American civilian executed

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No. Not tony blair as much as the rest of the EU. Tony blair has been where he should be.

Everyone needs to know that Blair is the English equivalent of a leftwing liberal here in America. Yes he is on the right side for now but what are his ulterior motives? He ain't no Maggie Thatcher!
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
I'm not so sure that the EU and Al Qaeda and other terrorists are on the same side. Remember how pissed of the French made them with the ban on head scarves and how they disagree with many things that are considered socially acceptable in many European countries?

yeah, it pissed them off so bad I haven't heard one story about any attacks in France. I never had that thought until your post. Hmmmm.
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
I'm not so sure that the EU and Al Qaeda and other terrorists are on the same side. Remember how pissed of the French made them with the ban on head scarves and how they disagree with many things that are considered socially acceptable in many European countries?

That's trivial. These are broad strokes people. Broad strokes, writ large.
Originally posted by OCA
Well obviously not civilians like the Nazis but people will still make that comparison. Watch and read my friend.

Tactical nukes won't discriminate. They may leave the buildings in better shape than conventional, but I wouldn't want to live there, would you?
Originally posted by Kathianne
Tactile nukes won't discrimnate. They may leave the buildings in better shape than conventional, but I wouldn't want to live there, would you?

It was just an example of how pissed I am. Probably somebody would talk me out of it as i'm sure there have been a few occasions in the White House war room over the years where that idea has been kicked around, but thankfully cooler heads have prevailed, still...............
Originally posted by Kathianne
I'm with you. Couple hours ago I saw where someone from State said that Powell might sign on for another year to 18 mths. Whopee.

He condemns what they did. Today the IAEA condemned Iran's stand on nukes. I feel so much better with all the condemning.

What would you expect him to do?
Originally posted by Kathianne
I'm with you. Couple hours ago I saw where someone from State said that Powell might sign on for another year to 18 mths. Whopee.

He condemns what they did. Today the IAEA condemned Iran's stand on nukes. I feel so much better with all the condemning.

expect Iran to feel a handful of weapons from Israel if they start up their enrichment program again.
Originally posted by -=d=-
What would you expect him to do?

Something stronger than diplo speak. Something stronger than 'we and SA will re-double our efforts.' 0 x 2=0
Originally posted by Kathianne
Something stronger than diplo speak. Something stronger than 'we and SA will re-double our efforts.' 0 x 2=0

Absolutely correct! Redouble our efforts blah blah blah. How about "we recently launched b-52's from Diego Garcia headed to Baghdad and Riyadh".
Originally posted by Kathianne
Something stronger than diplo speak. Something stronger than 'we and SA will re-double our efforts.' 0 x 2=0

You DO know that he is a 'diplomat' right?

Colin Powell can't 'do' anything but suggest courses of action to POTUS.
I mean, let's let our leaders know that we don't want NATO (No Action Talk Only). When they speak, we want them to say something of substance. No more of this "Condem in the strongest possible terms" crap.
Originally posted by -=d=-
You DO know that he is a 'diplomat' right?

Colin Powell can't 'do' anything but suggest courses of action to POTUS.

Yaw, I know.

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