America is not putting up with racial nonsense from the haters

Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Hispanic is carried as a Caucasian subcategory, yes? And who says that Hispanics can't hate blacks in the name of White Nationalism. Running dogs, yeah.
Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Hispanic is carried as a Caucasian subcategory, yes? And who says that Hispanics can't hate blacks in the name of White Nationalism. Running dogs, yeah.
Fuckin' black skinned Indians and even Ethiopians are carried in the Caucasian category. Caucasian does not mean white skinned, Jake. It's a description of a particular skull shape, size and structure.

You wouldn't call an Ethiopian white would you?
Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Hispanic is carried as a Caucasian subcategory, yes? And who says that Hispanics can't hate blacks in the name of White Nationalism. Running dogs, yeah.
Fuckin' black skinned Indians and even Ethiopians are carried in the Caucasian category. Caucasian does not mean white skinned, Jake. It's a description of a particular skull shape, size and structure. You wouldn't call an Ethiopian white would you?
Not according to the government forms.
Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Hispanic is carried as a Caucasian subcategory, yes? And who says that Hispanics can't hate blacks in the name of White Nationalism. Running dogs, yeah.
Fuckin' black skinned Indians and even Ethiopians are carried in the Caucasian category. Caucasian does not mean white skinned, Jake. It's a description of a particular skull shape, size and structure. You wouldn't call an Ethiopian white would you?
Not according to the government forms.
So what? Move the goal posts much? Lol
Herrera was charged with a hate crime, battery with physical contact, AND simple battery. Judge Bourgeois set bail for $450,000 then noted, "So the record is clear, I believe Americans can hate whomever they want to hate — but you can keep it to yourself...I believe you are a danger. This city has enough problems."
Herrera? That's a Spanish name. You sure this guy is a white nationalist?
Hispanic is carried as a Caucasian subcategory, yes? And who says that Hispanics can't hate blacks in the name of White Nationalism. Running dogs, yeah.
Fuckin' black skinned Indians and even Ethiopians are carried in the Caucasian category. Caucasian does not mean white skinned, Jake. It's a description of a particular skull shape, size and structure. You wouldn't call an Ethiopian white would you?
Not according to the government forms.
Yeah....this mojado looking Mexican is a white nationalist! Lmfao!

After trumps inauguration it will once again be appropriate to call a spade a spade

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if you get a boner just listening to him talk imagine the boner you are going to get if he gets better have that fag you spent the night with,with you on that day.......

There you are - talking about dick again
You need a good tea bagging and one in your ass at the same time
Try it
Maybe that will satisfy your need for cock and balls in all your holes, faggot
admiral?....true or false.....did you not say you get a boner when trump speaks?....did you not have a thread where you said you spent the evening with a gay guy just to see what all the fuss was about?...lets see how big of a man you are....did you or did you not say these things?....

There ya go with that gay/balls/testicle talk
Put a dress on and go suck one already, faggot
not man enough to admit you said those things?....just as i thought ....not only a fag....a pussy too....
Both are wrong, both are an outrage. Make sure your conviction is to the American dream, TIR.

The creators has been American social culture that reinforced politics and the law. There are still some older members of the former way that have resented the transformation of American into a plural, diverse society. There were many who resented the economic and social rise of women. There have been many who have resented the economic and social rise of people of color. Many have resented the rise of Catholicism, Mormonism, Judaism, etc. Who cares? It is the American way.

Let's not get all philosophic:
This racial crap is a politically motivated movement to create discord in our country by an outsider, no less. The creator is Soros. The implementer is Obama. The baiters are Jackson and Sharpton. The organizer is Acorn. No one would have tried to burn Ferguson down if Soros hadn't paid Acorn to pay blacks to destroy and loot. No one was rioting the day before...

There was a thread here about the error of giving a black child a white doll. Most blacks seem to share the belief that while white on black racism is appalling, black on white racism is merely a justifiable inherent black characteristic. Which is why it has been so easy for Soros to coordinate. The truth is both are equally appalling.

Blacks have every single right that whites have. They can, according to their ambition, become brain surgeons or scientists, pop stars and Nobel peace prize winners, athletes or professors, or president.

What we no longer seem to be putting up with is the effort to paint us all as racists, bigots and haters. We are standing up, and crying, "Bullshit."
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TIR, it is all philosophic, as well as your comments that misrepresent what is happening.
Blah Blah Blah "White nationalists"...
Can't call us "white colonialists" anymore. We haven't been that for hundreds of years.
Can't call us "Americans" anymore. It infers we have a right to be who we are.

Our government actually tests buzz words before tossing them out in the media to see if they can effectively impact our thinking. And the stupids latch on to them and spew them ad nauseam. And here we go again.
"White nationalists" is to be used exactly the way it was in this thread. Sort of like Black Power, only the negative, white, racist version.
It is not.

Nationalist- (regardless of color is):
a person who advocates political independence for a country.

It has 0, and I mean 0, to do with race. But that won't stop the masses...

So, "at the end of the day" let us, "break through the clutter" with the "empowerment" to bring about a "new normal" "genre" of "transparency" to the bullshit "buzz words" that "resonate" with Obama, and "move forward" with an "exit strategy" for the "globalists" that are trying to force UN "leverage" on our American "framework".

Trump 2016
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White nationalism has everything to do with race.

Ask Steve_McGarrett or krypto
You are projecting again, Dale. You simply can't handle yourself here in a manly, confident way.

The judge is right to not put up with racial crap and is right to put the punk in his place.

I don't post the way you think I should? Tough shit, homey. I get all the validation I need from others that enjoy how I put asswipes like you in your place. I found it ironic that it was a Mexican that did it but that went right over that sloped neanderthal skull of yours. Oh, and the day will NEVER arrive when I will ever wish to curry favor with a limp-wristed douchebag like you...that scenario doesn't exist....are we clear on that?
Typical unmanly rant, a punk rant from you.
White nationalism has everything to do with race.

Ask Steve_McGarrett or krypto

White Nationalist - a person who advocates for the political independence of a country.
Black Nationalist - a person who advocates for the political independence of a country.

^ I don't have to ask anybody.
The first Nationalist to die for this country in the American Revolution, was a native American/black slave.
Ask Crispus Attucks, and Stevie Wonder.

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