American Culture Destroyed by Liberals...Who Wants to Raise a Child in this Country

Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
Hi 92!. Put some oil on your wheel chair. Then, go outside and let the wind blow the stink off your old crusty Ass. Just, sayin...
I am old, handsome, and in shape. Fighting for this country despite liberals like you.
How many times does someone that does not agree with you have to tell you that they are not a liberal? Good evening. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Sir.
I'd argue that consumerism and media voyeurism is a problem, but at this point I don't see it as a political one, so much as a generational one.

Anyone who's primary source of information comes from the dreck on TV or mass media will have their brain turned into mush.

I'm skeptical of the claims that "everything was great" just a generation ago, I think every generation had its problems. But honestly I can't imagine a more consumerist generation than the current one.
The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.

^And that's the rub.
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

It's our, and then you go on to preach about lack of education in OUR children. Typical.
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

I live in the United States. This is when I reach below my drivers seat...grab my .38 Baretta...and kill him. Great video. Should happen to all terrorist who threaten the NATO alliance.
The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

It's our, and then you go on to preach about lack of education in OUR children. Typical.
Oh, I’m sorry I missed that. I will remember that when I write about KISS my ass.
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.

Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
Nope. I will stay and fight pricks like you. I will fight for the dignity and honor of future generations.

You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

I live in the United States. This is when I reach below my drivers seat...grab my .38 Baretta...and kill him. Great video. Should happen to all terrorist who threaten the NATO alliance.


NATO needs serious restructuring and after 2020, it's coming.
The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

You are one old miserable puke, aren't you.
MTV, lol, I haven't heard a kid talk about actually watching MTV in years.
What's wrong with rap, you old fart.
Kids read books all the time. Sorry about yours, if you have any.
The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

It's our, and then you go on to preach about lack of education in OUR children. Typical.
Oh, I’m sorry I missed that. I will remember that when I write about KISS my ass.
One letter can confuse a leftist.

That's why they don't get memes but they sure get VoterID soon enough.

The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

It's our, and then you go on to preach about lack of education in OUR children. Typical.
Oh, I’m sorry I missed that. I will remember that when I write about KISS my ass.
One letter can confuse a leftist.

That's why they don't get memes but they sure get VoterID soon enough.

The places are children go to after school is no longer a book or a program like Andy Griffith Show. Instead it is MTV, rap culture, and good luck getting kids to read a damned book.

You are one old miserable puke, aren't you.
MTV, lol, I haven't heard a kid talk about actually watching MTV in years.
What's wrong with rap, you old fart.
Kids read books all the time. Sorry about yours, if you have any.
I have a library of books. Mostly military history. No, kids do not read. They do watch the drivel put out by Hollywood and New York music industry. But no, they don’t read. Ask the about the “impressionist” movement...Hawthorne’s writing...Sandburg’s...John Locke perhaps?
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
We need to recognize that what we refer to as Democrats today, are in fact no longer Democrats. JFK, a Democrat, would be rejected as a Democrat today and be considered a Conservative Republican.
What has happened, is that those we referred to as "hippies" in the sixties and believed in communal living, grew up, had kids and those kids got into college, then became teachers and in return, pushed Socialist/Communist ideologies on students, both in college and in the K-12 grades and are continuing to do so.
What are we doing about it? Nothing. The president's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, simply pushes for School Vouchers and Charter Schools, rather than tackling the national school system problem. The Secretary of Education must get aggressive and mandate that all public schools MUST have mandatory classes on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, it's Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers and that all students MUST pass those classes. They must also mandate some classes on Business Economics and what they need to know in pursuit of future employment. An additional class should be given for students to search out what is needed to achieve the "realistic" jobs they may want.
The Secretary of Education must also ensure that the books in such studies as U.S. and foreign history, are correct and not books chosen by teachers.
Great, can you send cash?

sure, just give me your home address...
You're doing a really bad job, then.
Take a few weeks off, bro.

You really need it. Then you can just come back as a socialist instead of pretending to be a conservative.
look at this disgusting crap. Vote Democrat in 2020 if you want more of this shit!


The leftists are undone.

I live in the United States. This is when I reach below my drivers seat...grab my .38 Baretta...and kill him. Great video. Should happen to all terrorist who threaten the NATO alliance.


NATO needs serious restructuring and after 2020, it's coming.

Absolutely. What the fuck are Belgium and Norway contributing as opposed to Poland that sits on the border of possible horrific bloodshed.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
We need to recognize that what we refer to as Democrats today, are in fact no longer Democrats. JFK, a Democrat, would be rejected as a Democrat today and be considered a Conservative Republican.
What has happened, is that those we referred to as "hippies" in the sixties and believed in communal living, grew up, had kids and those kids got into college, then became teachers and in return, pushed Socialist/Communist ideologies on students, both in college and in the K-12 grades and are continuing to do so.
What are we doing about it? Nothing. The president's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, simply pushes for School Vouchers and Charter Schools, rather than tackling the national school system problem. The Secretary of Education must get aggressive and mandate that all public schools MUST have mandatory classes on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, it's Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers and that all students MUST pass those classes. They must also mandate some classes on Business Economics and what they need to know in pursuit of future employment. An additional class should be given for students to search out what is needed to achieve the "realistic" jobs they may want.
The Secretary of Education must also ensure that the books in such studies as U.S. and foreign history, are correct and not books chosen by teachers.
Thank you. Lee Harvey Oswald had the same beliefs in 1962 that Lizzie Warren has today.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
We need to recognize that what we refer to as Democrats today, are in fact no longer Democrats. JFK, a Democrat, would be rejected as a Democrat today and be considered a Conservative Republican.
What has happened, is that those we referred to as "hippies" in the sixties and believed in communal living, grew up, had kids and those kids got into college, then became teachers and in return, pushed Socialist/Communist ideologies on students, both in college and in the K-12 grades and are continuing to do so.
What are we doing about it? Nothing. The president's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, simply pushes for School Vouchers and Charter Schools, rather than tackling the national school system problem. The Secretary of Education must get aggressive and mandate that all public schools MUST have mandatory classes on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, it's Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers and that all students MUST pass those classes. They must also mandate some classes on Business Economics and what they need to know in pursuit of future employment. An additional class should be given for students to search out what is needed to achieve the "realistic" jobs they may want.
The Secretary of Education must also ensure that the books in such studies as U.S. and foreign history, are correct and not books chosen by teachers.
Every child should have a Constitution of the United State first day of school. Jr. High and above. And teach the fucking thing!
I have a library of books. Mostly military history. No, kids do not read. They do watch the drivel put out by Hollywood and New York music industry. But no, they don’t read.

Oh, they read.
They just don't read what you WANT them to read.
You want to indoctrinate children with your BS.

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