Am I A Genetic Nazi?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?
Deport them all. Vet them in their homeland. Australia puts all the refugees on an island where they are vetted one by one, is this a concentration camp? No. They can leave. They don't have to stay in any camp. Go home avoid the camp.
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?


as to genetic Nazi-----NO as to CONGENITAL NAZI---probably YES

as to muslims---they are not genetically Jihadists---they are
Well, there's always reservations, we got that up and rolling now. Or bring back internment camps. Or ya got your for profit prison system that relys upon human bondage. Lots of options.
Send them to a safe place in the middle east and send aid there....but that won't happen...democrats need votes and they don't care where those votes come from....they do not have to live in No Go muslim ghettos........and their private security will keep them safe....
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?
your jewish friend seems to think there's a race of people who are anti-jews, as if there are ever people spawned upon the earth to be the eternal enemy of another, and not that there could possibly be something about the jew that pisses humanity off.
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?

I think its a great idea, barracks of some sort so they can have refuse, while the vetting goes on. I do hope most can return to Syria and start rebuilding soon, as soon as Assad takes care of Isis with Russia's help.
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?

You could take open land in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Texas that is Federal and build small towns to put these people in and then after two generations let their grandchildren in general society...

Buy an Island from one of these third world nations and give it to them...

Buy land in Africa and move them there...

Better yet just give them Cuba!

Camps are never wise because of the possible abuse and I do not believe your German blood has anything to do with this seeing America has practice this idea before Germany did with the Jewish and Roma Population...
Send them to a safe place in the middle east and send aid there....but that won't happen...democrats need votes and they don't care where those votes come from....they do not have to live in No Go muslim ghettos........and their private security will keep them safe....
Something must be done to isolate the thousands of young military-age Muslim males who are simply dumped into mainstream society and left to organize.
I am on friendly terms with a fellow (a neighbor) who is Jewish and who is strongly in favor of deporting all Muslim refugees, forthwith. My opposition to this simple but radical solution to the potential problems these refugees could cause as time goes on is based on the cute little refugee kids and the apparently harmless women I see in televised images of arriving refugees hordes.

Instead of sweeping deportation, which would doom most of the truly helpless and dependent refugees to death or living misery, I believe the most practical solution would be to establish concentration camps in which to confine all of the young, strong, military-age males while we carefully and effectively vet each of them. Those who seem safe and non-threatening can be released to seek employment. Those who do not will be summarily deported to the nation they came from.

My Jewish friend thinks because my lineage is German the concentration camp solution occurs to me as a genetic instinct. I think he rejects the idea out of hand because as a Jew he has an innate aversion to the idea because of what I have termed the Auschwitz orientation. He said just the words "concentration camps" give him a chill.

My idea does not call for death camps but something along the lines of the camps wherein peaceful Japanese citizens were confined during WW-II. These Muslims are not even citizens and the only purpose for confining them is to keep in eye on them and restrict their movements while we find out who they are and whether we can trust them.

So I'm asking for opinions. Is this a good idea, or not?
most jews are nut cases but many are not. Don't worry about that. The shylocks are doing my bidding. You can't paint them all with the same brush.
Anytime you are free to leave, by definition you are not
In prison, nor a concentration camp nor an internment camp. You are voluntarily subjecting yourself to holding.
Or better yet leave them to their fate, and keep our money here; helping Americans
Not one human alive today will vote for Hillary Clinton. Believe me. I've seen a lot of people over the years and believe me when I say, not one human alive will support secretary Clinton.
Something must be done to isolate the thousands of young military-age Muslim males who are simply dumped into mainstream society and left to organize.

What say we lock 'em up with all the Jews , like one huge thunderdome scene, and watch the show Mike....


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