do it right the next level or two down do not forget your wrath and better handle their responsibilities to assist you in better handling yours. At the family level, the buck stops with the parents to be responsible and exercise control because kids do not.
Funny how you can't seem to work up the same level of outrage over rioters.
Not outraged, just stating fact. If parents exercised their responsibility in properly raising their kids there would be less crime, less rioters and you and I would not be having this conversation. But they do not. Slum area crime, violence, rioting are real. There are a lot of irresponsible asshole of both sexes of all races out there and they have screwed up everything, along with those that enabled them in government. Knowing the cause and responsibility does not solve the problem and I do not know what does. I will be outraged when and if comes to my community and I will take my stand then. Last time I took a stand in domestic unrest event I was in uniform, following orders, while armed to the teeth, but part of a cohesive military unit. Lots more out there with empty weapons or no weapon. They only called us when shooting started. Whenever we arrived, it stopped. We were lucky. They were lucky. I wasn't even outraged then, just following orders under good discipline. Amazing what a effect a disciplined responsible approach often achieves in all things. Parenting is and should be like that, or they are doing it wrong.
No. Not like pedophile. More like a minor chile of a broken home, not restrained and guided, but humored and given ungoverned access to firearms with not control over his associations or actions. Sounds like what many think is wrong in the inner city.
You can complain about how this kid was allowed to leave his home to attend a riot fully armed.
You cannot deny that the trio of deviants, criminals and the radical who drew a pistol on Rittenhouse
were all shot in self defense. Joseph Rosenbaum Kenosha shooting victim shot in self defense?

A trial will establish this. The blame the victim sickness simply must end.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

Failure of the authorities to put down the riots as they should have done months ago has compelled regular citizens to feel like they need to defend their own communities.
This is exactly why this shit should have been stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately yes, by law the kid now bears responsibility for the life he took, but charging him with 1st degree murder is a crock. He was chased down and knocked down.
The mayor and governor need to look themselves in the mirror and place the blame on the first face they look at. None of this should have happened except for fear of maintaining law and order and giving into rioters as if they were actually some civil rights movement.
many of these "peaceful protestors" are criminals with records.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?

yes, It is the same problem that has been going on for months. The rioters in Kenosha are empowered because they know that nothing is going to happen to them. They don't live in a bubble and can see what has been going on in Portland, Minnesota and elsewhere. Rioters everywhere have gotten the message that nothing much is going to happen to them and they feel justified in that the message from the Democrat half of Congress is that they have a good excuse for rioting.

Fact is, by their actions, one can see that they believe the Streets of America belong to them. They can burn businesses and smash their windows with impunity, I suppose because they feel they hold the superior ideology. They feel justified but the fact is, our streets DO NOT belong to them. They can go F' themselves as far as I'm concerned. Our streets, businesses and neighborhoods belong to the American people who go to work every day and have been paying their dues.
Most of these JACKASSES are unemployed. They contribute SHIT and are taking away from other citizens who are the silent majority.
If they werent out rioting, the kid would not have been out there with an assault rifle feeling he needed to do something. He wouldnt have been out there otherwise.

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