Ambassador Stevens' Last Words


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans - U.S. State Department staffer Sean Smith and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods - were murdered during a 13-hour terror attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that started on the night of September 11, 2012.

On Monday, giving testimony in Washington against terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, who's accused of orchestrating the attack on the consulate, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Scott Wickland, the ambassador's bodyguard, revealed Stevens' harrowing last words:

“When I die, you need to pick up my gun and keep fighting," Stevens told Wickland.

Independent Journal Review reports on Wickland's testimony:

In his testimony, Wickland admitted he didn’t know if he was going to survive the attack. He also described the heartbreaking moment he lost Stevens and U.S. State Department staffer Sean Smith.

Wickland said he saw Stevens and Smith crawling behind him as they searched for a bedroom with a window to escape out of. When he exited the window, he was alone.

Vomiting from the smoke and taking fire, Wickland climbed out of the room and pulled the ladder up.

“That's when I knew [Stevens and Smith] were dead,” Wickland recalled.

According to The Washington Post, "Abu Khattala has pleaded not guilty to 18 counts including murder, attempted murder, material support of terrorism and destruction of U.S. facilities in the Benghazi attacks of Sept. 11 and Sept. 12, 2012. He faces a life sentence if convicted."

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state under President Barack Obama at the time of the attack, an attack she initially, and falsely, blamed on an anti-Islam YouTube video.

According to an 800-page report released from the House Benghazi Committee, Clinton's State Department refused or ignored repeated requests for increased security on the compound, which they knew was undermanned.

Moreover, it was determined that the "administration failed to respond in time, in part because of political concerns." Daily Wire's James Barrett reports:

Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered U.S. forces to be deployed to rescue our personnel in Benghazi. Though they were mobilized to a staging area in Italy and were ready to take action, not a single asset he ordered deployed ever left the ground. The damning reasons for this failure include political concerns about how the Libyan government wanted our military personnel dressed.

During a two-hour "deputies meeting" which Clinton attended that took place while the 13-hour attack was underway, the State Department ate up valuable time "by insisting that certain elements of the U.S. military respond to Libya in civilian clothes and that it not use vehicles with United States markings. Both restrictions appear to have been concessions to the Libyan government that did not want an identifiable U.S. military presence on the streets of Libya."

Larry O'Connor notes that another "even more troubling" revelation is that "nearly half of the action items that came out of this critical meeting involved the YouTube video, Innocence of Muslims, which the Obama Administration falsely claimed to be the impetuous for the deadly terror attack."

The Last Words Of Ambassador Stevens In Benghazi Have Been Revealed
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.
I remember George Bush Sr famously when he was Director of the CIA saying, "I will never apologize for the United States". This is why Clinton was the wrong choice, you place your best in harms way and you worry about what some pissant politician from another country thinks, while you sit behind a desk and tell others to risk their lives. Then to lie to protect your own ass and your International donors.

So cold and flippant.

The way I see it, you might not always make the right decisions in life, but if you make decisions that are principled, you need never apologize.
That's the way Demoncrats are, they care more about Muslims' feelings than taking action to protect our people overseas.

Those treasonous Demoncrats that made all these decisions should be in prison.
... and Lakhota thinks it's funny. He gets a kick out of people dying in the service of their country, I guess.

To which I can only respond .... fuck you very much.
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.

People like her have no conscious. But I believe in a G-d of justice, and she will face judgement day. Now or later....
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans - U.S. State Department staffer Sean Smith and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods - were murdered during a 13-hour terror attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that started on the night of September 11, 2012.

On Monday, giving testimony in Washington against terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, who's accused of orchestrating the attack on the consulate, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Scott Wickland, the ambassador's bodyguard, revealed Stevens' harrowing last words:

“When I die, you need to pick up my gun and keep fighting," Stevens told Wickland.

Independent Journal Review reports on Wickland's testimony:

In his testimony, Wickland admitted he didn’t know if he was going to survive the attack. He also described the heartbreaking moment he lost Stevens and U.S. State Department staffer Sean Smith.

Wickland said he saw Stevens and Smith crawling behind him as they searched for a bedroom with a window to escape out of. When he exited the window, he was alone.

Vomiting from the smoke and taking fire, Wickland climbed out of the room and pulled the ladder up.

“That's when I knew [Stevens and Smith] were dead,” Wickland recalled.

According to The Washington Post, "Abu Khattala has pleaded not guilty to 18 counts including murder, attempted murder, material support of terrorism and destruction of U.S. facilities in the Benghazi attacks of Sept. 11 and Sept. 12, 2012. He faces a life sentence if convicted."

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state under President Barack Obama at the time of the attack, an attack she initially, and falsely, blamed on an anti-Islam YouTube video.

According to an 800-page report released from the House Benghazi Committee, Clinton's State Department refused or ignored repeated requests for increased security on the compound, which they knew was undermanned.

Moreover, it was determined that the "administration failed to respond in time, in part because of political concerns." Daily Wire's James Barrett reports:

Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered U.S. forces to be deployed to rescue our personnel in Benghazi. Though they were mobilized to a staging area in Italy and were ready to take action, not a single asset he ordered deployed ever left the ground. The damning reasons for this failure include political concerns about how the Libyan government wanted our military personnel dressed.

During a two-hour "deputies meeting" which Clinton attended that took place while the 13-hour attack was underway, the State Department ate up valuable time "by insisting that certain elements of the U.S. military respond to Libya in civilian clothes and that it not use vehicles with United States markings. Both restrictions appear to have been concessions to the Libyan government that did not want an identifiable U.S. military presence on the streets of Libya."

Larry O'Connor notes that another "even more troubling" revelation is that "nearly half of the action items that came out of this critical meeting involved the YouTube video, Innocence of Muslims, which the Obama Administration falsely claimed to be the impetuous for the deadly terror attack."

The Last Words Of Ambassador Stevens In Benghazi Have Been Revealed
Actually, dupe, there were two attacks one lasted 25 minutes before help arrived and then 4 hours later there were 3 mortar shots none of which could have been helped by anyone in the US Military... Super dupe
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.
After your first 50 murders, you start to forget those kinds of things. You get used to it. So I hear.
My you're incredibly full of 25 years of total b*******, Dupe... Funny how none of that or any corruption on Hillary never goes anywhere past total b******* propaganda God damn morons...
... and now Franco thinks it's funny that Stevens died for his country.

I guess him and Lakhota are probably over in the corner jerking off to all the great blood from a stupid American.
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.
After your first 50 murders, you start to forget those kinds of things. You get used to it. So I hear.
My you're incredibly full of 25 years of total b*******, Dupe... Funny how none of that or any corruption on Hillary never goes anywhere past total b******* propaganda God damn morons...
Go away ---- you disgust me. Just a fucking joke to you , huh?

Consider yourself ignored - my first one. You are an ugly piece of shit.
... and now Franco thinks it's funny that Stevens died for his country.

I guess him and Lakhota are probably over in the corner jerking off to all the great blood from a stupid American.
No obviously it was a tragedy he shouldn't have been there but you are so full of s***about it you have no clue as usual...
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.
After your first 50 murders, you start to forget those kinds of things. You get used to it. So I hear.
My you're incredibly full of 25 years of total b*******, Dupe... Funny how none of that or any corruption on Hillary never goes anywhere past total b******* propaganda God damn morons...
Go away ---- you disgust me. Just a fucking joke to you , huh?

Consider yourself ignored - my first one. You are an ugly piece of shit.
P UB troll to the rescue... So was a 13-hour attack? You get your news from the GOP Congressional Witch Hunt, idiot... Change the God damn Channel... What are you a Rush Limbaugh dupe?
Whoa... Watching Mannix and they have a silencer that's loud... Great show! You are really way off, dingbat... Read something and not liberal fascism or Breitbart...
I hope Hillary sees the images of Stevens torn up body in her head every night, forever.
After your first 50 murders, you start to forget those kinds of things. You get used to it. So I hear.
My you're incredibly full of 25 years of total b*******, Dupe... Funny how none of that or any corruption on Hillary never goes anywhere past total b******* propaganda God damn morons...
Go away ---- you disgust me. Just a fucking joke to you , huh?

Consider yourself ignored - my first one. You are an ugly piece of shit.
WTF is wrong with you, troll? He was a Democrat and a hero and gay he was my hero you're full of s***find me an American who didn't think it was a tragedy, a******.
Whoa... Watching Mannix and they have a silencer that's loud... Great show! You are really way off, dingbat... Read something and not liberal fascism or Breitbart...

Hey, dipshit, I listened to the Benghazi hearings and I saw what was done to the whistleblowers. I heard what was done to those close to this story that worked in the state department that had to undergo lie detector tests in order to keep their jobs as the Barrypuppet regime tried to find the leakers. They even got cellphone records of reporters so they could try and find whom they were talking to.

You would support Adolf Hitler and defend him if he had a "D" by his are just that fucking pathetic.
Whoa... Watching Mannix and they have a silencer that's loud... Great show! You are really way off, dingbat... Read something and not liberal fascism or Breitbart...

Hey, dipshit, I listened to the Benghazi hearings and I saw what was done to the whistleblowers. I heard what was done to those close to this story that worked in the state department that had to undergo lie detector tests in order to keep their jobs as the Barrypuppet regime tried to find the leakers. They even got cellphone records of reporters so they could try and find whom they were talking to.

You would support Adolf Hitler and defend him if he had a "D" by his are just that fucking pathetic.
You are out of your mind. You believe so much crap about corrupt Hillary murderer Hillary for Christ's sake etc etc you believes other Americans are Nazis lazy communist etcetera etcetera absolutely out of your mind we want background checks the rich to pay more like their fair share and you are a total hater dupe, brainwashed functional moron.
Whoa... Watching Mannix and they have a silencer that's loud... Great show! You are really way off, dingbat... Read something and not liberal fascism or Breitbart...

Hey, dipshit, I listened to the Benghazi hearings and I saw what was done to the whistleblowers. I heard what was done to those close to this story that worked in the state department that had to undergo lie detector tests in order to keep their jobs as the Barrypuppet regime tried to find the leakers. They even got cellphone records of reporters so they could try and find whom they were talking to.

You would support Adolf Hitler and defend him if he had a "D" by his are just that fucking pathetic.
You are out of your mind. You believe so much crap about corrupt Hillary murderer Hillary for Christ's sake etc etc you believes other Americans are Nazis lazy communist etcetera etcetera absolutely out of your mind we want background checks the rich to pay more like their fair share and you are a total hater dupe, brainwashed functional moron.

LOL! Little fella, I understand and comprehend more than your teeny tiny little mind could ever hope to fathom. I would put your I.Q score at around 83...give or take a few points and I am being generous. Your fool-fueled rants are like a gift that keeps on giving. You amuse me while at the same time causes me to shake my head in utter amazement that someone can be as utterly stupid as you are but can still navigate the internet.
Whoa... Watching Mannix and they have a silencer that's loud... Great show! You are really way off, dingbat... Read something and not liberal fascism or Breitbart...

Hey, dipshit, I listened to the Benghazi hearings and I saw what was done to the whistleblowers. I heard what was done to those close to this story that worked in the state department that had to undergo lie detector tests in order to keep their jobs as the Barrypuppet regime tried to find the leakers. They even got cellphone records of reporters so they could try and find whom they were talking to.

You would support Adolf Hitler and defend him if he had a "D" by his are just that fucking pathetic.
You are out of your mind. You believe so much crap about corrupt Hillary murderer Hillary for Christ's sake etc etc you believes other Americans are Nazis lazy communist etcetera etcetera absolutely out of your mind we want background checks the rich to pay more like their fair share and you are a total hater dupe, brainwashed functional moron.

LOL! Little fella, I understand and comprehend more than your teeny tiny little mind could ever hope to fathom. I would put your I.Q score at around 83...give or take a few points and I am being generous. Your fool-fueled rants are like a gift that keeps on giving. You amuse me while at the same time causes me to shake my head in utter amazement that someone can be as utterly stupid as you are but can still navigate the internet.
So, Super Duke conspiracy Nut Job, no argument at all again? I'm stunned

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