Amazing how much of the Obama legacy, is helping the old white guy, kinda look good!

I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
Yeah, Obama fixed it, lol. What planet are you from? also as senator he voted present except for late term abortion, in which he voted yes.
Dies your ignorance & lies have an end? Voting present is common in the ILL senate. The only vote he would vote yes on late term abortion would be for medical reasons.
You are such a fucking dick.

When Obama took office, Your Republican President has led us to the worse recession ion 80 fucking years, an economy losing at a rate of over 6%, two quagmire wars, a near financial collapse, and losing 800,000 jobs a month According to dumbass you, this have never improved.

You people are such lying fucks. No wonder you voted for your orange Pillsbury Doughboy.
Obama handed over a weaponized North Korea too.

Thanks, Obama
NK got their nuke under Bush you fucking moron.
B.S. Clinton got them started in their nuke program, then your boy Obama gave Iran the go ahead to to assist NoKo
"My boy", well well well Mr racist fuck.

Clinton stopped their nuclear weapons program with offering nuclear energy help.

Your hero Bush decided to play hard ball & NK got their nuke.

NK sees Trump as a blow hard bluffer & play him like the fool he is.
very mature
Obama hated America.
You forgot "Lying Fuck" to your list.
very mature response ! very informative !
Only a Trumpette would think saying Obama hated America as the truth
he went to Rev Wright for YEARS
Wright undeniably hates America--if you've ever researched his preaching
this is crosschecked by MOboma's own words--
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country''
...they disowned him after his anti-white, anti-America preaching became public!!!!!---so they knew he was preaching anti--white, anti-American crap--but still went to hear him
it's like a person going to a KKK meeting--for years!!

You are sofa king stupid you did not grasp what wright said about 9-11 & America. His statements agreed with many political science experts arou d the globe. Bin Laden was clear on why he struck the US.

And here you are having a freakin fit because black people want equal rights. Wow, this thread brought out all you racist fucks,.
very professional and mature response...we seem to have a lot of these have a great lexicon there
Rev. Wright Goes on Racial Tirade

'God damn America.' God damn America for killing innocent people
“We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye.
Wright's controversial comments
these sentences alone show Wright is a racist idiot ...he knows nothing about WW2
a lot of Japanese still did not want to surrender after the bombs! they were necessary and saved not only thousands of American lives, but also more Japanese would've been killed in an invasion/etc than the Abombs
more bombings, more starvation, longer war
Obama handed over a weaponized North Korea too.

Thanks, Obama
NK got their nuke under Bush you fucking moron.
B.S. Clinton got them started in their nuke program, then your boy Obama gave Iran the go ahead to to assist NoKo
"My boy", well well well Mr racist fuck.

Clinton stopped their nuclear weapons program with offering nuclear energy help.

Your hero Bush decided to play hard ball & NK got their nuke.

NK sees Trump as a blow hard bluffer & play him like the fool he is.
very mature
You forgot "Lying Fuck" to your list.
very mature response ! very informative !
Only a Trumpette would think saying Obama hated America as the truth
he went to Rev Wright for YEARS
Wright undeniably hates America--if you've ever researched his preaching
this is crosschecked by MOboma's own words--
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country''
...they disowned him after his anti-white, anti-America preaching became public!!!!!---so they knew he was preaching anti--white, anti-American crap--but still went to hear him
it's like a person going to a KKK meeting--for years!!

You are sofa king stupid you did not grasp what wright said about 9-11 & America. His statements agreed with many political science experts arou d the globe. Bin Laden was clear on why he struck the US.

And here you are having a freakin fit because black people want equal rights. Wow, this thread brought out all you racist fucks,.
very professional and mature response...we seem to have a lot of these have a great lexicon there
Rev. Wright Goes on Racial Tirade

'God damn America.' God damn America for killing innocent people
“We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye.
Wright's controversial comments
these sentences alone show Wright is a racist idiot ...he knows nothing about WW2
a lot of Japanese still did not want to surrender after the bombs! they were necessary and saved not only thousands of American lives, but also more Japanese would've been killed if we had to invade
Wright has nothing to do with anything.
FEMA’s Hurricane Response Is Making Trump Look Good. Thanks, Obama.
Trump can thank his predecessor, his predecessor’s pick to run the disaster agency, and the “deep state.”

Then-President Barack Obama appointed Fugate to turn around the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the system he left behind is the one Trump inherited heading into this year’s hurricane season.

“Trump’s riding on the shoulders of Obama,” said James Fraser, a Vanderbilt University professor who has done research on disaster mitigation. “It’s heartening to know that in this case, the Trump administration is not trying to undo something the Obama administration did to help people.”

Tack that onto a sound economy, good healthcare and a stable financial market....all compliments from Obama

And where is our former pres.? Dishing out food and water to the poor displaced Americans in Texas and Fla.?
... raising donations to help flood victims.
I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.

Do you even know the history of Barack Obama's time in the Illinois State Senate, Dave? The first two years he was there...he couldn't get a single piece of legislation that he proposed passed. It wasn't until he went to Emile Jones (the black political godfather of Chicago) and begged for help that he was finally able to get something with his name on it passed. Now if you knew the REAL story on'd know that Jones took legislation that another Democratic lawmaker had done all the work of drafting...and forced that legislator to let Barry put his name on it! You have the nerve to call someone else "fucking uninformed"? You bought the hype, Dave! You don't have a clue about the reality of Obama's time before Emile Jones decided to elect himself a US Senator!

As for who elected Donald Trump? The amusing thing, Dave is that it wasn't conservatives like myself who made that was liberal media outlets like CNN who pushed Trump HARD during the primaries because they believed he was the best candidate for Hillary Clinton to run against! You want to blame someone for Trump? Put the blame where it really belongs!
I'm sure if the response wasn't done well. You would still give Obama the credit?
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
Yeah, Obama fixed it, lol. What planet are you from? also as senator he voted present except for late term abortion, in which he voted yes.
Dies your ignorance & lies have an end? Voting present is common in the ILL senate. The only vote he would vote yes on late term abortion would be for medical reasons.
You are such a fucking dick.

When Obama took office, Your Republican President has led us to the worse recession ion 80 fucking years, an economy losing at a rate of over 6%, two quagmire wars, a near financial collapse, and losing 800,000 jobs a month According to dumbass you, this have never improved.

You people are such lying fucks. No wonder you voted for your orange Pillsbury Doughboy.
Your stupidity is beyond control. Obama supported an abortion in which the baby survives he is laid to die on it's on. Your going to hell to support him or this. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Obama handed over a weaponized North Korea too.

Thanks, Obama
NK got their nuke under Bush you fucking moron.
B.S. Clinton got them started in their nuke program, then your boy Obama gave Iran the go ahead to to assist NoKo
"My boy", well well well Mr racist fuck.

Clinton stopped their nuclear weapons program with offering nuclear energy help.

Your hero Bush decided to play hard ball & NK got their nuke.

NK sees Trump as a blow hard bluffer & play him like the fool he is.
Your boy Obama bowed to everyone even NoKo. I'll bet Soros and Obama are encouraging KJU to pop off the missles, birds of a feather
Obama handed over a weaponized North Korea too.

Thanks, Obama
NK got their nuke under Bush you fucking moron.
B.S. Clinton got them started in their nuke program, then your boy Obama gave Iran the go ahead to to assist NoKo
"My boy", well well well Mr racist fuck.

Clinton stopped their nuclear weapons program with offering nuclear energy help.

Your hero Bush decided to play hard ball & NK got their nuke.

NK sees Trump as a blow hard bluffer & play him like the fool he is.
Your boy Obama bowed to everyone even NoKo. I'll bet Soros and Obama are encouraging KJU to pop off the missles, birds of a feather

Being polite when visiting other countries is not an issue.

The problem os the KJU & rump are exactly alike. Two children with their fingers on the button.
Lets get something clear, every gotdamn thing that brother touched, was done with foresight, intelligence and concern....that is fact and you mf's all know it!! He fixed that shit and Trump is benefiting from it, own it

Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
Yeah, Obama fixed it, lol. What planet are you from? also as senator he voted present except for late term abortion, in which he voted yes.
Dies your ignorance & lies have an end? Voting present is common in the ILL senate. The only vote he would vote yes on late term abortion would be for medical reasons.
You are such a fucking dick.

When Obama took office, Your Republican President has led us to the worse recession ion 80 fucking years, an economy losing at a rate of over 6%, two quagmire wars, a near financial collapse, and losing 800,000 jobs a month According to dumbass you, this have never improved.

You people are such lying fucks. No wonder you voted for your orange Pillsbury Doughboy.
Your stupidity is beyond control. Obama supported an abortion in which the baby survives he is laid to die on it's on. Your going to hell to support him or this. Liberalism is a mental disease.

You do realize that these infants were already protected under Illinois law. The bill was a ploy to get certain anti-abortion language passed.

You hsve anymore bullshit rumors to post?
Let's get something REALLY clear, Tiger...Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive to zero legislative experience...and basically no notable achievements since he left Harvard Law School with a "gift" appointment as President of the Harvard Law Review! He sat in the Oval Office for eight years but the "brother" didn't do diddly squat because he doesn't know HOW to do diddly squat! He got elected because of the color of his skin and an ability to read a teleprompter and give a great speech.

"...foresight, intelligence and concern"? Don't make me laugh. His signature achievement was ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid cooked up behind closed doors that was designed to fail...a legislative "poison pill".
Obama served in the Illinois Senate prior to the US Senate. That is legislative experience. Just how fucking uninformed are you.

If Obama did so little, what is your Pillsbury Doughboy Trump retracting?

Republicans had since 1995 to revamp our healthcare system. They did NOTHING. The Democrats got in & did it. If You whiny fucks wanted healthcare reform in your way, you dumbasses should have done it when you controlled Congress & the White house.

Obama will be remembered as a good President who brought us back from the Bush disaster.
Trump is sofa king stupid that he is prodding NK into nuclear war, retracting from fighting global warming, making our air & water dirtier, isolating us from the rest of the planet while insulting every country on the planet. You elected a fucking idiot to run this country so I would STFU about any other President.
Yeah, Obama fixed it, lol. What planet are you from? also as senator he voted present except for late term abortion, in which he voted yes.
Dies your ignorance & lies have an end? Voting present is common in the ILL senate. The only vote he would vote yes on late term abortion would be for medical reasons.
You are such a fucking dick.

When Obama took office, Your Republican President has led us to the worse recession ion 80 fucking years, an economy losing at a rate of over 6%, two quagmire wars, a near financial collapse, and losing 800,000 jobs a month According to dumbass you, this have never improved.

You people are such lying fucks. No wonder you voted for your orange Pillsbury Doughboy.
Your stupidity is beyond control. Obama supported an abortion in which the baby survives he is laid to die on it's on. Your going to hell to support him or this. Liberalism is a mental disease.

You do realize that these infants were already protected under Illinois law. The bill was a ploy to get certain anti-abortion language passed.

You hsve anymore bullshit rumors to post?
You ignorant Yankee, you do know that living babies were put in a room to die. That's what you support. The devil has a nightmare for you.

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