Almost 1.5 Million Have Lost Their Insurance Plan Already Due To Obamacare


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
oh well, Obama lied and now people will die
LINKS in article at site


If you like your plan you can’t keep it.

Via Amy Ridenour:

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you are aware that many policyholders are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies. Turns out that these policies don’t meet ObamaCare requirements.

But how many people have received these notices? Let’s do a tally:

-800,000 in New Jersey.

-119,000 from Blue Shield in California.

-160,000 from Kaiser in California.

-300,000 in Florida.

-24,000 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

-13,000 in central and eastern Pennsylvania.

-76,000 from CareFirst in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

Keep reading…

ALL of it here
Almost 1.5 Million Have Lost Their Insurance Plan Already Due To Obamacare | Weasel Zippers

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Listen to the lies the asshole in charge of the CA exchanges is saying. "OK you will lose your plan, but we are all in this together. Just like Karl Marx said your personal pain is what's best for the collective greater good. So you get kicked off your current plan, you didn't really think Obama was serious when he said if you like your current plan you can keep did you? Your 300% increase won't look so bad when you see your 1000% deductible increase (ever see the Bronze or Silver plan deductibles they are absolutely insane, it's like not having any insurance, but at a primo price). But don't worry you won't be able to get on the exchanges anyways, because a website they should have costed $10 mil tops, but instead goes $638mil doesn't work, so you can't sign up."

Obaminationcare is so bad, even liberals are saying Obama is a horrible President. Just wait for the liberal outcry when they start to get waked with those fines/taxes!!! Oh man will it be bad.

Blog: Californians getting slammed by cancellations, rate increases
Realistically, a MINIMUM of 14 million people have to lose their insurance to be forced into obamacare or there will be no money to support obamacare.

The joke seems to be on liberals who apparently thought the medical care would be free.
Why aren't there mass marches on Washington, DC?

a) He's semi-negroid

b) He's a Democrat

c) The media is in his hip pocket
I am losing my policy. The same insurer has offered me somewhat similar coverage that is ACA compliant, but the premiums are 120% higher and the deductibles are higher. And I'm not eligible for a subsidy.
The law requires me to pay more than I can afford. What am I to do?
Realistically, a MINIMUM of 14 million people have to lose their insurance to be forced into obamacare or there will be no money to support obamacare.

The joke seems to be on liberals who apparently thought the medical care would be free.

It is free. If you do the right things. It's not free like sunshine and air, but what is?
How many threads will rwer's piss and moan on?

We have a lot to piss and moan about.

First, the Big Lie, no one is keeping their plan. If you have an individual or small business plan they are getting cancelled and replaced with much higher cost plans.
Second, the next Big Lie, costs will go down and it will be affordable to everyone. Liberals, esp the healthy young people, are seeing that geting onto Obaminationcare isn't affordable, costs don't go down and if you take the silver or bronze program it's the equivalent of having no insurance but at a primo price.
Third, the next Big Lie, is that Obama meant business plans wouldn't change. Yea right. We have an exception at the moment. Wait until that exception goes away and we will see different plans, at astromical increases and hight deductibles.

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