Amazing how much of the Obama legacy, is helping the old white guy, kinda look good!

Obama hated America.
Let me get this straight, you got a white guy in the white house, who mail orders his wives from the 3rd world countries, thanks America...who to this day, still has all his shit made Mexico and China, thanks America, who will only hire immigrants to run his Maro Logo operations and who's best friend is a Russian enemy who he gave top secret information to in the white house, never served a day in uniform and HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY?? Bitch paleeeezzzzzzzz
Maybe your BS will look even more legit if you use all caps and bright red with that bold.

As it is, your reply is completely moot. My comment was about the filthy little muslim dog turd Soetoro, not president Trump.

Get a fucking clue, dumbass.
I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama was a racist who hated America, just like a lot of blacks
I've documented this in other threads
Obama hated America.
Let me get this straight, you got a white guy in the white house, who mail orders his wives from the 3rd world countries, thanks America...who to this day, still has all his shit made Mexico and China, thanks America, who will only hire immigrants to run his Maro Logo operations and who's best friend is a Russian enemy who he gave top secret information to in the white house, never served a day in uniform and HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY?? Bitch paleeeezzzzzzzz
Maybe your BS will look even more legit if you use all caps and bright red with that bold.

As it is, your reply is completely moot. My comment was about the filthy little muslim dog turd Soetoro, not president Trump.

Get a fucking clue, dumbass.
Wow, your true bigoted POS self comes out.

Calling Obama a Muslim? Really? You are that fucking stupid?
Obama was a racist who hated America, just like a lot of blacks
I've documented this in other threads
I have news, fighting for equality for your race is not being racist. It is fighting racist fucks like you.
I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
Yeah, Obama fixed it, lol. What planet are you from? also as senator he voted present except for late term abortion, in which he voted yes.
FEMA’s Hurricane Response Is Making Trump Look Good. Thanks, Obama.
Trump can thank his predecessor, his predecessor’s pick to run the disaster agency, and the “deep state.”

Then-President Barack Obama appointed Fugate to turn around the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the system he left behind is the one Trump inherited heading into this year’s hurricane season.

“Trump’s riding on the shoulders of Obama,” said James Fraser, a Vanderbilt University professor who has done research on disaster mitigation. “It’s heartening to know that in this case, the Trump administration is not trying to undo something the Obama administration did to help people.”

Tack that onto a sound economy, good healthcare and a stable financial market....all compliments from Obama

And where is our former pres.? Dishing out food and water to the poor displaced Americans in Texas and Fla.?
Obama hated America.
You forgot "Lying Fuck" to your list.
very mature response ! very informative !
Only a Trumpette would think saying Obama hated America as the truth
he went to Rev Wright for YEARS
Wright undeniably hates America--if you've ever researched his preaching
this is crosschecked by MOboma's own words--
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country''
...they disowned him after his anti-white, anti-America preaching became public!!!!!---so they knew he was preaching anti--white, anti-American crap--but still went to hear him
it's like a person going to a KKK meeting--for years!!
Last edited:
Obama was a racist who hated America, just like a lot of blacks
I've documented this in other threads
I have news, fighting for equality for your race is not being racist. It is fighting racist fucks like you.
very professional answer....with that kind of language, everyone understands your point :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
blacks commit hate crimes to show the white race is hateful--got it
they murder each other at much, much higher rates than any other race--and complain about the whites???!!! :laugh::laugh:
blacks murder over EIGHT other blacks per DAY---
police shoot to protect themselves and that is wrong!!!??????
you have no argument whatsoever
Last edited:
FEMA’s Hurricane Response Is Making Trump Look Good. Thanks, Obama.
Trump can thank his predecessor, his predecessor’s pick to run the disaster agency, and the “deep state.”

Then-President Barack Obama appointed Fugate to turn around the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the system he left behind is the one Trump inherited heading into this year’s hurricane season.

“Trump’s riding on the shoulders of Obama,” said James Fraser, a Vanderbilt University professor who has done research on disaster mitigation. “It’s heartening to know that in this case, the Trump administration is not trying to undo something the Obama administration did to help people.”

Tack that onto a sound economy, good healthcare and a stable financial market....all compliments from Obama

And where is our former pres.? Dishing out food and water to the poor displaced Americans in Texas and Fla.?
Uh, why would this man, want to do anything for these southern white racist mf's that made this country and his life a living hell these last 8 years? Texas and Florida as far as I'm concerned, could be wiped out 2mar and never be missed!!
Obama handed over a weaponized North Korea too.

Thanks, Obama
NK got their nuke under Bush you fucking moron.
B.S. Clinton got them started in their nuke program, then your boy Obama gave Iran the go ahead to to assist NoKo
"My boy", well well well Mr racist fuck.

Clinton stopped their nuclear weapons program with offering nuclear energy help.

Your hero Bush decided to play hard ball & NK got their nuke.

NK sees Trump as a blow hard bluffer & play him like the fool he is.
Obama was a racist who hated America, just like a lot of blacks
I've documented this in other threads
I have news, fighting for equality for your race is not being racist. It is fighting racist fucks like you.
very professional answer....with that kind of language, everyone understands your point :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
blacks commit hate crimes to show the white race is hateful--got it
they murder each other at much, much higher rates than any other race--and complain about the whites???!!! :laugh::laugh:
blacks murder over EIGHT other blacks per DAY---
police shoot to protect themselves and that is wrong!!!??????
you have no argument whatsoever
I am not a professional racist like you.

Police have slaughtered unarmed blacks for years. So how did these unarmed black people threaten these cops? Even the ones that told the police they were armed, were killed without drawing their weapon.
Obama hated America.
You forgot "Lying Fuck" to your list.
very mature response ! very informative !
Only a Trumpette would think saying Obama hated America as the truth
he went to Rev Wright for YEARS
Wright undeniably hates America--if you've ever researched his preaching
this is crosschecked by MOboma's own words--
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country''
...they disowned him after his anti-white, anti-America preaching became public!!!!!---so they knew he was preaching anti--white, anti-American crap--but still went to hear him
it's like a person going to a KKK meeting--for years!!

You are sofa king stupid you did not grasp what wright said about 9-11 & America. His statements agreed with many political science experts arou d the globe. Bin Laden was clear on why he struck the US.

And here you are having a freakin fit because black people want equal rights. Wow, this thread brought out all you racist fucks,.

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