America today is in the same situation Germany was during the first World War and look how that turned out.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.
The OP is true. Now, what as Americans can we do to prevent going further down that catastrophic road?
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.
I haven't noticed any steel shortages or food riots.
Biden replacing Trump is the single greatest example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of historical histories.
The problem with statements like that is it *seems* as if you are saying Biden is good for the country. When in reality you are just taking a shot at Trump.

Or am I wrong?
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.
Continuing the WW I analogy, wouldn't this be the "stab in the back"?

If we learn anything from history, it's that we learn nothing from history. Ask World War Two...
Biden replacing Trump is the single greatest example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of historical histories.
The problem with statements like that is it *seems* as if you are saying Biden is good for the country. When in reality you are just taking a shot at Trump.

Or am I wrong?
I don't know if Biden will turn out to have been good for the country. I sure hope so.

I do know that I'm profoundly relieved that he's the one in the White House.
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.
Nah, we're a lot better off. Joe is great, especially compared to that anti-American despot wannabe that was trying to overthrow free elections, (even considering declaring martial law and trying to get the military to redo the election), overruling states choosing electors by popular vote. There wouldn't even be an America as we know it operating under our constitution and rule of law if he had his way.
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.

Well, it is true that Germany had an elderly World War One hero as its president.

He decided to let the upstart Herr Hitler become Chancellor. (Also some industrialists felt that they could control Hitler.)

And that was the end of German democracy.

We now have an elderly figurehead as President.

He is making the mistake of letting Dem radicals determine his policies.

Things may not turn out well for the country.
I don't know if Biden will turn out to have been good for the country. I sure hope so.
What part of the platform did he run on that you think is good for the country?

I do know that I'm profoundly relieved that he's the one in the White House.
Clearly. The problem people have with you is not that you have a problem with Trump. It's that you support Biden. Please... Help all of us out, including those that agree with you as you'll supply some decent points hopefully, on what Biden has on his platform that is good for the country.
Biden replacing Trump is the single greatest example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of historical histories.
The problem with statements like that is it *seems* as if you are saying Biden is good for the country. When in reality you are just taking a shot at Trump.

Or am I wrong?

You seem to be saying that only one these things can be true. It's not an either/or situation. Both getting rid of Trump and having Biden as President, have been good for the country.

When Biden was running for President, my thought at the time was that Joe Biden was perhaps the most uniquely qualified person in the world to be President at this point in history. Because he had been charged with implementing Obama's stimulus programs in 2009, and had experience at restarting the economy, Biden knew what they had done wrong in 2009 (not enough help to working Americans), the first time, and how to prevent the same thing from happening this time.

Having corrected that mistake, the next mistake corrected is that Democrats are going to sell these programs, and the upcoming infrastructure bill, and Republicans can oppose this assistance at their own peril. Not to mention, the enhanced child tax benefit will expire in two years - right after the Mid-Terms, and if Americans want to keep this program, they'll have to re-elect Democrats to keep it.
You seem to be saying that only one these things can be true. It's not an either/or situation. Both getting rid of Trump and having Biden as President, have been good for the country.
No... I'm saying that if you take the stances Mac has in the past, and support Biden... Well... Lets just say that's pretty confusing.

There is a reason why I don't really reply to you. If you want to know why, ask. I won't lie. But you won't like the answer either.
Biden replacing Trump is the single greatest example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of historical histories.
The problem with statements like that is it *seems* as if you are saying Biden is good for the country. When in reality you are just taking a shot at Trump.

Or am I wrong?

You seem to be saying that only one these things can be true. It's not an either/or situation. Both getting rid of Trump and having Biden as President, have been good for the country.

When Biden was running for President, my thought at the time was that Joe Biden was perhaps the most uniquely qualified person in the world to be President at this point in history. Because he had been charged with implementing Obama's stimulus programs in 2009, and had experience at restarting the economy, Biden knew what they had done wrong in 2009 (not enough help to working Americans), the first time, and how to prevent the same thing from happening this time.

Having corrected that mistake, the next mistake corrected is that Democrats are going to sell these programs, and the upcoming infrastructure bill, and Republicans can oppose this assistance at their own peril. Not to mention, the enhanced child tax benefit will expire in two years - right after the Mid-Terms, and if Americans want to keep this program, they'll have to re-elect Democrats to keep it.

Libs love that leechy gravy train that destroys nations. Dems will be sent packing in the house next year.
I don't know if Biden will turn out to have been good for the country. I sure hope so.
What part of the platform did he run on that you think is good for the country?

I do know that I'm profoundly relieved that he's the one in the White House.
Clearly. The problem people have with you is not that you have a problem with Trump. It's that you support Biden. Please... Help all of us out, including those that agree with you as you'll supply some decent points hopefully, on what Biden has on his platform that is good for the country.
First, he's closer to me on the issues, which are linked at the end of the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/non-partisan/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: That should answer your question about platforms.

Second, I'm fairly ambivalent about Biden, except for the one glaring fact that he's at least a decent human being. He's not Trump. I never felt the need to include "decent human being" as a fucking requirement for President before, but sadly Trump changed that.

And finally, the only reason I have voted for the Democratic candidate in the last two presidential election cycles is because I had to vote against Trump and (far more importantly) Trumpism. I fucking resent the GOP for that. Hopefully I'll be able to vote third party in 2024, since I have intractable differences with both parties.

There ya go.
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.

Wow, really?

Frankly, what I see is a guy who has returned adult supervision to the White House. No crazy 3 AM Tweets. No political vendettas with not only opponents but allies.

You know, just a guy rolling up his sleeves and getting the work done.
Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary in World War 1. Many individuals in Germany expressed their frustration at being "shackled to a corpse". Today, America has a walking corpse as president. He is only 78 years old, except the stroke he had a few years back has left us with a walking corpse in the White House. As long as Joe Biden is president, the United States of America is shackled to a corpse.
Continuing the WW I analogy, wouldn't this be the "stab in the back"?


Th Stab in the Back was the RINOs in the Supreme Court not even listening to the evidence.

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