America is not putting up with racial nonsense from the haters

Sassy lies, that is what she does. She has been Ladygunlsinger, EconChick, and Bad Bill. She captured RouteIrish. She briefed the Joint Chiefs. She was a doctoral student in economics. And her postings continually demonstrate she could not have been any of those things.

Jake? Are you telling lies and slandering posters here with no substantiative proof? Reported....(snicker) Just because she is kicking your ass and pissing you off doesn't give you the right to slander.......get it, pussbag?
Dale, you and she are the punch bags of the Board. You are both here for grins and giggles only. And thank you, because you come through daily just like Sassy.

You betcha, Palooka Joe....still waiting on a leftard that can debate instead of just hurling names and posting opinions from leftard blogs.
You are projecting again, Dale. You simply can't handle yourself here in a manly, confident way.

The judge is right to not put up with racial crap and is right to put the punk in his place.
You are projecting again, Dale. You simply can't handle yourself here in a manly, confident way.

The judge is right to not put up with racial crap and is right to put the punk in his place.

I don't post the way you think I should? Tough shit, homey. I get all the validation I need from others that enjoy how I put asswipes like you in your place. I found it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it but that went right over that sloped neanderthal skull of yours. Oh, and the day will NEVER arrive when I will ever wish to curry favor with a limp-wristed douchebag like you...that scenario doesn't exist....are we clear on that?
Jake who are the haters, the blacks or the whites? Show me your thread on the haters that play the knockout game, and their comeuppance.

Whites in America that hate blacks are called racists and haters. What do we call the blacks in America that hate whites?
You are projecting again, Dale. You simply can't handle yourself here in a manly, confident way.

The judge is right to not put up with racial crap and is right to put the punk in his place.

I don't post the way you think I should? Tough shit, homey. I get all the validation I need from others that enjoy how I put asswipes like you in your place. I found it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it but that went right over that sloped neanderthal skull of yours. Oh, and the day will NEVER arrive when I will ever wish to curry favor with a limp-wristed douchebag like you...that scenario doesn't exist....are we clear on that?
You are silly goof ball, and true men and women are not concerned with your beta male attitudes.
Jake who are the haters, the blacks or the whites? Show me your thread on the haters that play the knockout game, and their comeuppance.

Whites in America that hate blacks are called racists and haters. What do we call the blacks in America that hate whites?
Racists, of course. The knockout game of whites on blacks was played when I was a kid and a teen. That was wrong. If it is being played today by anyone, that is wrong.
You are projecting again, Dale. You simply can't handle yourself here in a manly, confident way.

The judge is right to not put up with racial crap and is right to put the punk in his place.

I don't post the way you think I should? Tough shit, homey. I get all the validation I need from others that enjoy how I put asswipes like you in your place. I found it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it but that went right over that sloped neanderthal skull of yours. Oh, and the day will NEVER arrive when I will ever wish to curry favor with a limp-wristed douchebag like you...that scenario doesn't exist....are we clear on that?
You are silly goof ball, and true men and women are not concerned with your beta male attitudes.

There is nothing even remotely "manly" about you. I bet your testicles haven't even dropped yet. You can not be a liberal male and then claim to be "manly" contradiction of terms.
Only far right nutters like sassy intepret it as "race", when in fact it is ironic the perp ends up in front of a black judge who enforce the law.

Does anyone here think a white judge would have been sympathetic to the defendant?
I am not surprised that Dale Smith the beta male is worried about how a man's testicles look.

You are homosexual, aren't you?
I find it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it. That has to be a real quandry to a was a black lady...but now a Mexican (another underclass that leftards cater to) will be going to jail.,..LOL!!!!!

Black is more privileged than brown.
Only far right nutters like sassy intepret it as "race", when in fact it is ironic the perp ends up in front of a black judge who enforce the law.
Does anyone here think a white judge would have been sympathetic to the defendant?
I would hope not. That would say something bad about any who thought the judge should be sympathetic to a racist of any stripe.
I am not surprised that Dale Smith the beta male is worried about how a man's testicles look.

You are homosexual, aren't you?

Doubting that they have dropped yet is not the same thing as inquiring as to their appearance. Once again you prove that you are not very bright at all........ (snicker)
I am not surprised that Dale Smith the beta male is worried about how a man's testicles look.

You are homosexual, aren't you?

Doubting that they have dropped yet is not the same thing as inquiring as to their appearance. Once again you prove that you are not very bright at all........ (snicker)
Sure it is. You are interested in men's nuts. Very telling.
I find it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it. That has to be a real quandry to a was a black lady...but now a Mexican (another underclass that leftards cater to) will be going to jail.,..LOL!!!!!

Black is more privileged than brown.
Another racist statement because you can't qualify or quantify it.

It is based on the fact that when libs have to chose sides, they always take the side of the black over that of the brown.

That's quantified.
I am not surprised that Dale Smith the beta male is worried about how a man's testicles look.

You are homosexual, aren't you?

Doubting that they have dropped yet is not the same thing as inquiring as to their appearance. Once again you prove that you are not very bright at all........ (snicker)
Sure it is. You are interested in men's nuts. Very telling.

You don't have any to speak of so the point is moot. (snick)
I am not surprised that Dale Smith the beta male is worried about how a man's testicles look.

You are homosexual, aren't you?

Doubting that they have dropped yet is not the same thing as inquiring as to their appearance. Once again you prove that you are not very bright at all........ (snicker)
Sure it is. You are interested in men's nuts. Very telling.

You don't have any to speak of so the point is moot. (snick)
Then why are you interested? :) Calling aaronleland, Dale Smith is coming out. Give him a call.
Jake who are the haters, the blacks or the whites? Show me your thread on the haters that play the knockout game, and their comeuppance.

Whites in America that hate blacks are called racists and haters. What do we call the blacks in America that hate whites?
Racists, of course. The knockout game of whites on blacks was played when I was a kid and a teen. That was wrong. If it is being played today by anyone, that is wrong.

I don't know, you just don't seem to have the same conviction when the roles are reversed. It seems as though one's wrong, the other is an outrage. One is wrong, the other gets what's coming to him. The zeal to condemn both equally just isn't there.
The word hater has been so diluted, that if someone chooses a different toilet paper than the other, that hater card shows up. This is a created division. Remove the creator, and I think you'll see a downturn in the war of the races in America.
Both are wrong, both are an outrage. Make sure your conviction is to the American dream, TIR.

The creators has been American social culture that reinforced politics and the law. There are still some older members of the former way that have resented the transformation of American into a plural, diverse society. There were many who resented the economic and social rise of women. There have been many who have resented the economic and social rise of people of color. Many have resented the rise of Catholicism, Mormonism, Judaism, etc. Who cares? It is the American way.

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