America Don't Let Kobani Fall to ISIL!

Letting Kobani fall is a huge failure and a major victory for ISIS.
When did Kobani fall to ISIS?
not up on current events, I see.
Go read about what is going on.Get up to speed..try to avoid CNN huffpo MSNBC etc... if you can.

....or keep posting trite evasions and dodges. whichever is easiest for you...
Does Fox News work for you?

US airstrikes slow ISIS advance on Kobani as momentum shifts to Kurds Fox News

The air strikes have slowed down ISIS yes but how long will that last? the Syrian Kurds are fighting ISIS with old Soviet era AK's and Hunting rifles, unless we really arm them with heavy weapons and gear ISIS will not stop until they take Kobani.
..and don't forget all the great american weapons and ordnance they took from our firm and brave allies in iraq when they threw them down and ran away.
ISIS is well armed with some fine modern american weapons..

Yes and thats exactly why they have been effective, not because of their fighting skills on the battlefield but they are more armed than almost every Military in that regio, they are using the supplies and weapons we gave the Iraqi army!

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