Allodials: What is the Collateral on the US debt? You will be sick.

I'll let people judge this statement for themselves and choose who is telling the truth, you don't fear the individual freedom of people to make up their minds do you?

Also, I'm screen shotting your answer, any chance you want to IM me so I can obtain your IP address?

Why would I want to give my IP address to a whack job?

I'd like to see how many accounts you have running on different forums boards all over the internet. You seem to arrive instantly upon any thread concerning the Federal Reserve, with well scripted answers, and those answers can be exposed as BULLSHIT.

The Allodials were burned lolololololol

The Allodials were confiscated without compensation by the Federal Government and are held as collateral against the Debt

Also, the 1933 Gold Siezure, LOLOLOLOLOLOL, that's all the proof you need, they took the gold and the land, what's next?


Paid Disinformation Agent Caught!

You were better off not even answering the question, you completely exposed yourself. Only a true deluded moron would believe that answer.

Also, the 1933 Gold Siezure, LOLOLOLOLOLOL, that's all the proof you need, they took the gold and the land, what's next?

Your brain. They're going to put it in a jar, on Bernanke's desk.
They're looking for a jar small enough.
According to you, all allodials and our entire Common Law system mysteriously disappeared, that sir, is true idiocy.

Where did the allodials go?

They were confiscated by the government without compensation (in gold or sliver), followed by the 1933 Gold Seizure.

I bet you'll even deny the Gold Seizure ever occurred. And if you don't deny the Gold Seizure, why was it done? Where did the gold go? Where did the allodials go?

The Allodials were a commodity equally as rich as gold, people dont' jsut give those up, or burn them in the trash, someone OWNS those Allodials NOW and it is NOT the AMERICAN people.

Why don't you answer the question?

You are claiming that my answer is false, about the allodials, therefore you must KNOW the true answer, WHO OWNS THE ALLODIALS?

Extraordinary claims (burned in the trash lawl) require extraordinary evidence.

EDIT: Need to add that picture:
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Sometimes you may wonder, what is the collateral on the debt of the United States? Some people will answer this question by saying, "There is no collateral, the full faith and credit of the United States supports the debt."

Stop there, anyone saying that is either woefully ignorant or a bare faced liar, unqualified to continue informing you. It is already well known that the United States will NEVER be able to repay its debt, in fact, in a debt based money system (Federal Reserve Notes), that would be completely impossible to begin with, no matter how carefully we controlled our finances, our National Debt hasn't been repaid since President Andrew Jackson, who destroyed the private "Second Bank of the United States."

Who was Andrew Jackson? I'll give you some quotes, then you can do the research on your own from there:
Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!

The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.

His final moments before he died, he said he greatest achievement was "killing the Bank."

Read up on the Andrew Jackson Bank War, and you'll learn just how evil these private banks are.

Now, let's fast forward to today, under the new private central bank, called "The Federal Reserve."

This private bank has foreign investors, and these investors have a motive, they aren't going to keep loaning to a BANKRUPT entity that will never repay them, UNLESS there's a catch, and this is a a BIG catch.

Do you know what an "allodial" is? Probably not, but I can guarantee every land owner before 1913 knew what an allodial was. The allodial was the proper title to your land, based in COMMON LAW. Not even one American in 100,000 possesses an allodial anymore, even though millions of Americans actually believe that they own their land.

Some of you might be saying "lol, I really do own my land." Ok, here's a challenge then, research "allodial" and then try to obtain the allodial to your property, when you realize its price per acre is tied to the national debt, you'll have to pay millions of dollars in order to obtain it, thankfully my grandfather secured the allodial in the 1960's when it was ONLY in the tens of thousands of dollars, an that was for a HALF ACRE of land on Long Island.

I'm one of the very few Americans today who has an allodial.

So, what happened? Why don't Americans possess the allodials anymore? Because the allodials are being held as COLLATERAL through Maritime Hypothecation by the Federal Reserve.

Wtf? Maritime? Well you see, the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE FOREIGN CORPORATION, and thus all transactions between the United States and the Federal Reserve are governed by international commerce law (UCC), also known as Uniform Commerce Code.

That's right! You got it! Every piece of land and property is collateral against the debt of the United States, unless you own the allodial, which you don't.

So what happens when the United States can no longer pay the interest? The international banks lay claim to all property and we return to a feudal system of land ownership. You think the IRS (another foreign corporation) is bad? Wait until they own all of our property.

If you don't believe me:
1) Try to obtain the allodial to your property, and discover who owns it

2) Ask yourself, what else could be backing the Debt of the United States?

How & Why Our Property & Labor Was Pledged As Collateral To The Federal Reserve!
In stating your rhetorical question, What is the Collateral on the US debt?, you clearly have the answer. So why don't you just state it so it can be discussed instead beating around the bush?
According to you, all allodials and our entire Common Law system mysteriously disappeared, that sir, is true idiocy.

Where did the allodials go?

They were confiscated by the government with compensation (in gold or sliver), followed by the 1933 Gold Seizure.

I bet you'll even deny the Gold Seizure ever occurred. And if you don't deny the Gold Seizure, why was it done? Where did the gold go? Where did the allodials go?

The Allodials were a commodity equally as rich as gold, people dont' jsut give those up, or burn them in the trash, someone OWNS those Allodials NOW and it is NOT the AMERICAN people.

Why don't you answer the question?

You are claiming that my answer is false, about the allodials, therefore you must KNOW the true answer, WHO OWNS THE ALLODIALS?

Extraordinary claims (burned in the trash lawl) require extraordinary evidence.

EDIT: Need to add that picture:

They were confiscated by the government with compensation (in gold or sliver),

Prove it

I bet you'll even deny the Gold Seizure ever occurred.

Why would I deny that?

And if you don't deny the Gold Seizure, why was it done?

So the government could change the dollars/gold ratio.

Where did the gold go?

The government took it.

Where did the allodials go?

How many even existed before 1933?

The Allodials were a commodity equally as rich as gold

Prove it.
I'll prove my claims when you prove exactly what happened to the Allodials.

Until then, it's your turn!
I'll prove my claims when you prove exactly what happened to the Allodials.

Until then, it's your turn!

I'll tell you what happened to the Allodials, as soon as you prove our Sovereign debt has collateral behind it.

My allodial (one of the very few in the hands of a Citizen of New York), can only be purchased or exchanged via LAWFUL CURRENCY

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

My grandfather paid tens of thousands of Federal Reserve Notes to obtain the proper Lawful currency in Gold (and some sliver) coinage.

He then properly bought the allodial, which I inherited only two years ago (when he died).

My allodial is proof that ALLODIALS still exist.

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Read that link, let me spam it three more times

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia
Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia
Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Do you want to know who he purchased it from (I have the contract)?
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I'll prove my claims when you prove exactly what happened to the Allodials.

Until then, it's your turn!

I'll tell you what happened to the Allodials, as soon as you prove our Sovereign debt has collateral behind it.

My allodial (one of the very few in the hands of a Citizen of New York), can only be purchased or exchanged via LAWFUL CURRENCY

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

My grandfather paid tens of thousands of Federal Reserve Notes to obtain the proper Lawful currency in Gold (and some sliver) coinage.

He then properly bought the allodial, which I inherited only two years ago (when he died).

My allodial is proof that ALLODIALS still exist.

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Read that link, let me spam it three more times

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia
Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia
Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

Do you want to know who he purchased it from (I have the contract)?

as soon as you prove our Sovereign debt has collateral behind it.
Here's the proof, by just reading the contract:

The allodial was owned by the UNITED STATES, notice that I spelled it in capital letters.

Before the allodial could be owned by my grandfather, he had to pay a LIEN on the allodial using Lawful US Currency (gold and silver) to the Federal Reserve. OH SHIT SON!

It was paid 99% in gold too, just some silver to make up the "change"

Now answer the question:

To whom was the ownership of the allodials transferred to?

Bonus Question:
To whom was the ownership of Gold transferred to?

EDIT: Can't ever forget this picture.

Also, do you accept that Lawful US Currency is limited to these definitions?

By accepting those definitions, you will be admitting that Federal Reserve Notes are NOT Lawful US Currency, they are only "legal tender."
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Here's the proof, by just reading the contract:

The allodial was owned by the UNITED STATES, notice that I spelled it in capital letters.

Before the allodial could be owned by my grandfather, he had to pay a LIEN on the allodial using Lawful US Currency (gold and silver) to the Federal Reserve. OH SHIT SON!

It was paid 99% in gold too, just some silver to make up the "change"

Wow! That's an interesting claim.

I'll wait for your proof. :eusa_whistle:
Here's the proof, by just reading the contract:

The allodial was owned by the UNITED STATES, notice that I spelled it in capital letters.

Before the allodial could be owned by my grandfather, he had to pay a LIEN on the allodial using Lawful US Currency (gold and silver) to the Federal Reserve. OH SHIT SON!

It was paid 99% in gold too, just some silver to make up the "change"

Wow! That's an interesting claim.

I'll wait for your proof. :eusa_whistle:

Your proof is that the allodials were burned in the trash

You see, I have my allodial and the contract from 1961.

Keep talking, it gives me free bumps, and any American who visits this thread receives an education.
Here's the proof, by just reading the contract:

The allodial was owned by the UNITED STATES, notice that I spelled it in capital letters.

Before the allodial could be owned by my grandfather, he had to pay a LIEN on the allodial using Lawful US Currency (gold and silver) to the Federal Reserve. OH SHIT SON!

It was paid 99% in gold too, just some silver to make up the "change"

Wow! That's an interesting claim.

I'll wait for your proof. :eusa_whistle:

Your proof is that the allodials were burned in the trash

You see, I have my allodial and the contract from 1961.

Keep talking, it gives me free bumps, and any American who visits this thread receives an education.

Wow! That's an interesting claim.

I'll wait for your proof. :eusa_whistle:
All Americans, Learn what Lawful US currency actually is! Learn that your Federal Reserve Notes are not Lawful Currency!

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

It is your birthright, the will of our forefathers!

Learn of the heroic deed of Andrew Jackson, who had slain the Beast, the Second Bank of the United States!

Learn from him! Learn from their example!

We must slay the Federal Reserve!

Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia
inb4 Toddster-Loyalist says that Federal Reserve Notes are Lawful (not the same as legal) Currency!
Here's the proof, by just reading the contract:

The allodial was owned by the UNITED STATES, notice that I spelled it in capital letters.

Before the allodial could be owned by my grandfather, he had to pay a LIEN on the allodial using Lawful US Currency (gold and silver) to the Federal Reserve. OH SHIT SON!

It was paid 99% in gold too, just some silver to make up the "change"

Now answer the question:

To whom was the ownership of the allodials transferred to?

Bonus Question:
To whom was the ownership of Gold transferred to?

EDIT: Can't ever forget this picture.

Also, do you accept that Lawful US Currency is limited to these definitions?
Lawful Money Definition | Investopedia

By accepting those definitions, you will be admitting that Federal Reserve Notes are NOT Lawful US Currency, they are only "legal tender."

What is lawful money? How is it different from legal tender?

"Lawful money" is a term used in the Federal Reserve Act, the act that authorizes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to issue Federal Reserve notes. The Act states that Federal Reserve notes "shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank." The Act did not, however, define the term "lawful money," but up until 1913, the only currency issued by the United States that was legally recognized as "lawful money" was various issues of "demand notes" (subsequently known as "old demand notes") and "United States notes" authorized by Congress during the Civil War.

At the time, some currency was not considered legal tender, although it could be used by national banking associations as "lawful money reserves." Thus, the term "lawful money" had a broader meaning than the term "legal tender."

In 1933, Congress changed the law so that all U.S. coins and currency (including Federal Reserve notes), regardless of when issued, constitutes "legal tender" for all purposes. Federal and state courts since then have repeatedly held that Federal Reserve notes are also "lawful money." Milam v. U.S., 524 F.2d 629 (9th Cir. 1974), is typical of the federal and state court cases holding that Federal Reserve notes are "lawful money." In Milam, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reviewed a judgment denying relief to an individual who sought to redeem a $50 Federal Reserve Bank Note in "lawful money." The United States tendered Milam $50 in Federal Reserve notes, but Milam refused the notes, asserting that "lawful money" must be gold or silver. The Ninth Circuit, noting that this matter had been put to rest by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly a century before in the Legal Tender Cases (Juilliard v. Greenman), 110 U.S. 421 (1884), rejected this assertion as frivolous and affirmed the judgment.

FRB: What is lawful money? How is it different from legal tender?
Why You Need To Know About Andrew Jackson?s Fight To Abolish The 2nd Central Bank Of America!


Get your copy of this 1880 book! Learn the evils of Central Private Banking from a book published during an American era without a private central bank!

[ame=]Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (Classic Reprint): William Lawrence Royall: Books[/ame]


LOL What a liar (above).

There is only one Lawful Currency, and that is Gold and Silver Coin.

Federal Reserve Notes are Legal Tender. This is not the same as Lawful Currency.

Toddster, I actually have a feeling that you believe what you're saying, and you don't' realize you're lying. Here is a test:

What is the difference between Common law, Equity and Maritime/Admiralty Law?
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Why You Need To Know About Andrew Jackson?s Fight To Abolish The 2nd Central Bank Of America!


Get your copy of this 1880 book! Learn the evils of Central Private Banking from a book published during an American era without a private central bank!

Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States (Classic Reprint): William Lawrence Royall: Books


LOL What a liar (above).

There is only one Lawful Currency, and that is Gold and Silver Coin.

Federal Reserve Notes are Legal Tender. This is not the same as Lawful Currency.

Toddster, I actually have a feeling that you believe what you're saying, and you don't' realize you're lying. Here is a test:

What is the difference between Common law, Equity and Maritime/Admiralty Law?

Federal Reserve Notes are Legal Tender. This is not the same as Lawful Currency.

So what?

What is the difference between Common law, Equity and Maritime/Admiralty Law?

I'll wait for you to explain.

And then you can explain why your explanation makes your Federal Reserve idiocy any less idiotic. Thanks!
Toddster, I actually have a feeling that you believe what you're saying, and you don't' realize you're lying. Here is a test:
What is the difference between Common law, Equity and Maritime/Admiralty Law?
I would guess only 1 in 100,000 Americans have even heard of all three let a lone understand them.

I'm also guessing The Toddster will either Brain Freeze or Deflect.

EDIT: Deflect it is!

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