All three identities of Kyle Rittenhouse's Valor now known: A Convicted Pedophile, an Open Communist and a Wife Beater.

Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.
He's old enough to get shipped off to one of the idiotic foreign wars that you progs love so much, he's old enough to go shoot some commie ass in the streets of Murica.
3 for 3 in the rap sheet department. If true that's batting 1.000.

Give him a marksmanship medal and let him teach classes.

The kid shouldn't have been there, but they shouldn't have been either with the intent to burn shit down, or decide to bash him over the head with their skateboard (you can't criticize one brand of violence without criticizing the other), so when these idiots end up with holes in them I have zero sympathy. If this kid had ended up with his brains on that skateboard rolling down the sidewalk I don't doubt the same people vilifying him would have said he deserved it.

It's too bad that these 'protestors' been led to believe there is little to no risk in these criminal actions, as if they thought otherwise we wouldn't be seeing what we're seeing. Maybe a couple of corpses will slow their roll a bit...
It’s very telling White 6 hasn’t said a thing about all the minors running around lighting shit on fire and stealing anything they can get their grimy little hands on. All the parents of those hooligans are just peachy.

What a fraud.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

If the dead asshole was indeed a pedo?

Give the kid a medal.

Hilarious, left loons gathering behind a felon. Eventually you'll figure out how stupid you look

Another felon dead.... yawn
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
Dang, three Sleepy Joe Cabinet positions down the drain....
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Do you have any better links dude?

You completely lack one for #3, #1 doesn't work. #2 is a pro Donald Messageboard.

A mod moved this to conspiracy theories, even though I provided links and the information is well known about their criminal records.

A mod moved this to conspiracy theories, even though I provided links and the information is well known about their criminal records.

IF it's "well known", then provide some reputable sources, otherwise it's a pretty dispicable slander of shooting victims.

And awfully convenient isn't it?
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Do you have any better links dude?

You completely lack one for #3, #1 doesn't work. #2 is a pro Donald Messageboard.

I've provided the links. If you can link something to the contrary, then do so. Not my fault the first link went offline after I made the thread. And it's a well known fact right now, something you could have easily verified.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Do you have any better links dude?

You completely lack one for #3, #1 doesn't work. #2 is a pro Donald Messageboard.

That one is not working well...

So...I go to copblaster...find what you linked to...then go to "for more info" the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry and look for "Rosenbaum".

No such individual listed. Any ideas?
TWITTER is not a source other than a link to what someone tweeted.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.

Do you have any better links dude?

You completely lack one for #3, #1 doesn't work. #2 is a pro Donald Messageboard.

I've provided the links. If you can link something to the contrary, then do so. Not my fault the first link went offline after I made the thread. And it's a well known fact right now, something you could have easily verified.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.

save your effort and dont argue with her,,I suggest going over her head and talk to a rational mod,,,

this thread absolutely belongs in current events,,,
unfurl="true"]Kenosha shooting: One officer fired all seven shots into Jacob Blake's back; Teen arrested in killing of protesters

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.

Only one link is proved to be factual so far and it's the one you only just added, Grosskreutz.

The other two are as yet unsubstantiated. Even Fox isn't reporting it.

Find something reputable and I'll move it back.
Pedophilia, wife-beating, and other subtle, hidden, and officially sanctioned abuse of women and children are part and parcel of the COMMUNIST PARTY's culture of maintaining and enforcing "community" political values, which include hustling men out of house and home and chain-ganging them together relentlessly in a labor union to support the "women and children's" collective. There's a rigidly defined and harshly enforced "role" for everyone under the COMMUNIST collective system.
unfurl="true"]Kenosha shooting: One officer fired all seven shots into Jacob Blake's back; Teen arrested in killing of protesters

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.

Only one link is proved to be factual so far and it's the one you only just added, Grosskreutz.

The other two are as yet unsubstantiated. Even Fox isn't reporting it.

Find something reputable and I'll move it back.

Here's your links:

Link 1: Containing Joseph D Rosenbaum's Zip CODE, "53142."
Link 2: Names of Sex Offenders in 53124

Rosen 1.PNG


unfurl="true"]Kenosha shooting: One officer fired all seven shots into Jacob Blake's back; Teen arrested in killing of protesters

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.

Only one link is proved to be factual so far and it's the one you only just added, Grosskreutz.

The other two are as yet unsubstantiated. Even Fox isn't reporting it.

Find something reputable and I'll move it back.

Here's your links:

Link 1: Containing Joseph D Rosenbaum's Zip CODE, "53142."
Link 2: Names of Sex Offenders in 53124

View attachment 380830

View attachment 380828


Ok, that's reasonable for Rosenbaum but the crime listed is "sexual contact with a minor" - that is not pedophilia, that is typically "statutory rape"....pretty big difference and, actually one a rather controversial crime to include in the sex registry.

Anthony Huber - provide a good link and I'll move the thread back.

unfurl="true"]Kenosha shooting: One officer fired all seven shots into Jacob Blake's back; Teen arrested in killing of protesters

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm and is expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee.


I ask that these new links be added to the OP and this thread to Current Events.

Only one link is proved to be factual so far and it's the one you only just added, Grosskreutz.

The other two are as yet unsubstantiated. Even Fox isn't reporting it.

Find something reputable and I'll move it back.

Here's your links:

Link 1: Containing Joseph D Rosenbaum's Zip CODE, "53142."
Link 2: Names of Sex Offenders in 53124

View attachment 380830

View attachment 380828


Ok, that's reasonable for Rosenbaum but the crime listed is "sexual contact with a minor" - that is not pedophilia, that is typically "statutory rape"....pretty big difference and, actually one a rather controversial crime to include in the sex registry.

Anthony Huber - provide a good link and I'll move the thread back.


I'm not playing your game of moving goalposts.

Let the USMB community judge you here by your owns words.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?
All I can tell you is young men were honored, in retrospect, for joining the armed forces and going to war during WWII despite being under aged.
I would not want my son going to battle against the evil of the array of sick evil devils we see in Kenosha
but what Kyle Rittenhouse did is not unprecedented in our nation's history, though it is the exception.
We used to see such actions as honorable and admirable.

Some people run away from a fight. Some run towards it.
It's truly sad and unfortunate that democrat strongholds continue to be ground zero for arson, violence, theft and attempted murder.
We wouldn't have to worry or complain about unusual young men running towards a fight if not for these
breeding grounds for riots and nascent revolutions.
That's the real crime and the real shame of it all. What you choose to complain about says
a lot about you.
He was involved by way of a loosely organized non-government aligned militia group, lacking discipline, not under police control or operating to law enforcement standards, or invited by or reporting to the local law enforcement establishment, yet armed. There is more to the type of support they volunteered to come in from out of state to effect, than just showing up with weapons for self defense. They did not show up last night and it was much quieter. The kid was lucky he didn't get killed himself. It is not a job for amateurs. When Sheriff or police chief briefing on the situation was ask if he was great for the presence of the militias to help maintain order, he chuckled, pause, shook his head and replied, "no". Amateurs in the operational area are just others with guns that have to be watched out for and were not supposed to be on the streets. Although I cannot fault the desire to help, non-align militia operating outside of law enforcement control is not a help, but another complication to law enforcement's operational mission.
No. Not like pedophile. More like a minor chile of a broken home, not restrained and guided, but humored and given ungoverned access to firearms with not control over his associations or actions. Sounds like what many think is wrong in the inner city.
You can complain about how this kid was allowed to leave his home to attend a riot fully armed.
You cannot deny that the trio of deviants, criminals and the radical who drew a pistol on Rittenhouse
were all shot in self defense. Joseph Rosenbaum Kenosha shooting victim shot in self defense?

A trial will establish this. The blame the victim sickness simply must end.
It does not justify the mindless lack of control that allowed the kid to go in the first place. I don't know where his father is, hopefully he didn't provide the weapon. The mother ought to be in jail for failing to exercise control of a minor living in her home.
Joseph D Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile on the sex registry. Joseph as setting fire to a car dealership when confronted by Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse. Previous footage shows Joseph daring the armed militias to shoot him.

Anthony Huber was convicted of strangling, kidnapping, raping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. Anthony Huber chased and smashed Patriot Kyle Rittenhouse over the head with a skateboard.

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is the leader of the People's Revolution Movement n his region's chapter. Gaige hastily drew a pistol and attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, but the well trained Patriot shot off Gaige's entire forearm.
This 17 year old kid should be joined behind bars with his parents that allowed their kid out of the house, armed to cross state lines with a weapon to attend a riot.

Failure of the authorities to put down the riots as they should have done months ago has compelled regular citizens to feel like they need to defend their own communities.
This is exactly why this shit should have been stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately yes, by law the kid now bears responsibility for the life he took, but charging him with 1st degree murder is a crock. He was chased down and knocked down.
The mayor and governor need to look themselves in the mirror and place the blame on the first face they look at. None of this should have happened except for fear of maintaining law and order and giving into rioters as if they were actually some civil rights movement.
many of these "peaceful protestors" are criminals with records.
This is Kenosha, not portland. It is not that police failed to put down rioter for months. The cop only shot the guy last week.
You got any kids? If living in the home, would you let them go to a riot, especially taking a weapon out of the house to go to a riot? Would you let your kid go to a riot armed in another state? What would have been your answer to your kid if they even spoke of going?
how do you know his parents let him go???
If they live under your roof and are a minor child, you should be exercising control or you are not doing your job as a parent.

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