Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

Poor Billy Bob is incapable of reading what the scientists have found out about the past climate.

Of course this is only a publication of the National Academy of Science, and not the ranting of a fake English Lord, or the flap-yap of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman, or even the blubbering of an obese junkie on the AM radio.

You do realize, moron, that the resolution of the 1,000 year plots can not show us anything less than 1,000 year averages, dont you?

God you are so STUPID!! you and crick couldn't find your collective asses if I placed them in your hands..
LOL. Now we see that Billy Bob does not even understand basic graphs. And has never read the study. Nor does he have the capability of understanding what the study states. Statements above prove what a liar he is concerning his education in science.
LOL. Now we see that Billy Bob does not even understand basic graphs. And has never read the study. Nor does he have the capability of understanding what the study states. Statements above prove what a liar he is concerning his education in science.

Too Funny;

SO you learned your graph reading skills from Crick? You two are so challenged its not funny...

USCRN has laid waste to your 'Hottest Ev'a' lie. I wonder if your floaties popped if you would hang on to them to keep you afloat too?
Another lie. The raw measurements are not adjusted, or at least yo have failed to show where they are adjusted. The raw measurements of radioactivity is interpreted mathematically into a range of likely age, and that is about all the 'adjusting' that is done to dating using radio carbon.

Understood. We can check off radiocarbon dating as yet another topic you're completely ignorant of. But then, if you weren't ignorant of all science, logic and ethics, you wouldn't be a denier.

Now, if you want me to educate you on that topic, I'll require a paypal donation up front. If someone wishes to learn, I educate them for free. But cult shills, I don't waste time on them unless they pay.

It doesn't matter that it showed land data because it showed how the numbers were fudged. The code AGW Warmistas used at Hadley were padding the temperatures too and that is proven fact with links.

No. That's what you kook masters claimed, but they just made up a load of nonsense. You don't even understand what they said. You're just brainlessly parroting it. Yes, it is that obvious.

You really think that I am going to buy your unreferenced bullshit? Link or it is more of your lies.

Why, so you can just scream "Lies! Lies! Lies!" and run again? Screw that. Again, I don't waste time with dishonest weasels unless they pay up front. The data is there. If you're not as gutless as you appear, go find it yourself. Stop demanding that everyone else do your homework.

Look, you can keep baying at the moon with your fellow cultists here, but nobody cares. The science has taken off without you, spun some gravel in your face, and you're not even visible in the rear view mirror. Go on, rage and cry on a message board if it makes you feel better, but it won't make you less of a joke.
Every generation has seen it's fair share of "End of the World" panics.

It's an easy way to make money.

Try making money, saying, the world probably has at least a few billion years before it dies.

Nobody wants to hear that message.
Another lie. The raw measurements are not adjusted, or at least yo have failed to show where they are adjusted. The raw measurements of radioactivity is interpreted mathematically into a range of likely age, and that is about all the 'adjusting' that is done to dating using radio carbon.

Understood. We can check off radiocarbon dating as yet another topic you're completely ignorant of. But then, if you weren't ignorant of all science, logic and ethics, you wouldn't be a denier.

No you said RCD was an example of using adjusted data and you failed to show how it is so. Just another one of your lies exposed.

Now, if you want me to educate you on that topic, I'll require a paypal donation up front. If someone wishes to learn, I educate them for free. But cult shills, I don't waste time on them unless they pay.

I'm not paying you to defend your own statements idiot.

It doesn't matter that it showed land data because it showed how the numbers were fudged. The code AGW Warmistas used at Hadley were padding the temperatures too and that is proven fact with links.

No. That's what you kook masters claimed, but they just made up a load of nonsense. You don't even understand what they said. You're just brainlessly parroting it. Yes, it is that obvious.

Prove it was made up. They link it to sites where the data still kept and stored on servers.

You really think that I am going to buy your unreferenced bullshit? Link or it is more of your lies.

Why, so you can just scream "Lies! Lies! Lies!" and run again? Screw that. Again, I don't waste time with dishonest weasels unless they pay up front. The data is there. If you're not as gutless as you appear, go find it yourself. Stop demanding that everyone else do your homework.'

You really don't get what a 'supported assertion' is or how that is done, do you? That is because you are a lazy minded liar. You fall back on lying too often and cant really remember what it means to verify anything by actually digging into the subjects yourself. You just take word of people you think you can trust and say to hell with being responsible for what you believe in, like a little retard.

Look, you can keep baying at the moon with your fellow cultists here, but nobody cares. The science has taken off without you, spun some gravel in your face, and you're not even visible in the rear view mirror. Go on, rage and cry on a message board if it makes you feel better, but it won't make you less of a joke.

That 'science' you talk about is built on a shallow consensus and as the public grows to learn more and more about how tax payers have been scammed, the AGW hysteria is coming to a close.

Can you say 'Hello, Mr Lawsuit?' Might as well learn now.
Why yes, Billy Bob, science is about facts, and the reasons those facts exist. How's your El Monkey coming there, old boy? LOL

NO.. you dont have facts, you have worthless models that tell you we are all going to burn while the well sited and maintained equipment finds no CO2 warming signal despite its continued rise for over 18 years 8 months and a cooling trend going on now for over 14 years..
A cooling trend for 14 years? LOL Ten warmest years on record. Now the caveat here is that the first four are close enough together that differant agencies of differant governments have them in differant orders, but they are still there as the first four.
1. 2014
2. 2010
3. 2005
4. 1998
5. 2013
6. 2003
7. 2002
8. 2006
9. 2009
10. 2007

Note that 9 of the ten are in the 14 years that you claim for cooling. Not only that, this year is going to eclipse all the rest, with no doubt that it is warmer than 2014, 2010, 2005, and 1998.

Billy Bob, you are one silly person.

Either/or is immaterial.........any increases in temperature are statistically insignificant. You don't nuke a whole economy because of concerns over 1/2 a degree. That would be silly.:bye1:
Climate change is real and dangerous.
Consider the Atlantic cold blob
Atlantic 'blob' leaves scientists puzzled -
which is likely caused by melting Greenland glaciers.

This kind of phenomenon inspired the movie Day After Tomorrow where disrupted ocean circulation caused catastrophic climate change.

In passing, the article also mentions that this year will likely smash temperature records.

I stand by what I said earlier ... global warming is real and if you deny it you are an idiot.
Why yes, Billy Bob, science is about facts, and the reasons those facts exist. How's your El Monkey coming there, old boy? LOL

NO.. you dont have facts, you have worthless models that tell you we are all going to burn while the well sited and maintained equipment finds no CO2 warming signal despite its continued rise for over 18 years 8 months and a cooling trend going on now for over 14 years..
A cooling trend for 14 years? LOL Ten warmest years on record. Now the caveat here is that the first four are close enough together that differant agencies of differant governments have them in differant orders, but they are still there as the first four.
1. 2014
2. 2010
3. 2005
4. 1998
5. 2013
6. 2003
7. 2002
8. 2006
9. 2009
10. 2007

Note that 9 of the ten are in the 14 years that you claim for cooling. Not only that, this year is going to eclipse all the rest, with no doubt that it is warmer than 2014, 2010, 2005, and 1998.

Billy Bob, you are one silly person.

Either/or is immaterial.........any increases in temperature are statistically insignificant. You don't nuke a whole economy because of concerns over 1/2 a degree. That would be silly.:bye1:
Do you think that altering the Earth's atmosphere's chemical makeup by spewing greenhouse gases has no chance of causing damaging climate change?

The effects of climate change can be seen already ... invasive species from warmer climates, forest fires, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification. You will see increasing effects as the earth warms each "insignificant" half a degree.
Global warming is real. If you deny it you are an idiot.
but can you prove that?

Of course he cant or he would instead of posting lame ass assertions that he fails to back up with a shred of data.
just gettin it out there.

The evidence is out there for those willing to look at it.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence

Or is all of that stuff "fabricated" by the gubmint?
Climate change is real and dangerous.
Consider the Atlantic cold blob
Atlantic 'blob' leaves scientists puzzled -
which is likely caused by melting Greenland glaciers.

This kind of phenomenon inspired the movie Day After Tomorrow where disrupted ocean circulation caused catastrophic climate change.

In passing, the article also mentions that this year will likely smash temperature records.

I stand by what I said earlier ... global warming is real and if you deny it you are an idiot.
Bullshit repeated by gullible naves addicted to such bullshit.

The Earth has gone through much larger swings in temperature over the last 50k years, and humanity survived it just fine, as did the rest of the life on Earth.

You are not going to tax us all to pay for your paranoid fantasies.
Do you think that altering the Earth's atmosphere's chemical makeup by spewing greenhouse gases has no chance of causing damaging climate change?

Of course it can, hypothetically. But AGW theory has no failing set of conditions. No matter what happens on this planet in the next twenty years AGW Warmistas can say that it is the result of AGW. There are no sets of conditions to their theory that proves their theory false.

Thus AGW is a tautology, untestable and therefore not genuine science. It is a secular form of religion.

The effects of climate change can be seen already ... invasive species from warmer climates, forest fires, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification. You will see increasing effects as the earth warms each "insignificant" half a degree.

Of course we see evidence of climate change, JUST LIKE WE ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL.

Why do you just assume that the Earths climate 'should be' what it was when white Europeans learned to measure and record it and never change from that? What a stupid and silly thing to believe, that the Earth must always remain as we first found it when modern science was born and gave us the means to measure and date it.
Jim, you are full of shit. Yes, there have been very large swings in temperature. And we did not survive it just fine. It was not until the temperate interglacial that life that we had the luxury to develop agriculture. That requires time and a stable climate. And in the rapid swings of the Younger Dryas, many mammals went extinct.

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Geophysical studies presented in spring 2007 suggested that perhaps an extraterrestrial meteorite vaporized in the Earth's atmosphere caused the extinction of the North American Megafauna and associated human cultures some 13.000 years ago. This idea was not all new, already in 1990 archaeologist William Topping found in Michigan spherules in glacial sediments - supposedly of extraterrestrial origin, even if he and nuclear physicist Richard Firestone suggested a nearby supernova as origin of these features. Based on this discovery Firestone later developed as alternative explanation the meteorite hypothesis, according to him the hypothesis could not only explain the extinction of the large mammals, but also the observed fluctuation of theYounger Dryas at the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene. The Younger Dryas is a 1.500 years (12.900-11.600 cal.B.P.) long cooling event, recognized especially in Europe by the advance of glaciers and a vegetation shift. The Younger Dryas is a "freak" event - unique of the termination of the last glacial - similar events are not recorded in the ice cores of Antarctica for the previous glacial phases.

By changing the composition of our atmosphere, the changes we are forcing will last far longer than 1500 years. Whatever the cause of the Younger Dryas event, many species went extinct at the start, and some at the end. The rapid change in temperatures did, indeed, affect the life of the species of the time. Including our own. For the end of the Clovis Culture coincided with the start of that event.
Climate change is real and dangerous.
Consider the Atlantic cold blob
Atlantic 'blob' leaves scientists puzzled -
which is likely caused by melting Greenland glaciers.

This kind of phenomenon inspired the movie Day After Tomorrow where disrupted ocean circulation caused catastrophic climate change.

In passing, the article also mentions that this year will likely smash temperature records.

I stand by what I said earlier ... global warming is real and if you deny it you are an idiot.
Bullshit repeated by gullible naves addicted to such bullshit.

The Earth has gone through much larger swings in temperature over the last 50k years, and humanity survived it just fine, as did the rest of the life on Earth.

You are not going to tax us all to pay for your paranoid fantasies.
No, we are going to tax all of us to pay for the damage to the infrastructure that the increasing extremes in weather will cause. For the increase in the monies put out to prevent wildfires from taking out whole communities. For preventive measures to protect our port cities from the storm surge damage agravated by a rising sea level.

You are going to get taxed, all right, or you are going to live a much poorer life without the infrastructure we now take for granted.
Do you think that altering the Earth's atmosphere's chemical makeup by spewing greenhouse gases has no chance of causing damaging climate change?

Of course it can, hypothetically. But AGW theory has no failing set of conditions. No matter what happens on this planet in the next twenty years AGW Warmistas can say that it is the result of AGW. There are no sets of conditions to their theory that proves their theory false.

Thus AGW is a tautology, untestable and therefore not genuine science. It is a secular form of religion.

The effects of climate change can be seen already ... invasive species from warmer climates, forest fires, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification. You will see increasing effects as the earth warms each "insignificant" half a degree.

Of course we see evidence of climate change, JUST LIKE WE ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL.

Why do you just assume that the Earths climate 'should be' what it was when white Europeans learned to measure and record it and never change from that? What a stupid and silly thing to believe, that the Earth must always remain as we first found it when modern science was born and gave us the means to measure and date it.
Why, hell, Jim. Why do you think that we should have nice crystal clear rivers full of fish just because it was that way a long time ago. Filthy rivers full of pollution are good enough for you, obviously. And the same with climate. Why should we care if we alter the climate enough that agriculture becomes dicey? After all, we can just shop at another store, right?

Jim, you represent the extreme stupidity of the modern "Conservative".
Jim, you are full of shit. Yes, there have been very large swings in temperature. And we did not survive it just fine.

Obviously we did survive it, Old Rocks.

By changing the composition of our atmosphere, the changes we are forcing will last far longer than 1500 years.

Nobody can possibly KNOW that little factoid you just tossed like a turd in the swimming pool.

And you call me full of shit? Check out a mirror sometime, dude.
Why, hell, Jim. Why do you think that we should have nice crystal clear rivers full of fish just because it was that way a long time ago. Filthy rivers full of pollution are good enough for you, obviously. And the same with climate. Why should we care if we alter the climate enough that agriculture becomes dicey? After all, we can just shop at another store, right?

Jim, you represent the extreme stupidity of the modern "Conservative".

If that is what you think I am saying then you are the idiot, Old Rocks. Sometimes rivers are clear and at the same time other rivers are not. It depends on many factors that change over time from the acidity of the water to the nature of the soil run off.

Life changes. Nature changes. Our environment changes and only arrogant nitwits like you and other libtards think that you can halt these processes by passing laws, roflmao.
No, we are going to tax all of us to pay for the damage to the infrastructure that the increasing extremes in weather will cause.

What increase in the extremes in weather? Like the California drought? Every country that lets the leftwing socialist idiots take over sooner or later gets a drought like Russia did in the 1930's and the Ethiopians did in the 1980s. Everyone with a brain knows that is due to mismanagement of resources and not drastic changes in the weather, though the governments are careful to alter their data to show drought conditions.

How about hurricanes in the Atlantic, aren't they supposed to be out of statistical norms with hugely increased frequency? No, we have had some of the quietest years for Atlantic hurricanes EVER.

The problem is Old Rocks, that you libtards lie, lie, and lie so much more that you forget that these are your lies and you start thinking them reality.

No, the weather of our planet is not getting worse just because libtard journos decicde every flood in Arkansas is a national catastrophe.


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