America should stop Libya From Becoming an ISIL country!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The American public has not been well served by its leaders focusing on tangential issues as it relates to terrorism and not on defeating the security threat posed by the Islamic State or if you prefer the name ISIL or ISIS. There has been this firestorm about the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism and its focus on some of the underlying causes that spawn groups like ISIL such as political injustice and poverty on balance the only real negative criticism about this Summit is it was ill timed now is the time to focus on the military response to ISIL when its permanent demise is in sight then the world should focus on doing more about the fixing the underlying causes for ISIL. The other distraction about the ISIL debate is the White House's refusal to use the terminology that this is an "Islamic" extremism threat; so the White House has chosen to be strict about being politically correct in labeling this terrorist threat let's everyone move on and focus on and defeating this threat that is what is really important. It is not important to focus on the fact that a lot of Muslim countries throughout the world don't like the classification of ISIL as an Islamic terrorist group because they view this ideology as tarnishing the Muslim faith, to good Muslim ISIL's ideology is a perversion of the Muslim faith it is repulsive and repugnant to the maximum to the Muslim faith so let everyone accept these Muslim countries sensitivity here and move on and focus on eliminating ISIL.

The beheading of twenty-one Coptic Christians by ISIL in Libya should be setting off alarm bells for the American people and its leaders that this country is on track to become an ISIL country. America's leaders should be listening to Egypt's and Italy's leaders that recognize the danger from ISIL in Libya. Libya is Syria three years ago where if America handled the situation prudently back then the country wouldn't pose such a grave security threat to America. Libya is a divided country where the major division consist of a legitimate post Gaddafi government battling a Gaddafi era Muslim Brotherhood type of government plus division caused by a spattering of extremism that arises from Muslim communities groups; as it turns out that ISIL is coalescing and organizing all these extremism groups in Libya and now has significant roots in this country. Everyone needs to remember that the reason why Moammar Gaddafi lasted the decades he did causing problems in the world is that Libya has significant oil wealth and he marshaled that wealth and paid off various groups to insure his political power it is not far fetched to see ISIL doing the same thing in Libya.

America has to get behind Egypt, Italy and the other prudent countries that see Libya has to be helped now or it will become an Extremist lead country. The post Gaddafi legitimate government needs to get full security control of LIbya, the American government needs to make a priority using diplomacy to get Turkey and Qatar to stop helping the Muslim Brotherhood government in western Libya, the American government along with the United Nations needs to make a concerted diplomatic effort to bring a negotiated settlement between these two sides have the post Gaddafi government promise a federalism type of government throughout Libya where the natural resource wealth is shared fairly throughout Libya. Those governments advocating for a lifting of the weapons embargo for the post-Gaddafi government should be listened to along with an international effort to train this government's security forces as well as an international blockade of Libyan waters stopping importation of weapons to any groups that are not this legitimate Libyan government. Now is the time for the International community to help Libya become a good and strong country before it is too late!
If you wrote this, I can understand why you did not pass college....

The beheading of twenty-one Coptic Christians by ISIL in Libya should be setting off alarm bells for the American people and its leaders that this country is on track to become an ISIL country. America's leaders should be listening to Egypt's and Italy's leaders that recognize the danger from ISIL in Libya. Libya is Syria three years ago where if America handled the situation prudently back then the country wouldn't pose such a grave security threat to America. Libya is a divided country where the major division consist of a legitimate post Gaddafi government battling a Gaddafi era Muslim Brotherhood type of government plus division caused by a spattering of extremism that arises from Muslim communities groups; as it turns out that ISIL is coalescing and organizing all these extremism groups in Libya and now has significant roots in this country. Everyone needs to remember that the reason why Moammar Gaddafi lasted the decades he did causing problems in the world is that Libya has significant oil wealth and he marshaled that wealth and paid off various groups to insure his political power it is not far fetched to see ISIL doing the same thing in Libya.

Qaddafi should have been taken out by GW....Boosh...and the USA is in no whey becoming an ISIS nation.... really need to seek out a mental health professional. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol::lol:
He wants the US to invade another country. And just like Iraq, we messed it up by deposing the dictator and letting terror groups set up across the country. Iraqis hated Saddam, and Libyans hated Gadaffi, but now they have even worse to contend with.

Sunnis and Shiites are supporting factions they like, so giving arms to a single faction is just going to make their civil war down there even more bloody.
The US supports ISIS and ISIL in the Middle East. Don't sign on to Gulf War III or Vietnam II.
If the people of Libya or any other country want to become ISIS, I say let them. Makes it easier to know which countries need to be carpet bombed.
No he said get behind Egypt and Italy to help them .....isnt that what Obama said his policy was ...a coalition with them doing the fighting while we bomb.....
The American public has not been well served by its leaders focusing on tangential issues as it relates to terrorism and not on defeating the security threat posed by the Islamic State or if you prefer the name ISIL or ISIS. There has been this firestorm about the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism and its focus on some of the underlying causes that spawn groups like ISIL such as political injustice and poverty on balance the only real negative criticism about this Summit is it was ill timed now is the time to focus on the military response to ISIL when its permanent demise is in sight then the world should focus on doing more about the fixing the underlying causes for ISIL. The other distraction about the ISIL debate is the White House's refusal to use the terminology that this is an "Islamic" extremism threat; so the White House has chosen to be strict about being politically correct in labeling this terrorist threat let's everyone move on and focus on and defeating this threat that is what is really important. It is not important to focus on the fact that a lot of Muslim countries throughout the world don't like the classification of ISIL as an Islamic terrorist group because they view this ideology as tarnishing the Muslim faith, to good Muslim ISIL's ideology is a perversion of the Muslim faith it is repulsive and repugnant to the maximum to the Muslim faith so let everyone accept these Muslim countries sensitivity here and move on and focus on eliminating ISIL.

The beheading of twenty-one Coptic Christians by ISIL in Libya should be setting off alarm bells for the American people and its leaders that this country is on track to become an ISIL country. America's leaders should be listening to Egypt's and Italy's leaders that recognize the danger from ISIL in Libya. Libya is Syria three years ago where if America handled the situation prudently back then the country wouldn't pose such a grave security threat to America. Libya is a divided country where the major division consist of a legitimate post Gaddafi government battling a Gaddafi era Muslim Brotherhood type of government plus division caused by a spattering of extremism that arises from Muslim communities groups; as it turns out that ISIL is coalescing and organizing all these extremism groups in Libya and now has significant roots in this country. Everyone needs to remember that the reason why Moammar Gaddafi lasted the decades he did causing problems in the world is that Libya has significant oil wealth and he marshaled that wealth and paid off various groups to insure his political power it is not far fetched to see ISIL doing the same thing in Libya.

America has to get behind Egypt, Italy and the other prudent countries that see Libya has to be helped now or it will become an Extremist lead country. The post Gaddafi legitimate government needs to get full security control of LIbya, the American government needs to make a priority using diplomacy to get Turkey and Qatar to stop helping the Muslim Brotherhood government in western Libya, the American government along with the United Nations needs to make a concerted diplomatic effort to bring a negotiated settlement between these two sides have the post Gaddafi government promise a federalism type of government throughout Libya where the natural resource wealth is shared fairly throughout Libya. Those governments advocating for a lifting of the weapons embargo for the post-Gaddafi government should be listened to along with an international effort to train this government's security forces as well as an international blockade of Libyan waters stopping importation of weapons to any groups that are not this legitimate Libyan government. Now is the time for the International community to help Libya become a good and strong country before it is too late!
Obama MADE Libya an ISIL country.

What don't you get about the overthrow of Khadafi and the sacrifice of our diplomats and soldiers to Islamic terror? really need to seek out a mental health professional. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol::lol:
He wants the US to invade another country. And just like Iraq, we messed it up by deposing the dictator and letting terror groups set up across the country. Iraqis hated Saddam, and Libyans hated Gadaffi, but now they have even worse to contend with.

Sunnis and Shiites are supporting factions they like, so giving arms to a single faction is just going to make their civil war down there even more bloody.

Another case like the Ukraine where the EU has led the US down the garden path Sarkozy's reelection campaign needed a boost four years ago. A year ago Merkel greenlighted the Ukraine coup sponsored by the Baltic states and now we're supposed to help out there.

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