Amash not running for President after all

Good news for Joe Biden, since every poll that compared a race with vs. Without Amash showed Joe doing better without Amash.

There goes deplorables hopes, although it would not have mattered, Joe beats shitolini in landslide, just like 2018...

It exposes Amash as a fraud if he says he's "conservative" His support of Creepy, sleepy uncle Joe is duly noted.

He's got a score of 94% on the Freedom Index last I checked.

Second behind only Thomas Massie.

Challenging Justin Amash's conservatism is probably not the hill mainstreamers wanna die on. Because it will be sudden and quick.
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It exposes Amash as a fraud if he says he's "conservative" His support of Creepy, sleepy uncle Joe is duly noted.

He's got a score of 94% on the Freedom Index last I checked.

Second behind only Thomas Massie.

Challenging Justin Amash's conservatism is probably not the hill mainstreamers wanna die on. Because it will be sudden and quick.
He’s not smart we finally have a president trying to take America back, Trump is trying to be diplomatic and play the game to win. And Justin is to stupid to see it.
When he first ran Amash was considered a Tea Party conservative. Now that he's opposed to a life-long New York Democrat, recently calling himself a Republican he's called a RINO. Bizarre times we live in.
Joe Walsh started the tea party and he’s a democrat now

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