American civilian executed

Originally posted by NightTrain
Menewa, you would do well to shut the hell up right now with your hand-wringing appeasement bullshit.

Why? Your kill em all shit won't solve anything but only provide jack off material to sadists such as yourself.

My view is backed by the father of Berg who died in this same terrible manner. However, he had the ability to look at the entire situation and from many perspectives.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
we need to show the civilians that we're more than deadly serious about killing them, not capturing them, and let the citizens feel that they CAN turn in the militants without fear of retribution by them.

Damn dude - I'd never guessed. For what it's worth, your stock just went up in my book.
Here are the current alliances

USA, Israel, The Saudi Royals


The EU (rosocialists),, Al Quaeda and other terrorists.

To the extent that the Saudi Royal Family is PERCEIVED by the power hunger Europoliticos as being more firmly aligned with the U.S, they will align with the terrorists, hoping that when the Saudi Regime falls THEY will be the new preferred Western counterpart, instead of the bushes/America.

#2 (EU)ganging up on #1 (America/Israel)

#2 (the terrorist) ganging up on #1(The Saudi ROyals)

So it's power envy, like always. AN unholy alliance between wannabes.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
don't count on anything being done by the US in saudi arabia. Too much diplomatic bullshit to deal with and the saudi security forces wouldn't allow it.

With all due respect DK - Fuck the Saudi's and diplomacy. Like diplomacy has done so much for us anyway.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
With all due respect DK - Fuck the Saudi's and diplomacy. Like diplomacy has done so much for us anyway.

not saying I agree with it, but it will happen just like that.
Originally posted by menewa
Why? Your kill em all shit won't solve anything but only provide jack off material to sadists such as yourself.

My view is backed by the father of Berg who died in this same terrible manner. However, he had the ability to look at the entire situation and from many perspectives.

The Euroliberal socialists and their idiotic lapdogs, american liberals, want the terrorist to succeed in toppling the saudi regime, thinking if they help in their PR campaign, the EU will be the preferred western customer, instead of the U.S.

Berg's father is an idiot.
Originally posted by menewa
Why? Your kill em all shit won't solve anything but only provide jack off material to sadists such as yourself.

My view is backed by the father of Berg who died in this same terrible manner. However, he had the ability to look at the entire situation and from many perspectives.

Ya know - free speech and all aside, and no disrespect to Bersgs family...

Originally posted by menewa
Bush's war on terror tactics are a failure. They are just leading to mounting casualties on both sides and nobody, I mean nobody, seams to be winning. Who is ever going to win from this war?
We go after them, kill and capture a bunch of enemies. In the process we sometimes accidentally kill a few a civilians and then we've suddenly generated just as many new enemies as we just killed and captured.
Plus, no matter how crazy Rumsfeld and Co. are, these extremist prove to be on a whole different level of brutal insanity.
It's time to stop the violence and come home.

ahh! I get it - you are a pussy. Explains a lot.

I bet if you were alive during the Normany Invasion, you'd proclaim 'omg! we are suffering CASUALITIES!! This war effort is a FAILURE!'

Anyone know of muslim chat sites. I want to go on one and see what they have too say. And then rip their arguments to shreds. I don't know, I normally do not hate a group of people but these people and their placating, self-serving attitude really pisses me off. I really want to yell at them on their own websites.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
don't count on anything being done by the US in saudi arabia. Too much diplomatic bullshit to deal with and the saudi security forces wouldn't allow it.

Man I don't know but something has to be done. This shit is getting way out of hand when there was no reason we couldn't have nipped it in the bud in the first place with a get tough attitude and forgetting about the namby pamby innocent civilian crap.

As for Saudi Arabia, I think its time to say hey, reign in your militants or were going to have to reevaluate our relationship regardless of friggin oil. Hell i've ridden horses all my life, screw the Saudis and their friggin oil.
Originally posted by Yurt
Anyone know of muslim chat sites. I want to go on one and see what they have too say. And then rip their arguments to shreds. I don't know, I normally do not hate a group of people but these people and their placating, self-serving attitude really pisses me off. I really want to yell at them on their own websites.


Let me know too !! We need to gang up on there loser asses !
Originally posted by menewa
Bush's war on terror tactics are a failure. They are just leading to mounting casualties on both sides and nobody, I mean nobody, seams to be winning. Who is ever going to win from this war?
We go after them, kill and capture a bunch of enemies. In the process we sometimes accidentally kill a few a civilians and then we've suddenly generated just as many new enemies as we just killed and captured.
Plus, no matter how crazy Rumsfeld and Co. are, these extremist prove to be on a whole different level of brutal insanity.
It's time to stop the violence and come home.

Menewa with all due respect thats the attitude of a pussy. I guess you won the poll.
I'm still more angered by the american liberals, who refuse to accept the truth and actively perpetuate lies about what's going on. They just still think it's OH SO fashionable to be antiamerican, though their positions are based on lies, distortions, and an outright unwillingness to open their f*cking eyes.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Here are the current alliances

USA, Israel, The Saudi Royals


The EU (rosocialists),, Al Quaeda and other terrorists.

To the extent that the Saudi Royal Family is PERCEIVED by the power hunger Europoliticos as being more firmly aligned with the U.S, they will align with the terrorists, hoping that when the Saudi Regime falls THEY will be the new preferred Western counterpart, instead of the bushes/America.

#2 (EU)ganging up on #1 (America/Israel)

#2 (the terrorist) ganging up on #1(The Saudi ROyals)

So it's power envy, like always. AN unholy alliance between wannabes.

Saudi royals aren't on our side.
Originally posted by menewa
Why? Your kill em all shit won't solve anything but only provide jack off material to sadists such as yourself.

My view is backed by the father of Berg who died in this same terrible manner. However, he had the ability to look at the entire situation and from many perspectives.

Lord Berg's old man is a leftwing nutcase.

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