AMAZING the ignorance of Obama,people on this board and millions of Americans!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Shocking the ignorance of many people including some on this board as well as how many americans have NO idea that their employer MATCHES what the employee pays in Social Security, Medicare and that the EMPLOYER alone pays Federal Unemployment TAXES!!!

I've not seen any polls because I don't think people understand the importance that Americans UNDERSTAND that their employer ALSO pays for the employee's Social Security and Medicare!

I am assuming the AVERAGE American doesn't know that while THEY see 4.2% for SS and 1.45% for Medicare deducted from their check,
their employer adds 6.2% for SS and 1.45% for Medicare to the payments to the Federal Government!

AND I firmly believe that Obama shares THAT ignorance!

I mean for a person who in his OWN words.."Starting in January 2009, Obama and his aides promised repeatedly to "focus like a laser" on creating jobs."
HE HASnN'T because WHY would he be instead working to KILL JOBS????

If Obama and millions of Americans UNDERSTOOD their employers pay more for the employees SS and match payments for Medicare maybe they would comprehend the importance of GETTING MORE people employed!

SO I'm repeating again..
For every employee earning $40,000 a year in salary:
The Employer PAYS 7.65% of the $40,000 or $3,060 in payroll taxes ..
The Employee pays 5.65% or $2,260 in payroll taxes...

AND GUESS what Obama and millions of IGNORANT americans ALL OF THIS GOES INTO THE GENERAL FUND!!!
40% of Federal Tax Revenue comes from PAYROLL TAXES
42% individual income taxes
9% corporate taxes
6% other
3% Excise taxes...


What are the federal government's sources of revenue?

So again... IF Obama KNEW how important Payroll taxes are i.e. 40% coming from EMPLOYERS then Obama wouldn't be so anti-business making businesses the enemy the evil profit takers,... just as so many MILLIONS of totally ignorant AMericans consider "corporations" businesses... etc...
AND these idiots like Obama OBVIOUSLY don't know the old adage... Don't bite the hand that feeds you!
40% is NOT coming from the employers....It's coming from the employee.

The "employer's contribution" to FICA comes out of the money that any given employer has to pay employees.

It's a great big shell game that the gullible buy into.
I made this graphic in '08 to metaphorically present the thought process of the Democrat voter.

Nothing has changed.

Who has ever claimed that employers don't kick in for Social Security?

Its part of total compensation
40% is NOT coming from the employers....It's coming from the employee.

The "employer's contribution" to FICA comes out of the money that any given employer has to pay employees.

It's a great big shell game that the gullible buy into.

NO you are WRONG!

DID YOU CHECK MY sources or are you one of those ignorant millions???

Employer Payroll Taxes

Companies are responsible for paying their portion of payroll taxes. These payroll taxes are an added expense over and above the expense of an employee's gross pay. The employer-portion of payroll taxes include the following:
Social Security taxes (6.2% up to the annual maximum)
Medicare taxes (1.45% of wages)
Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA)
State unemployment taxes (SUTA)

Payroll Taxes: Basic Information for All Employers

DO YOU understand plain english?

COMPANIES must PAY their portion!!!

YOU obviously have never been AS I AM an employer!
My accountants deduct from company checking account payments to the IRS for every employee that has SS/Medicare!
My accounts deduct 6.2% for SS and 1.45% ADDITIONALLY PAID BY MY COMPANY!!!

DO YOU understand????
Thank you again for showing the economic ignorance of MILLIONS of Americans that don't understand the importance of employers and the JOBS they create!

NOT only hiring people BUT EMPLOYERS PAY just as the Employee for SS and Medicare!
These additional monies from the EMPLOYER from Employees AND employers.. ARE all sent to IRS making up 40% of Federal REVENUES!!!
Thank you again for showing the economic ignorance of MILLIONS of Americans that don't understand the importance of employers and the JOBS they create!

NOT only hiring people BUT EMPLOYERS PAY just as the Employee for SS and Medicare!
These additional monies from the EMPLOYER from Employees AND employers.. ARE all sent to IRS making up 40% of Federal REVENUES!!!

Employers are not providing a gift.

They make money off of EVERY employee they hire. Retirement, medical benefits, insurance are all part of the compensation they negotiate with their employees. It is not out of the goodness of their heart.

For those employers who do not provide adequate salary and benefits.....The TAXPAYER ends up making up the difference
When you are a self employed business owner and have to make the total payment for yourself, and the employer share for your employees, you know.
Thank you again for showing the economic ignorance of MILLIONS of Americans that don't understand the importance of employers and the JOBS they create!

NOT only hiring people BUT EMPLOYERS PAY just as the Employee for SS and Medicare!
These additional monies from the EMPLOYER from Employees AND employers.. ARE all sent to IRS making up 40% of Federal REVENUES!!!

Employers are not providing a gift.

They make money off of EVERY employee they hire. Retirement, medical benefits, insurance are all part of the compensation they negotiate with their employees. It is not out of the goodness of their heart.

For those employers who do not provide adequate salary and benefits.....The TAXPAYER ends up making up the difference

Why are you so anti-business?

I mean this attitude is EXACTLY why we have the economic morass ..i..e. everyone like you think all businesses are out to get you! Out to screw the public!

MY point in this thread was THAT MANY idiots think THEY are the only ones that pay into SS and Medicare and DON"T understand that the value of businesses employers is that they PAY IN to SS/Medicare ALSO!!!
AND many idiots don't seem to understand 40% of total federal revenue COMES from SS/Medicare payments!!!

And this attitude you display about businesses is again one of the MAJOR reasons we have 23 million unemployed or underemployed!

Obviously you are NOT an employer as I am!
I could hire more people but can NOT honestly figure out what the costs will be of Obamacare.
I don't know what the tax consequences will be since Congress/ Senate haven't passed a Federal budget in over 3 years!

WHY more importantly should ANY employer though want to grow if the growth will be criticized, chastised as evil profit takers... all those characteristics you exhibit!
ANY employer that owns a business has NO reason to continue much less grow when as one famous business owner said..

"My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities.
If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |
Thank you again for showing the economic ignorance of MILLIONS of Americans that don't understand the importance of employers and the JOBS they create!

NOT only hiring people BUT EMPLOYERS PAY just as the Employee for SS and Medicare!
These additional monies from the EMPLOYER from Employees AND employers.. ARE all sent to IRS making up 40% of Federal REVENUES!!!

Employers are not providing a gift.

They make money off of EVERY employee they hire. Retirement, medical benefits, insurance are all part of the compensation they negotiate with their employees. It is not out of the goodness of their heart.

For those employers who do not provide adequate salary and benefits.....The TAXPAYER ends up making up the difference

Why are you so anti-business?

I mean this attitude is EXACTLY why we have the economic morass ..i..e. everyone like you think all businesses are out to get you! Out to screw the public!

MY point in this thread was THAT MANY idiots think THEY are the only ones that pay into SS and Medicare and DON"T understand that the value of businesses employers is that they PAY IN to SS/Medicare ALSO!!!
AND many idiots don't seem to understand 40% of total federal revenue COMES from SS/Medicare payments!!!

And this attitude you display about businesses is again one of the MAJOR reasons we have 23 million unemployed or underemployed!

Obviously you are NOT an employer as I am!
I could hire more people but can NOT honestly figure out what the costs will be of Obamacare.
I don't know what the tax consequences will be since Congress/ Senate haven't passed a Federal budget in over 3 years!

WHY more importantly should ANY employer though want to grow if the growth will be criticized, chastised as evil profit takers... all those characteristics you exhibit!
ANY employer that owns a business has NO reason to continue much less grow when as one famous business owner said..

"My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities.
If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

Signed, your boss,

CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes |

It is not being antibusiness. It is merely detailing how our system works. Jobs are not gifts, they are economic transactions

And you have yet to demonstrate where anyone says employers don't contribute to Social Security

You are probably not an employer. If so, you are not a very good one. There are always uncertainties in the marketplace. The uncertainties of the market, what your competitors will do, what the whims of your customer base are all outweigh the uncertainties of your employees health benefits
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For those employers who do not provide adequate salary and benefits.....The TAXPAYER ends up making up the difference

Um........if they don't provide "adequate salary" then why does anyone work for them?

I guess we cannot all work for the US government, huh.:mad:
40% is NOT coming from the employers....It's coming from the employee.

The "employer's contribution" to FICA comes out of the money that any given employer has to pay employees.

It's a great big shell game that the gullible buy into.

NO you are WRONG!

DID YOU CHECK MY sources or are you one of those ignorant millions???

Employer Payroll Taxes

Companies are responsible for paying their portion of payroll taxes. These payroll taxes are an added expense over and above the expense of an employee's gross pay. The employer-portion of payroll taxes include the following:
Social Security taxes (6.2% up to the annual maximum)
Medicare taxes (1.45% of wages)
Federal unemployment taxes (FUTA)
State unemployment taxes (SUTA)

Payroll Taxes: Basic Information for All Employers

DO YOU understand plain english?

COMPANIES must PAY their portion!!!

YOU obviously have never been AS I AM an employer!
My accountants deduct from company checking account payments to the IRS for every employee that has SS/Medicare!
My accounts deduct 6.2% for SS and 1.45% ADDITIONALLY PAID BY MY COMPANY!!!

DO YOU understand????
I understand basic business accounting, which allots X% of the total budgetary pie for employee expenses, including the "employer contribution" to FICA and Medicare.

Whether by hook or by crook, the employees pay it all.
Payroll tax cut is a shell game because it ends up cutting tax refund at end of year, ya still owe the same tax but less withholding tax has been withheld...
White House seeking a replacement for payroll tax cut that ends in January
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27,`12 (UPI) -- The White House Saturday denied a report it is looking for an alternative tax break to stimulate the U.S. economy after payroll tax cuts expire in December.
The Washington Post reported the tax break would be designed to provide about the same amount of relief -- $400 for individuals per year and $800 for married couples -- that was provided by the policy that lowered the payroll tax from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. "The report is not correct," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters traveling on Air Force One Saturday. "The administration is not contemplating at this time a tax cut as the way that it's described in the Post." Earnest said President Barack Obama is committed to middle class tax cuts but he declined to discuss negotiations or whether something other than what the Post described is in the works.

Economists say payroll tax breaks have immediate effects on the economy, giving increased consumer spending power to those who earn relatively lower wages. In addition the increased take-home pay is ongoing, which prolongs the stimulative effect. Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., has pushed for an extension of the payroll tax break. "If we're going to look at anything, we should look at a payroll tax cut or other measures that have a similar effect," Van Hollen said. A White House official said Friday there was "no specific new proposal such as this one at this time."

For the long term, President Barack Obama has proposed extending the Bush era tax cuts for households making under $250,000 per year. Without passage of that proposal, the U.S. budget would go over the so-called fiscal cliff, which has become the popular name for a series of tax hikes and spending cuts that would automatically go into effect Jan. 1 if Congress does not intervene. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has said he would drop income tax by 20 percent across the board and make up the lost revenue by closing loopholes, but he has not identified which deductions he would eliminate.

Read more: White House seeking a replacement for payroll tax cut that ends in January -
what my employer paid in SS taxes in my name was counted as my Total compensation pay. At the end of the year, my employer sent me a statement of my total compensation and what they contributed towards SS was included in my ''total pay'', total compensation, along with what they paid for my health care, life insurance, salary, bonuses, stock etc.....
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