America is on the wrong track

Here you people are AGAIN personally attacking someone because they dont agree with you politically.

Man are you a pack of lousy human beings
"Not to mention the food that was put on your table, the mortgage or rent and car notes that were paid. "

That I earned. I am in NO WAY THANKFUL TO MY NO LONGER EXISTING COMPANY. I was undervalued, underpaid, and they didnt provide the food on my table. They had zero to do with me paying off my mortgage or my vehicles.

Pardon me, but it sounds to me like you earned your living for 27 years in a corporation that paid your salary. They were not required to give you extra. You negotiated a salary with them and they paid you what you were promised.

Did you not get a gold watch at 25 years?

You probably were undervalued. Most of us are. But a corporation is under no responsibility to give you more than you negotiate with them. If you were worth $50 an hour but accepted $30 you should not expect them to just decide to pay you $50.

Why we are on the wrong track is because liberals have changed us into a socialist democracy. And have now become advocates for communism.

Our framers never wanted a democratic form of government.
Our schools have been teaching our children that we are a democratic republic and we were never meant to be that.
If our founders had wanted a democratic republic they would have said that in our constitution.
No where does it say democratic republic.
It says a REPUBLIC

The difference between the two;

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic

Please ignore the thumbnail it did not link up right :)


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