America Is NOT Racist at THE HBCU | Change My Mind (Police Called!)


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This video came up on my YouTube feed. I’m not subscribed to the guy but he has about 370,000 subscribers . He simply went to a “historically black college” and sat down at a table posted a sign saying “America is not racist.”

He had some very interesting conversations with lots of black folks. But he received tons of hatred and threats from people on Twitter, and in the comment sections. And it appears that lots of those threats came from Internet, keyboard warriors who are white. I wonder if any of the US message board far left wingers sent those messages?

It’s that insane knee-jerk reaction when somebody sends a threatening message to another person for no good reason. Obviously, they don’t care or understand that slavery and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. It is as if they view the United States as the only country in the world. That is what we see here in 2023. You can see it in the beginning of the video tons, and tons of politically violent messages, threatening a man simply for sitting down at a table, posting a sign saying “ America’s not racist. “

There is nothing provocative or wrong about writing “America is not racist” and sitting down in any college across America. That should never invoke violent threats. It shouldn’t invoke rude response either ….it should invoke agreement and proudness in America.

Look at what democrats and their neocon allies have done to this country. They convince people that racism is a problem in America when we are in the midst of one of the worst economies in American history… the price of a home under Trump was $200,000 on average and under Biden is $400,000.

That is the single greatest concern in this country, the high cost of living…. The least of our concerns is racism. Well, after all, we are the number one destination in the world for African refugees and immigrants.

This video came up on my YouTube feed. I’m not subscribed to the guy but he has about 370,000 subscribers . He simply went to a “historically black college” and sat down at a table posted a sign saying “America is not racist.”

He had some very interesting conversations with lots of black folks. But he received tons of hatred and threats from people on Twitter, and in the comment sections. And it appears that lots of those threats came from Internet, keyboard warriors who are white. I wonder if any of the US message board far left wingers sent those messages?

It’s that insane knee-jerk reaction when somebody sends a threatening message to another person for no good reason. Obviously, they don’t care or understand that slavery and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. It is as if they view the United States as the only country in the world. That is what we see here in 2023. You can see it in the beginning of the video tons, and tons of politically violent messages, threatening a man simply for sitting down at a table, posting a sign saying “ America’s not racist. “

There is nothing provocative or wrong about writing “America is not racist” and sitting down in any college across America. That should never invoke violent threats. It shouldn’t invoke rude response either ….it should invoke agreement and proudness in America.

Look at what democrats and their neocon allies have done to this country. They convince people that racism is a problem in America when we are in the midst of one of the worst economies in American history… the price of a home under Trump was $200,000 on average and under Biden is $400,000.

That is the single greatest concern in this country, the high cost of living…. The least of our concerns is racism. Well, after all, we are the number one destination in the world for African refugees and immigrants.

To discuss this question we have to differentiate between De Jure, and De Facto. America isn’t Racist De Jure. However many of us are De Facto. And those who are wish it to be De Jure.

We know from studies that Blacks are more likely to be stopped while driving. The Driving while Black complaint.

Now is it the De Jure law or policy? No. It is De Facto however.
To discuss this question we have to differentiate between De Jure, and De Facto. America isn’t Racist De Jure. However many of us are De Facto. And those who are wish it to be De Jure.

We know from studies that Blacks are more likely to be stopped while driving. The Driving while Black complaint.

Now is it the De Jure law or policy? No. It is De Facto however.
The facts are that white people are more likely to have a bad encounter with police. If you look at the video, the statistics are shown.

The bottom line is that everyone in this country should get along with each other. It would be insane for me as a white man to go move the South Africa and then launch nonstop complaints about the treatment of white farmers instead of me trying to unite people. Or recognize the many Black people in South Africa that are wonderful people.

There’s also a hypocrisy from Americans that support Ukraine, and who never say anything about the Nazis in Ukraine, denounce those bastards. To hell with those nazi white supremacists in Ukraine just denounce them.

Also, black folks are overrepresented in prison right now. So that’s perhaps why there’s some discrepancies in some of the statistics among police encounters. But there’s also discrepancies among white people. There are white people who get killed by police, but the media doesn’t talk about it that’s hypocrisy from the media.

Going back to the other point it will be disgraceful if I moved to turkey and complain nonstop about treatment of Christians. That’s not how things are done. There’s a better way to do things.

So the point about “we know from studies” just won’t cut it not here in America…. Because the studies go both ways the stats go both ways.

But I think it will be better to refuse to engage in conversation with Americans that refuse to denounce nazis in ukraine. They talk a big game about treatment of blacks in America. It must be demanded that they denounce anyone who wears a swastika in ukraine. Sure support the Ukrainian country, but absolutely denounce the Nazis in Ukraine because Germany declared war on America for no good reason all to support there Ally Japan who killed over 3000 Americans at Pearl Harbor in a surprise attack.

There is one phenomenon we see from the video of the original post. There were some great conversations with Black people in that video. But you will pretty much never see a group of 30 or 50 white people kind of ganging up on a black person, who maybe posts a sign saying “black lives matter” at a white majority college. Again, this is another point that ignorant Americans far left wing Democrats will not even talk about. Or they will blow over it.

The greatest threat to this country right now is the terrible economy. you talk with any working class black or white on the streets They don’t give a damn about Black Lives Matter they want more money. They wanna be able to afford a home they want the American dream that we’re supposed to get in this country when the middle class works hard….. and it’s not possible for so many Americans because of the Joe Biden inflation. Giving away all this money to foreign countries for no good reason. Open borders.

This video came up on my YouTube feed. I’m not subscribed to the guy but he has about 370,000 subscribers .


John Doyle can be good fun.

Cocky little Christie youth who can be a little overbearing with the preaching at times, but god DAMN does he know how to troll the Left.

I first saw him in 2020 when he was at a Left Wing protest of a Trump rally.

He literally ended up making a chick cry regarding a past abortion.

Fucking brutal.

I unsubscribed a while back just because he's such a dogmatic religious purist, but ya gotta respect the hustle.
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John Doyle can be good fun.

Cocky little Christie youth who can be a little overbearing with the preaching at times, but god DAMN does he know how to troll the Left.

I first saw him in 2020 when he was at a Left Wing protest of a Trump rally.

He literally end up making a chick cry regarding a past abortion.

Fucking brutal.

I unsubscribed a while back just because he's such a dogmatic religious purist, but ya gotta respect the hustle.
That’s really interesting. I’ve never heard of the guy until today. There’s probably some videos he does that I might not agree with. The only video I have seen from John Doyle has been the one of the original post.

But toward the end of the video in the original post, you see five or 6 black agitators start yelling. They try to remove the table, they blocked the cameras. And that’s really unfortunate for about an hour and a half Mr. Doyle had informative conversations with some of the black students.

I think it’s worth noting that we don’t hear about the reverse phenomenon say, for example, a black person sets up a table at a white majority college saying “blm” and then he is forced to leave the college. You just don’t hear about a group of a bunch of white people surrounding a guy like that and then at times ganging up on him in conversation and then like five or six white people basically threatening the guy to leave the campus or else

We have got to have free-speech in this country it must prevail I think it will prevail.
But toward the end of the video in the original post, you see me before five black agitators start screaming, and yelling. They try to remove the table, they blocked the cameras. And that’s really unfortunate for about an hour and a half Mr. Doyle had informative conversations with some of the black students.

Typical Leftist censorship tactics.

They can't win an argument, so resort to authoritarian violence, all while accusing their opponents of "FASCISM!"
Typical Leftist censorship tactics.

They can't win an argument, so resort to authoritarian violence, all while accusing their opponents of "FASCISM!"
It’s really unfortunate. But honestly, it seems like the vast majority of those black students were ready to engage in conversation.

Alls it takes is a few bad eggs
The facts are that white people are more likely to have a bad encounter with police. If you look at the video, the statistics are shown.

The bottom line is that everyone in this country should get along with each other. It would be insane for me as a white man to go move the South Africa and then launch nonstop complaints about the treatment of white farmers instead of me trying to unite people. Or recognize the many Black people in South Africa that are wonderful people.

There’s also a hypocrisy from Americans that support Ukraine, and who never say anything about the Nazis in Ukraine, denounce those bastards. To hell with those nazi white supremacists in Ukraine just denounce them.

Also, black folks are overrepresented in prison right now. So that’s perhaps why there’s some discrepancies in some of the statistics among police encounters. But there’s also discrepancies among white people. There are white people who get killed by police, but the media doesn’t talk about it that’s hypocrisy from the media.

Going back to the other point it will be disgraceful if I moved to turkey and complain nonstop about treatment of Christians. That’s not how things are done. There’s a better way to do things.

So the point about “we know from studies” just won’t cut it not here in America…. Because the studies go both ways the stats go both ways.

But I think it will be better to refuse to engage in conversation with Americans that refuse to denounce nazis in ukraine. They talk a big game about treatment of blacks in America. It must be demanded that they denounce anyone who wears a swastika in ukraine. Sure support the Ukrainian country, but absolutely denounce the Nazis in Ukraine because Germany declared war on America for no good reason all to support there Ally Japan who killed over 3000 Americans at Pearl Harbor in a surprise attack.

There is one phenomenon we see from the video of the original post. There were some great conversations with Black people in that video. But you will pretty much never see a group of 30 or 50 white people kind of ganging up on a black person, who maybe posts a sign saying “black lives matter” at a white majority college. Again, this is another point that ignorant Americans far left wing Democrats will not even talk about. Or they will blow over it.

The greatest threat to this country right now is the terrible economy. you talk with any working class black or white on the streets They don’t give a damn about Black Lives Matter they want more money. They wanna be able to afford a home they want the American dream that we’re supposed to get in this country when the middle class works hard….. and it’s not possible for so many Americans because of the Joe Biden inflation. Giving away all this money to foreign countries for no good reason. Open borders.

I want to say thank you. You helped me realize. Mexico sending all those people here is not an invasion. They’re just going after the Nazi’s we have in America. So it’s a great thing right?
I want to say thank you. You helped me realize. Mexico sending all those people here is not an invasion. They’re just going after the Nazi’s we have in America. So it’s a great thing right?

It really is genuinely offensive how much more you bozos care about Ukraine's border than our own.
It really is genuinely offensive how much more you bozos care about Ukraine's border than our own.

Hey I keep hearing how Russia is striving to denazify Ukraine, and it is a good thing. So maybe Mexico is doing that to America, and wouldn’t that be a good thing?
There are only 2 real groups of racists in America, and one smaller group.

Lazy, dumb blacks and black criminals that have no sense of personal responsibility that cry about racism so they use it as an excuse for their poor behavior and lack of ambition, or an excuse for their criminal behavior.

Then you have politicians that are racist for those same blacks as an attempt to get their votes by telling them there is systemic racism and promote racist ideas like affirmative action.

And there is a small portion of genuine racists that are primarily peoole that were never racist, but so fucking sick of hearing about racism, sick of blacks demanding and getting special treatment, and sick of being told they are racist that they actually do become racist. Myself included. I never used to be, but the past 2 years I definitely have come to dislike blacks in general.

The vast majority of all racism in America is directly because of blacks themselves, and white Democrat/liberal/progressives.
There are only 2 real groups of racists in America, and one smaller group.

Lazy, dumb blacks and black criminals that have no sense of personal responsibility that cry about racism so they use it as an excuse for their poor behavior and lack of ambition, or an excuse for their criminal behavior.

Then you have politicians that are racist for those same blacks as an attempt to get their votes by telling them there is systemic racism and promote racist ideas like affirmative action.

And there is a small portion of genuine racists that are primarily peoole that were never racist, but so fucking sick of hearing about racism, sick of blacks demanding and getting special treatment, and sick of being told they are racist that they actually do become racist. Myself included. I never used to be, but the past 2 years I definitely have come to dislike blacks in general.

The vast majority of all racism in America is directly because of blacks themselves, and white Democrat/liberal/progressives.

20 years ago I would have found this take offensive.

Now? In 2023 Biden America?

Dead fucking on.
I want to say thank you. You helped me realize. Mexico sending all those people here is not an invasion. They’re just going after the Nazi’s we have in America. So it’s a great thing right?
I would ask a simple question of you. Can you denounce those who wear swastikas in the Ukraine military. All good if you want to support Ukraine but it tells a lot about you if you won’t say anything about this issue.

I’ll denounce anyone who admires the German war effort of World War II. That’s just a simple common sense approach as an American. Let’s see what you have to say.

I’m also wondering if you watched the video in the original post. You’re not aware of the statistics surrounding police interactions the vast majority of them are peaceful.
I would ask a simple question of you. Can you denounce those who were swastikas in the Ukraine military. All good if you want to support Ukraine but it tells a lot about you if you won’t say anything about this issue.

I’m also wondering if you watched the video in the original post. You’re not aware of the statistics surrounding police interactions the vast majority of them are peaceful.

No and no.

This video came up on my YouTube feed. I’m not subscribed to the guy but he has about 370,000 subscribers . He simply went to a “historically black college” and sat down at a table posted a sign saying “America is not racist.”

He had some very interesting conversations with lots of black folks. But he received tons of hatred and threats from people on Twitter, and in the comment sections. And it appears that lots of those threats came from Internet, keyboard warriors who are white. I wonder if any of the US message board far left wingers sent those messages?

It’s that insane knee-jerk reaction when somebody sends a threatening message to another person for no good reason. Obviously, they don’t care or understand that slavery and bigotry was always a worldwide issue. It is as if they view the United States as the only country in the world. That is what we see here in 2023. You can see it in the beginning of the video tons, and tons of politically violent messages, threatening a man simply for sitting down at a table, posting a sign saying “ America’s not racist. “

There is nothing provocative or wrong about writing “America is not racist” and sitting down in any college across America. That should never invoke violent threats. It shouldn’t invoke rude response either ….it should invoke agreement and proudness in America.

Look at what democrats and their neocon allies have done to this country. They convince people that racism is a problem in America when we are in the midst of one of the worst economies in American history… the price of a home under Trump was $200,000 on average and under Biden is $400,000.

That is the single greatest concern in this country, the high cost of living…. The least of our concerns is racism. Well, after all, we are the number one destination in the world for African refugees and immigrants.

I was taken by the visual of the first minute and a half. It was profound. Here you have this white person who sets up a table in a predominately black community. He is undeniably surrounded by a black audience and he is on the defensive---for what? Why is the white community on the defensive. That man has done nothing other than to state the US is not racist. I personally disagree. The US is extremely racist AND sexist. They constantly attack white men who are guilty of NOTHING. This is INSANITY. Thank you for listening to my rant.

John Doyle can be good fun.

Cocky little Christie youth who can be a little overbearing with the preaching at times, but god DAMN does he know how to troll the Left.

I first saw him in 2020 when he was at a Left Wing protest of a Trump rally.

He literally ended up making a chick cry regarding a past abortion.

Fucking brutal.

I unsubscribed a while back just because he's such a dogmatic religious purist, but ya gotta respect the hustle.

You respect a man for emotionallly abusing a woman. Fucking sick asshole.
You respect a man for emotionallly abusing a woman. Fucking sick asshole.

After she murdered a child?

It's the least he could do.

It's 2023, if you wanna terminate your pregnancy take a fucking morning after pill or a panoply of other readily available baby killers.

Don't wait til they're 6 mos. old, like this chick did.

Get it? Got it?


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