"American Citizens trapped in Gaza"

Then that's another reason for Hamas to surrender - to stop this no-evidence conspiracy theory of Israel support the terrorist group that burns its childrend alive.

Also, if Hamas stands in the way of a two-state solution (it does) and you support a two-state solution, shouldn't you want them to surrender as much as Deadstick should?
Hamas are religious fanatics. The leadership is living large in Doha. Israel will never allow a two state solution. That's why they backed Hamas instead of secular Arafat.
Hamas are religious fanatics. The leadership is living large in Doha. Israel will never allow a two state solution. That's why they backed Hamas instead of secular Arafat.
So, you agree that they should surrender, or is there some reason you won't say that?
Right now, at this moment in history, the way to stop that is for Hamas to surrender unconditionally.

Is that what you support or not?
Why would i support anyone surrendering to IDF child killers? the killing would still continue, the occupied West bank is not connected to Hamas yet people there have been subjected to Israeli violence and insane settler pogroms.
Netanyahu was funding Hamas through Qatar until Oct of last year as part of his brilliant strategy to prevent a 2 state solution.
"Netanyahu was funding Hamas thruough Qatar...." Can anyone out there in
cyberspace explain HOW? Did Netanyahu transfer MILLIONS to Qatar so Qatar
could transfer the millions to Hamas so they could build tunnels devoted to
terrorism AND so that they could buy and/or produce bombs to launch upon
Israel and train Gazan arab men and boys to break into Israel---and into the
houses of jews and rape and mutilate women and kill babies? I wonder if the
bonuses paid to Jihadi boys for killing jewish babies and raping jewish
women comes in a check marked "compliments of Israel"---lets ask Surada
Seymour, Arafat was secular and willing to negotiate and compromise.

Israel supports Hamas to insure there's no 2 state solution.
Hamas and the Bubonic plague----and the HTLV I that infected
AL NABI Yasser arafart.---pbuh -----all from DA JOOOOS
for those who do not know----the video's are done in order to PROVE in the Shariah Court that the MUZZIE BOYS did it and are entitled to the standard
rewards as described in koranic law
Hezbollah and Hamas deserve everything coming to them and more.
Hezbollah and Hamas deserve everything coming to them and more.
they are not going to get what they deserve----they are declared something like SAINTS by the UMMAH----entitled to 72 whories and eternal orgasm
Israel will go on killing them. They have destroyed Gaza. Nothing has changed.
Why would i support anyone surrendering to IDF child killers? the killing would still continue, the occupied West bank is not connected to Hamas yet people there have been subjected to Israeli violence and insane settler pogroms.
I knew we would get to this.

The dream of the anti-semites is to guilt trip Israel into a completely one-sided cease fire during which they would regroup, reorganize rebuild their infrastructure in hospitals, school, and mosques, and get their tax collectors operational again.

All in preparation for the next October 7th.

Sorry, chanters of “River to the Sea!” Most Israelis grew up with a Jewish mother so they’ve been guilt tripped by the best.
I knew we would get to this.

The dream of the anti-semites is to guilt trip Israel into a completely one-sided cease fire during which they would regroup, reorganize rebuild their infrastructure in hospitals, school, and mosques, and get their tax collectors operational again.

All in preparation for the next October 7th.

Sorry, chanters of “River to the Sea!” Most Israelis grew up with a Jewish mother so they’ve been guilt tripped by the best.
I knew we would get to this antisemitic smear.
"Netanyahu was funding Hamas thruough Qatar...." Can anyone out there in
cyberspace explain HOW? Did Netanyahu transfer MILLIONS to Qatar so Qatar
could transfer the millions to Hamas so they could build tunnels devoted to
terrorism AND so that they could buy and/or produce bombs to launch upon
Israel and train Gazan arab men and boys to break into Israel---and into the
houses of jews and rape and mutilate women and kill babies? I wonder if the
bonuses paid to Jihadi boys for killing jewish babies and raping jewish
women comes in a check marked "compliments of Israel"---lets ask Surada
Yes, that's exactly what hat Netanyahu did.
"Netanyahu transfer MILLIONS to Qatar so Qatar

could transfer the millions to Hamas so they could build tunnels devoted to

terrorism AND so that they could buy and/or produce bombs to launch upon

Israel and train Gazan arab men and boys to break into Israel--"
Yes, that's exactly what hat Netanyahu did.
"Netanyahu transfer MILLIONS to Qatar so Qatar

could transfer the millions to Hamas so they could build tunnels devoted to

terrorism AND so that they could buy and/or produce bombs to launch upon

Israel and train Gazan arab men and boys to break into Israel--"
What's so funny about my post about Hezbollah?
Yes, that's exactly what hat Netanyahu did.
"Netanyahu transfer MILLIONS to Qatar so Qatar

could transfer the millions to Hamas so they could build tunnels devoted to

terrorism AND so that they could buy and/or produce bombs to launch upon

Israel and train Gazan arab men and boys to break into Israel--"
From personal funds? this one beats the earthquake libel and comes close
to the mosque claim---adolf was a jew.
Do you even know who Hezbollah are and how they came about? they didn't exist before the brutal 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and occupation for years.
Do you know that the majority Christian population begged Israel to never leave because Hezbollah were harassing and targeting them?
Do you know that the majority Christian population begged Israel to never leave because Hezbollah were harassing and targeting them?
WRONG----israel FORCED christian Lebanese to fight with muslims since
muslims got to Lebanon in the 7th century AD. Without jews FORCING
christians ----christians would be kissing islamic ass----they were SO HAPPY
when muslims FINALLY got there----7th century

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