Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2023

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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It sounds and reads so obviously and utterly Fake that nobody of intelligence and good judgement will regard it seriously for even a couple of seconds .
Professional profilers will laugh at it.
it is almost e jean caroll's story word for word. except trump can not deny she is "his type." a jury believed her.

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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I was wondering where Christine Blasey Ford got to. I guess her Democrat arranged go fund me accounts are getting low. Viva Trump.

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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I don't like this OP. In my opinion an unattributed tweet is not sufficient evidence a story is true. Mind you, I'm not saying it didn't happen but every time something like this is posted it diminishes the very real and much more soundly supported allegations of sexual assault and deviancy already in the public realm.

I believe Caroll, not simply because of her statements. I believe her because she went under oath and declared it true. She provided 2 witnesses willing to state under oath they were told back then. She provided 2 other witnesses willing to state under oath he did similar things to them. She provided the Billy Bush tape, were he states he does these kinds of things, and his deposition were he equivocated on wether doing these things are bad or not. On top off that he states an obvious lie when he says he didn't know her.

These are tangible under oath pieces of evidence.

Don't give those that believe or (pretend to believe Trump) the luxury of being able to easily dismiss allegations of sexual assault. There's more than enough evidence out there.

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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Republicans will believe a faked page from a stolen diary but not this.
The page about showering was totally fabricated. Not authenticated. Substantiated. unconfirmed.

I waist Biden would call it out but he’s not even going to give it life.
That's the real insidiousness and frustrating part. Someone like Biden can't respond to something like that.

Trump on the other hand can lean into it. His supporters don't care because they've kind of accepted stuff like this as at worst a minor character flaw. And they actually LOVE him being unrepentant.

To them it shows strength, authenticity, and not to mention it "triggers the libs". Being an asshole is a superpower to Trump not a liability.

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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She took Tara Reade’s formal complaint against Biden and switched it to her and Trump
The page about showering was totally fabricated. Not authenticated. Substantiated. unconfirmed.

I waist Biden would call it out but he’s not even going to give it life.
i get not giving the denial of something that stupid air time.; but trump has a yuuuge megaphone to blare it 24 hours every day.

link within the story. this story sounds very familiar Alleged Trump sexual assault reported on X:

“ He is a rapist first. He raped me in 2014 when I was 90 lbs and 18 years old. I did not KNOW him and when he came on to me at a fashion show I was repulsed. He was old and talked non-stop about how rich and famous he was. I was not interested and told him so. He was old enough to be my grandfather, his hair was weird and he smelt of cheap cologne.

Still he persisted. Gripped my thigh and immobilized me. He then crammed his fingers up my skirt and jammed them inside of me. In public! I couldn't get away from him in the crowd until the assault ended. It was NYC. People there refuse to see. I finally got free and fled to my hotel. I took a half dozen baths before my flight and was bruised and sore. All I wanted was to get out of NYC. I did not want to go to police. I didn't want money. Didn't even know he had money. Not really I was only 18.

He doesn't even deny that he assaults women!
He was never fit to be POTUS. Not then and not now.
I won't leave my apartment until he is dead.

Every morning I hope to wake to the news that he has died.
He ruined my life. No amount of money could heal me and people are accusing E. Jean of only wanting money.

People who follow trump are just like followers of Keith Raniere, completely delusional. But Raniere is in prison now serving over a hundred years.

Trump is charged with even more serious crimes and I can't wait until he is in prison. Still the similarities to the 2 men who thought they wouldn't face justice are so familiar, I have hope that trump will face the same fate. Death in prison. He certainly has done far more damage.

The parallels are uncanny right down to Keith Raniere thinking he was Jesus Christ.”

Obviously I have no evidence either way but this story sounds credible given what we already know about the e jean carroll rape. the replies on musk's hate site must be refreshing, but no clicks from me to find out.

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“I have no evidence of this salacious smear, but my TDS makes it sound credible.”🤪🤡

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