America is tired of freaks

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Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
All presidents after Bush Jr. were freaks. Obama made people laugh with his strange antics, then there was a man who looked like a pedophile, a fat-assed outcast, Trump, who was friends with totalitarian regimes, bought prostitutes, engaged in espionage and signed a conspiracy with terrorists. Freaks mocked the American people. Now there is Nikki, a normal, serious, experienced politician with a good reputation. Didn't act in porn, didn't smoke weed, didn't kiss children, didn't spy or be friends with terrorists, doesn't look like a fat piece of shit.
This time the American people are lucky
All presidents after Bush Jr. were freaks. Obama made people laugh with his strange antics, then there was a man who looked like a pedophile, a fat-assed outcast, Trump, who was friends with totalitarian regimes, bought prostitutes, engaged in espionage and signed a conspiracy with terrorists. Freaks mocked the American people. Now there is Nikki, a normal, serious, experienced politician with a good reputation. Didn't act in porn, didn't smoke weed, didn't kiss children, didn't spy or be friends with terrorists, doesn't look like a fat piece of shit.
This time the American people are lucky

Polls show Haley closing the gap with Trump in New Hampshire ahead of Jan. 23 primary​

One new poll has Haley now trailing Trump by just single digits.

I seriously fear her. As a Democrat, I should be encouraging Trump win because I believe we will defeat him. But Nikki will con the American people because Biden is old. That's it. She's just as much a CON job as Trump.

But at least she's not a constitutional crisis. So honestly, I'd rather lose to her than beat Trump. Because losing to her means Trump is gone.

Trump supporters will show up for Nikki. Remember now is when we fall in love with our candidates but after the primaries, it's time to fall in line.

Polls show Haley closing the gap with Trump in New Hampshire ahead of Jan. 23 primary​

One new poll has Haley now trailing Trump by just single digits.

I seriously fear her. As a Democrat, I should be encouraging Trump win because I believe we will defeat him. But Nikki will con the American people because Biden is old. That's it. She's just as much a CON job as Trump.

But at least she's not a constitutional crisis. So honestly, I'd rather lose to her than beat Trump. Because losing to her means Trump is gone.

Trump supporters will show up for Nikki. Remember now is when we fall in love with our candidates but after the primaries, it's time to fall in line.

shes almost a dumb as you. Country is destroyed, yet you carp on. Like a holler monkey up in the tree. hooo hooo!
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One new poll has Haley now trailing Trump by just single digits.

I seriously fear her. As a Democrat
This is the best proof of my words. Trump is not dangerous for left, he is left
This is the best proof of my words. Trump is not dangerous for left, he is left
No he isn't. That's why we hate him. I wish he would have just been a non partisan moderate president but right from the start he broke rules, laws and he played politics. I believe his first official act was to ban trannies in the military? Or not pay for their sex change operations.

And today the guys fighting with Howard Stern and Jimmy Falon. You guys need to move on from Trump.

If Trump were being honest about the situation he's in

Former President Trump, who has now been indicted over his handling of classified records, said in 2016 that a president under an indictment would cause a constitutional crisis

“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said at the rally. “It would grind government to a halt.”
All presidents after Bush Jr. were freaks. Obama made people laugh with his strange antics, then there was a man who looked like a pedophile, a fat-assed outcast, Trump, who was friends with totalitarian regimes, bought prostitutes, engaged in espionage and signed a conspiracy with terrorists. Freaks mocked the American people. Now there is Nikki, a normal, serious, experienced politician with a good reputation. Didn't act in porn, didn't smoke weed, didn't kiss children, didn't spy or be friends with terrorists, doesn't look like a fat piece of shit.
This time the American people are lucky
hey rup?......has anyone called you a dipshit today?....the American people are not lucky with anyone running today.....
Now there is Nikki, a normal, serious, experienced politician

Ah yes, good ol' Nikki, who learned real fast to lobby for big government contractors like Boeing so she could make herself rich giving her this nice multi-million dollar home!

Bet she'll be worth 10X as much as 4 years in the WH! Right up there with Big Pockets Joe Biden!
All presidents after Bush Jr. were freaks. Obama made people laugh with his strange antics, then there was a man who looked like a pedophile, a fat-assed outcast, Trump, who was friends with totalitarian regimes, bought prostitutes, engaged in espionage and signed a conspiracy with terrorists. Freaks mocked the American people. Now there is Nikki, a normal, serious, experienced politician with a good reputation. Didn't act in porn, didn't smoke weed, didn't kiss children, didn't spy or be friends with terrorists, doesn't look like a fat piece of shit.
This time the American people are lucky

Why didn't you mention the sack of shit currently occupying the White House, who's own daughter accused him of pedophilic incest?
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