Amendment 25 Is Not Just About Paid Time Off(?), Or "Guilty Enough" To Be Thought A Crime(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Federalist Papers opined that in fact the Impeachment of a President was more of a political problem than a matter of U. S. Jurisprudence. There are no such immunities from usual crimes specified in the Constitution, which specifies other immunities. Nor is it just a union issue--there being no Presidential Union local. If the President is unable to discharge the duties of office, (doing a criminal trial proceeding), then Amendment 25 of the U. S. Constitution likely provides lawful options.

The 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Why would Donald Trump want to look into Amendment 25? He claims pardon power, (which he does not have in a matter of impeachment), but he has no need of a pardon since no crime has been committed.

In Fact, there is no showing that President Donald Trump has done anything criminal. If accused, however, his lawyers would likely prefer the common U.S. criminal standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt," than the usual street, voting booth, legislative or press standard of: "Guilty Enough to be boiled in oil, drawn and quartered, hung and then be beheaded: All of that on national news networks!"

That you do to Brandon, for being late to class.

Anyone rational(?): Is not going to give up usual criminal due process. It is not required of Executive Branch office-holders, even. There is nothing so-stated in the Constitution.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Who in the name of anything thought Holy: Would even consider creating a media series for Mascale(?)! There are some few things sacred, that are simply not done!)

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