amazing response to GOP Rep who said God opposes trans rights: "You used God to enslave my foreparents. You used God to segregate me in schools."

Rep Steube correctly points out that biological women cannot compete with men in athletics

as for his quoting the Bible, we are a majority Christian people who are guided by the Scriptures

You are guided by your prejudices. You just use some of the scriptures to try to justify those prejudices.

If they claim to be christians they should be quoting and following the New Testament.

That man quoted the tora or old testament. The book the jewish faith follows.

What it comes down to is, that conservative hates freedom of religion.

He also picks and chooses what part of the bible he wants to follow.

If he wants to follow the tora or old testament, he should convert to judisim.

If he wants to be a politician and create laws for our nation he better leave that bible of his at home and follow our constitution.

Don't completely discount the Bible, Torah, Koran, or any one of many other ancient religious texts. They all contain universal wisdom that applies to us today as much as it did when they were first written. However, we can't base our government on everything that can be found there. Each idea must be evaluated in the light of what is relevant and workable in our society today. We are not a theocracy.

We only discuss the three "Abrahamic" religions that originated in the Middle East, but the Supreme Creator must have known that His/Her human creations lived all over the world, and would not have neglected any of them. I don't think that we will ever know the extent of the universal wisdom, but we must piece it together from all of recorded human experience. Perhaps non-human, as well. I always wanted to talk to animals. I love stories of primates who learn sign language. intelligent and helpful dolphins, and, of course, our dear dogs and cats. A friend of mine has a wonderful idea: ask them whether they believe in a supreme being. I'd love to know.
Communicating with animals seems a little far out there when discussing wisdom, but I have to believe that universal wisdom is universal. It seems that some animals understand rudimentary concepts, such as loyalty, or even compassion, but I'm not sure how much more they would be able to comprehend.

I didn't mean to sound like a kook, but I, too, have noted animals showing loyalty and compassion, from gorillas guarding kids who fall into their zoo enclosures and dolphins guiding ships through dangerous waters. We just don't know the extent of what they do know. I think that my friend made an interesting point. What I think about the most, though, is the extent of the entire human experience. We in the west contemplate only the Abrahamic faiths, but where does the experience of other humans in other places fit in?
I'm guessing the same place. Seems the basics would still apply no matter what religion might be followed. Don't lie, cheat ,steal. Don't intentionally harm others. Protect and provide for the old, young, or others that can't do it for themselves. All the rules that any society needs to survive.
Rep Steube correctly points out that biological women cannot compete with men in athletics

as for his quoting the Bible, we are a majority Christian people who are guided by the Scriptures

Well we know that is a lie, because if you were guided by the teachings of Jesus we wouldn't have seen the atrocities in this country that we have. You claim to Christian, but your actions are not CHRIST like.
Rep Greene makes a fair point about Christians invoking the Bible to justify slavery

but it was also Christians who envoked God to end slavery

the final stanza of Amazing Grace is a clear example of that

”As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free”
“His truth is marching on”

Folks like you would've been on the side trying not to end slavery. Just sayin.
Yet the right still wants to deny rights to people who aren't like them.
Baring men from competing in women’s atheletic events is hardly a crime against humanity

nor is requiring men to pee only in the male-only bathroom

Agree with that, just because a man thinks he is a woman doesn't mean he should be allowed to compete against a woman.
There is no movement that will not be perverted and co-opted by the left if they think it will advance their cause.
Well we know that is a lie, because if you were guided by the teachings of Jesus we wouldn't have seen the atrocities in this country that we have. You claim to Christian, but your actions are not CHRIST like.
Only Christ can be Christlike

He died on the cross for our sins

but in spite of their flaws Christians have done much good for the world also
Well we know that is a lie, because if you were guided by the teachings of Jesus we wouldn't have seen the atrocities in this country that we have. You claim to Christian, but your actions are not CHRIST like.
Only Christ can be Christlike

He died on the cross for our sins

but in spite of their flaws Christians have done much good for the world also

Who named you CHRISTians?
America was founded by Deists.

the first settlers were Christians who came to America seeking religious freedom

And that policy continued until 1965 when liberals began to give preference to muslims, buddists, hindu, and whatever else the cat drags in

We The People were Christians who fought the revolution and formed the more perfect union

and that includes most of the signers of the Declaration and framers of the Constitution
There is absolutely no reason to use any sort of religious argument to critique Trans theory.

Meanwhile, as a Christian, it's not much in the spirit to condemn people even if you think they're being sinful. Empathize with their struggle. And, if they view that is "hateful" because of their identity politics, that's on them.
I am speaking of Christians in America the last 400yrs.
I have not lived in America 400 years

Some Christians did own slaves and mistreat them

which was not good Christian behavour that Jesus would approve of

all I can tell you now is that no longer happens
America was founded by Deists.

the first settlers were Christians who came to America seeking religious freedom

And that policy continued until 1965 when liberals began to give preference to muslims, buddists, hindu, and whatever else the cat drags in

We The People were Christians who fought the revolution and formed the more perfect union

and that includes most of the signers of the Declaration and framers of the Constitution
It's true. Jefferson was not a Christian...Washington...Adams...etc. All Deists

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