America is ripe for destruction....will it go the way of Rome?

The Edomites are Jews. They were forcibly converted in 126 BC.
the edomites are not actually "jews"----"jews" being
the people who are the descendants of the people of
the Kingdom of Judah. Those people are the descendants of the 12 tribes ---which is the community whose founder is Jacob (israel). The edomites are
descendants of the twin brother of Jacob ---to wit
Esau---ie ---Esau is the founder of the people called
Edomites. The Edomites are described (along with
many other communities in the Levant) as being
improperly circumcised. According to the bible the
Edomites ALSO engaged in idolatry and fought with the community founded by Jacob (eventually all
called Jews because Jacob appointed his son JUDAH
as the King over the 12 tribes) In 126 BC --the people called jews fought with the Edomites and
compelled them to undergo the CORRECTED
circumcision--------from the POV of religion---they
had already largely assimilated back into the group
which in the bible is called "the children of Israel"---
ie Jews. A very interesting factoid is the persistence of the uncorrected circumcision----in SAUDI ARABIA----I read about it in the ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE. ---fret not----some imported jews
are teaching them the corrected technique
Unless you have blinders on it is undeniable America is falling apart....all the racial problems which will only get worse, the increase in violenr crimes, a menrally challenged president, barbarbarians at the gates...a massive invasion of them on our southern border, the aggressiveness of China, muslim terrorism being given a new life by the biden regime etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Rome fell after the christians took over. Know your history.
Unless you have blinders on it is undeniable America is falling apart....all the racial problems which will only get worse, the increase in violenr crimes, a menrally challenged president, barbarbarians at the gates...a massive invasion of them on our southern border, the aggressiveness of China, muslim terrorism being given a new life by the biden regime etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Since it was the epitome of the Republican party that got destroyed when the empire fell, that's a very good thing. The destruction can't come soon enough.

It won't be America that gets destroyed. Just the very worst part of it.
Unless you have blinders on it is undeniable America is falling apart....all the racial problems which will only get worse, the increase in violenr crimes, a menrally challenged president, barbarbarians at the gates...a massive invasion of them on our southern border, the aggressiveness of China, muslim terrorism being given a new life by the biden regime etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Rome was founded in 800 BC and died finally in 1453 AD. This are ~2250 years. You have now a little more than 10% of the age of Rome.
Rome fell after the christians took over. Know your history.

Rome (Byzantium) fell after the Muslims took over. What we call today "the Orient" had been East Rome once. On the other side you could perhaps also say in 1806 Rome died when finally the Holy Roman Empire died. Or we can say Rome never died because the Occident (= the West) still exists.
Rome was founded in 800 BC and died finally in 1453 AD. This are ~2250 years. You have now a little more than 10% of the age of Rome.
depends on perspective-----pre constantine Rome is
not the same as post constantine rome
depends on perspective-----pre constantine Rome is
not the same as post constantine rome

The politics of Rome in 800 BC was also not the same as in 400 BC. So what means this what you say? I said: The USA is too young to die.
the edomites are not actually "jews"----"jews" being
the people who are the descendants of the people of
the Kingdom of Judah. Those people are the descendants of the 12 tribes ---which is the community whose founder is Jacob (israel). The edomites are
descendants of the twin brother of Jacob ---to wit
Esau---ie ---Esau is the founder of the people called
Edomites. The Edomites are described (along with
many other communities in the Levant) as being
improperly circumcised. According to the bible the
Edomites ALSO engaged in idolatry and fought with the community founded by Jacob (eventually all
called Jews because Jacob appointed his son JUDAH
as the King over the 12 tribes) In 126 BC --the people called jews fought with the Edomites and
compelled them to undergo the CORRECTED
circumcision--------from the POV of religion---they
had already largely assimilated back into the group
which in the bible is called "the children of Israel"---
ie Jews. A very interesting factoid is the persistence of the uncorrected circumcision----in SAUDI ARABIA----I read about it in the ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE. ---fret not----some imported jews
are teaching them the corrected technique

The Edomites were forcibly converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus.
The Edomites were forcibly converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus.
not exactly----the BIG problem was that they were
---theoretically, descended from Esau----Jacob's
twin brother, but their circumcisions were something
like those done by arabs and egyptians of that time. It was Jeremiah who was the fussy guy and
demanded perfection. The first time I saw one------I was horrified. Ragged edges------pakistani. They also engaged in idolatry -----and told to QUIT IT. Herod was an edomite, JOHN THE BAPTIST was not
which is what landed his head on a platter.
Eventually they just assimilated
Like what desantis is doing in Florida. You express cypur opinion in Florida and he finds a way to punish you. He is a vengeful little prick.

Disney was allowed to set up a company town, you know the kind you people all bitched about back in the 20's and 30's.

Then, Disney decided they didn't like how the VOTERS of Florida were voting, so Disney tried to turn the State into a company town.

And got bitch slapped for the attempt.

How interesting that you take the fascist side, and not the people's side.
Rome fell after the christians took over. Know your history.

You should know yours. The western Roman empire had already fallen by the time Constantine converted on his death bed, in Byzantium.
Disney was allowed to set up a company town, you know the kind you people all bitched about back in the 20's and 30's.

Then, Disney decided they didn't like how the VOTERS of Florida were voting, so Disney tried to turn the State into a company town.

And got bitch slapped for the attempt.

How interesting that you take the fascist side, and not the people's side.
NO...Disney tried to defend LGBT and little trump got paused. Stop.pushing far right lies. If Disney closed up shot in Florida, you would see a huge increase I'm taxes. desantis is turning Florida into his fascist kingdom. "AGREE WITH ME....OR ELSE!"
Disney was allowed to set up a company town, you know the kind you people all bitched about back in the 20's and 30's.

Then, Disney decided they didn't like how the VOTERS of Florida were voting, so Disney tried to turn the State into a company town.

And got bitch slapped for the attempt.

How interesting that you take the fascist side, and not the people's side.
Excellent analysis.
NO...Disney tried to defend LGBT and little trump got paused. Stop.pushing far right lies. If Disney closed up shot in Florida, you would see a huge increase I'm taxes. desantis is turning Florida into his fascist kingdom. "AGREE WITH ME....OR ELSE!"

What a load of bullshit.

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