Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

Threads like this should be in the conspiracy theory folder, but denier cult raving is protected by a shield of political correctness. Deniers make much less sense than Antivaxxers or Birthers or 9/11 Truthers, yet they still don't get correctly classified as conspiracy theorists.
That's the AGW alarmist extremist MO; disparage all dissent and avoid discussion and analysis.
That's the AGW alarmist extremist MO; disparage all dissent and avoid discussion and analysis.

The Antivaxxers, Birthers and 9/11 Truthers say exactly the same thing. It's the standard whine of a conspiracy cultist when people keep laughing at how stupid their conspiracy theory is.
You just did it again. You exposed your own fraud.
What can you say to address the topic?
I'm addressing the heart of the topic, which is that deniers are conspiracy nutters who just parrot the crazy stuff that their conspiracy cult makes up.
That's the AGW alarmist extremist MO; disparage all dissent and avoid discussion and analysis.

The Antivaxxers, Birthers and 9/11 Truthers say exactly the same thing. It's the standard whine of a conspiracy cultist when people keep laughing at how stupid their conspiracy theory is.

No, that's not why they are laughing. They are laughing because they don't want to have to explain to anyone why vaccinating infants with a dozen vaccines all at once instead of spreading them out over a period of months is so necessary.

They don't want to have to explain why Obama used to claim that he was born in Kenya, as his old book flier once said he was, and why he gave to the public a fraudulent birth certificate.


They are laughing because they cant explain how the World Trade center collapsed so quickly and why the other towers that appeared to them to be undamaged would also collapse.

So frauds like you laugh and shy away from the questions while other people like me dig into the facts and try to find answers to help these folks understand the consensus and why it is valid MOST of the time. Because we do know that the government does indeed sometimes lie to us 'for our own good'.


On the whole these guys are just feeding off of bad information, but not always.

In the case of AGW, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that human activity is the primary driver of climate change in our time. And fools like you cant explain why it is, all you can do is laugh it off and try to act like 'of course EVERYONE knows that blah, blah, blah is true, don't be silly!' Like pathetic twits.
As JimBowie was just kind enough to show us, those who fall for one conspiracy theory tend to fall for a pack of them, so deniers are often involved in other conspiracy cults.

Now, back to the secondary topic. In every branch of science, all the data is corrected and often estimated. So why the crazy double standard by deniers, where they selectively melt down over it only for one single branch of science? Any real scientist is going to say "So?" when it's pointed out that data is corrected and estimated. Deniers don't seem to understand how science works. Instead of correcting the data to get good results, deniers want the data left with the errors in it, so that it gives bad results. That' is, deniers are the ones essentially demanding that the data be fudged and faked by not correcting for known errors.

And finally, the funniest thing. The raw data shows _more_ warming than the corrected data. That blows the denier conspiracy theory out of the water. If scientists wanted to show more warming, they just had to do what deniers demand, and use only raw data. Instead, the scientists expend great effort to correct the data and make the warming look _smaller_.

Deniers are just claiming the opposite of reality. Lying, that is. They may not realize that they're lying, being their cult has brainwashed them so thoroughly, but rest assured all the scientists know with great certainty that the deniers are lying.
LOL. So what you are saying is that the vast majority of scientists in the world cannot be trusted. Since virtually all the Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, I guess that they are all in on a vast conspiracy that spans all the Earth's nations and cultures.

Why yes, we really should trust obese junkies on the AM radio, fake English lords, and undegreed ex-TV weatherment for our climate science. And only fly in jets designed by Holy Roller preachers, use computers only built by Creationists.
yes, yes, I've stated that many many times. What do you have difficulty reading posted statements? I supposed you do since you keep repeating yourself.
Global warming is real. If you deny it you are an idiot.

The issue isn't even global warming. The Earth can warm up naturally. The issue is man made global warming.

Dude... you're talking to people who would have you believe that paying people to not work will somehow inspire them to seek gainful employment. They can't understand the lofty intellectual ins and outs of cause and effect... which is compounded by their rejection of objectivity, thus they possess no means to so much as recognize truth, let alone the means to understand how to find it and you expect them to offer up honest debate?

There are people on both sides who don't bother with reality. It's quite sad people don't want to see the truth, they want to make their own truth.
what reality is it you think the skeptics can't see? The fact that there isn't one piece of evidence to back or validate the leftist warmer statement concerning the planet and temperatures? hahahahahahahaha. Not a one. Ask them. Their answer will be that they have already given it. Then ask them when and they will reply, over and over, it's a trip my man. a trip indeed.

Well, let's do the math.

The source of 'Global Warming' is the Ideological Left.

The Ideological Left rest entirely upon Relativism.

Relativism rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

Truth is essential to trust... .

Absent objectivity, there is no potential to know truth... and subsequently there is no potential for trust.

Thus we can know that the Ideological Left can never be trusted, as they've not only no means to discern truth, they've no concern for what the truth is... .

And this without regard to what the subject is.

But what's the point of considering a subject with potentially catastrophic consequences... when the entity making the case can't be trusted to provide an accurate report on the time of day.
You dumb ass, you don't even know what the hell you are talking about. Nothing but really dumb shit coming out of your mouth. The theory of GHG warming was first mentioned in the 1820's by the Josesph Fourier, from his calculations, the amount of energy re-emitted from the earth should have had the oceans frozen clear down to the equator. He stated that there was probably something in the atmosphere that was absorbing some of that energy.

Then in 1858, Tyndall of England measured the IR absorption spectra of the various atmospheric gases. And in 1896, Svante Arrhenius estimated the effects of the doubling of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

If you weren't such an ignorant ass, you would know that scientists from every nation in the world have been warning about the effects of the warming they have been seeing, particularly in the last two decades.
and yet, not one experimental piece of evidence ever submitted. sorry, that's a fail.

I would rather trust the top scientists who specialize in the topic rather than your relatively IGNORANT opinion.


The Appeal to Authority. The BACKBONE of Sharia!

Gee, you are science-IGNORANT.
Science is an "authority" you are welcome to dispute, but you need to provide rational data to support your alternative hypotheses.

Faith don't cut it.
first the 'authority' first is expected to show their evidence first, since it is their hypothesis. An hypothesis friend is not a fact.

I would rather trust the top scientists who specialize in the topic rather than your relatively IGNORANT opinion.


The Appeal to Authority. The BACKBONE of Sharia!

Gee, you are science-IGNORANT.
Science is an "authority" ... .

Science is ONLY an authority where the science is objective.

There's nothing objective about a 'science' which hangs a climate threat around the fundamental characteristic of climate.

But hey... as an imbecile, there is NO WAY you could have known that.

Again, you reveal your IGNORANCE about SCIENCE.
Good science uses objective methods.
If not, it should not be published in reputable journals.
Some of the controversy in good science is about interpretation of results, which leads to alternative hypotheses for future research.

Feel free to criticize science you think is "bad", but you need to provide more than your ignorant opinions to be taken seriously.
climate science, real bad, there isn't any. There
That's the AGW alarmist extremist MO; disparage all dissent and avoid discussion and analysis.

The Antivaxxers, Birthers and 9/11 Truthers say exactly the same thing. It's the standard whine of a conspiracy cultist when people keep laughing at how stupid their conspiracy theory is.
ahhhhhhhhhhh upset by the skeptic folks are we now. Can't handle someone with an opposite view point. And that scientist who discuss pro warming are dishonest.
As JimBowie was just kind enough to show us, those who fall for one conspiracy theory tend to fall for a pack of them, so deniers are often involved in other conspiracy cults.

Now, back to the secondary topic. In every branch of science, all the data is corrected and often estimated. So why the crazy double standard by deniers, where they selectively melt down over it only for one single branch of science? Any real scientist is going to say "So?" when it's pointed out that data is corrected and estimated. Deniers don't seem to understand how science works. Instead of correcting the data to get good results, deniers want the data left with the errors in it, so that it gives bad results. That' is, deniers are the ones essentially demanding that the data be fudged and faked by not correcting for known errors.

And finally, the funniest thing. The raw data shows _more_ warming than the corrected data. That blows the denier conspiracy theory out of the water. If scientists wanted to show more warming, they just had to do what deniers demand, and use only raw data. Instead, the scientists expend great effort to correct the data and make the warming look _smaller_.

Deniers are just claiming the opposite of reality. Lying, that is. They may not realize that they're lying, being their cult has brainwashed them so thoroughly, but rest assured all the scientists know with great certainty that the deniers are lying.


These people...........they will say and spin anything and everything.

What I want to know is.......if skeptics are so k00ky, why does this ^^ meathead fall all over himself every day to perpetuate the established narrative?:dunno:


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