Amazing accomplishments of the Biden administration

Haha, you think I worship?!?! More delusions. I’m not a fan of Joes politics and don’t even want him to run again. But you keep up with the worship narrative. It just wouldn’t be you unless you’re making clueless posts.
Get back down on Joe and toss some more salad. Don’t keep him waiting.

And by the way, your posts reveal more about you than you’d care to intentionally admit. 😎

Amazing accomplishments of the Biden administration

Aww how precious, you think there’s a crowd paying attention to our conversation!!! Haha. Do you have an imaginary fan club as well? You narcissists are all the same.

I’m not claiming Biden has amazing accomplishments, I don’t agree with half the stuff he does. But he got toxic Trump out and is making politics boring again which was all I wanted him to do.
Trump could be toxic on occasion. So what? So is Brandon. But Brandon and his inept administration is damaging America. All Trump did was hurt your feewings.
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Get back down on Joe and toss some more salad. Don’t keep him waiting.

And by the way, your posts reveal more about you than you’d care to intentionally admit. 😎
It sounds like you think youre pretty clever. Haha, good stuff
Trump could be toxic on occasion. So what? So is Brandon. But Brandon and his inept administration is damaging America. All Trump did was hurt your feewings.
Pitting millions of people against the rest of their country is not nothing. It was much more damaging than any of Bidens stagnant policies have been.
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Pitting millions of people against the rest of their country is not nothing. It was much more damaging than any of Bidens stagnant policies have been.

Great analysis except it wasn’t Trump who pitted people against each other. Historical accuracy helps. Give it a try.
Oh dang, you got me there! Ouch, what a zinger!!!
No. You’re still off topic.

What exactly is your relevant input into this crucial thread? I mean, I saw what you said in post #2. Didn’t seem very “on topic.” But maybe it was a bit closer. Since then? Nada.

Not wanting to be as consistently off topic as you have been, I’ll just state my position in the thread topic as silly as the thread topic is: Brandon has no amazing accomplishments. None. He has had no accomplishments, at all, as President. He is a horror show.
Sounds like you don’t realize that you’re not. That’s actually funnier.
Im sorry sir, this is an off topic post. Please refer to the OP and refresh your memory of the topic at hand and try to stick to it. Thank you for your cooperation.
Im sorry sir, this is an off topic post. Please refer to the OP and refresh your memory of the topic at hand and try to stick to it. Thank you for your cooperation.
Irony! 😂

You know, if you have nothing at all to add to the discussion of even the silly thread topic, despite my many efforts to drag you back to it, you can attend to other topics in other threads. True story.

Anyway, back ON topic. Brandon has had no major accomplishments. He in fact has had no accomplishments at all as President. If Kamelhump weren’t the next in line, he might even get bounced out of office.
Nope, wrong again.

Explain how Trump himself divided America? Were his policies at fault for this division or was it the MSM lying, twisting and taking comments and actions out of context and using Trump's brash demeanor against him?
Here is what they have done and are in the process of doing so far: cutting border security, granting amnesty to illegals, cancelling the Keystone pipeline destroying thousands of jobs, allowing males to compete in women’s sports, banning fracking on federal lands making us less energy independent and using tax dollars to pay for abortion in foreign countries. And they have built an amazing military-style wall around the US Capitol, at the same time they are stopping construction on the wall at our southern border.
Could you check to see how many of Trump's lies you used?

Irony! 😂

You know, if you have nothing at all to add to the discussion of even the silly thread topic, despite my many efforts to drag you back to it, you can attend to other topics in other threads. True story.

Anyway, back ON topic. Brandon has had no major accomplishments. He in fact has had no accomplishments at all as President. If Kamelhump weren’t the next in line, he might even get bounced out of office.
I don’t look for big accomplishments from the federal government. The less they do the better. Biden booted Trump which was all he needed to do. As for accomplishing his agenda, I’m glad he hasn’t done much of that. Aren’t you?
Explain how Trump himself divided America? Were his policies at fault for this division or was it the MSM lying, twisting and taking comments and actions out of context and using Trump's brash demeanor against him?
The hyper division came from Trumps rhetoric. His dishonest and provocative demonization of anybody that opposed him… the “left”, the media, our own instititions. It came from his lies and distorted narratives he would push to grab credit and blame others. Those of you that pretend that Trump was not a key figure in the toxic divisiveness we see in our society, are simply playing dumb.

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