American Culture Destroyed by Liberals...Who Wants to Raise a Child in this Country

I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

He didn't properly insert that Whale Tusk.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

Pile of BS. Why don't you just leave? Oh, one of our political parties is soooo sick and evil, and the other is made up of pure saints.

BTW: why say that (only) girls "have no moral compass" and then elect as POTUS a guy who has been a totally immoral slut all his life and has slept with everything female that's still breathing and is willing to be paid? If you want to talk about having a "moral compass," you have to talk about both halves of the population.
The communist hath spoken. I’ve fought you for a lifetime...I will fight you for a lifetime beyond that. Never surrender!
Cool story.......:71: Playing Call of Duty on daddy's laptop.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

Pile of BS. Why don't you just leave? Oh, one of our political parties is soooo sick and evil, and the other is made up of pure saints.

BTW: why say that (only) girls "have no moral compass" and then elect as POTUS a guy who has been a totally immoral slut all his life and has slept with everything female that's still breathing and is willing to be paid? If you want to talk about having a "moral compass," you have to talk about both halves of the population.
The communist hath spoken. I’ve fought you for a lifetime...I will fight you for a lifetime beyond that. Never surrender!

Where did you get "communist" from? Why do you want to fight with me? The vast majority of us Americans have spent our lives being normal, caring for our families, working our jobs. What gives you the right to come along with your pronouncements about how all of us have to live? You are not entitled to any more than the rest of us. You and your arrogant ilk are not entitled to boss around the rest of us. And it's true that you made a sexist comment but also are responsible for electing one of the biggest sluts the world has ever seen. You are too big for your britches. Didn't anyone ever teach you anything?
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

I live in the United States. This is when I reach below my drivers seat...grab my .38 Baretta...and kill him. Great video. Should happen to all terrorist who threaten the NATO alliance.


NATO needs serious restructuring and after 2020, it's coming.

What? After the US dollar is no longer the world currency? Inquiring minds and all that stuff, you know.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s.

Fantastic! Healthy! .All Honor! Dignified! Since the 1960s, Everything in this country has been Rebuilt without You.

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