Am I the only one that thinks this when listening to Rush Limbaugh?

Rush is brilliant, but the dude that subbed for him a week or so ago Mark Steyn is also great. I would even go as far to say Mark was more articulate and effective in exposing the MSM and their political establishment than Rush.

The topic is Rush. If you intend to get specific and just rip on Rush, then this thread belongs in the flame zone.

Actually, that's not the topic. The topic is what Bill Hicks thought of when he listened to Rush LimBOW. Had you listened to the video, you would actually know that. But, since you are obviously a dittohead...
He was apparently thinking of his own urine fetish. Disturbing, but whatever suits his taste, I guess.
Dittoheads need to be told what to think. They are unable to form opinions on their own, so they have their beloved Rush form their opinions for them. It's really weird. I worry about dittoheads. Even Snouter.

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