American Cyclist Suspended From Team For Trump Support


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These jack asses dont need America's support with fascist attitudes like that.

An American professional cyclist was suspended from his team Thursday after showing support for President Trump in a seemingly benign social media tiff.
Trek-Segafredo suspended Quinn Simmons for what the team called “divisive” comments on his personal Twitter account.
Simmons, 19, reacted to a tweet from Dutch journalist Jose Been in which she said she hoped for her American friends that “this horrible presidency ends for you,” adding “if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.”
Simmons replied to Been, saying “Bye” with a dark-skinned hand emoji waving. Her tweet was later deleted.
A separate Twitter user wrote that Simmons was “Apparently a Trumper.” He wrote back: “That’s right” with an American flag emoji.
These jack asses dont need America's support with fascist attitudes like that.

An American professional cyclist was suspended from his team Thursday after showing support for President Trump in a seemingly benign social media tiff.
Trek-Segafredo suspended Quinn Simmons for what the team called “divisive” comments on his personal Twitter account.
Simmons, 19, reacted to a tweet from Dutch journalist Jose Been in which she said she hoped for her American friends that “this horrible presidency ends for you,” adding “if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.”
Simmons replied to Been, saying “Bye” with a dark-skinned hand emoji waving. Her tweet was later deleted.
A separate Twitter user wrote that Simmons was “Apparently a Trumper.” He wrote back: “That’s right” with an American flag emoji.

Welcome to fascism. If Harris wins, this kind of shit will expand exponentially.
It's blacklisting, pure and simple...the sort of thing the left used to whine and sniffle about.
If you are caught supporting Trump the authoritarian fascists will get you.
The good thing is that the person wasn't booted completely all together.
Are there any black people on the team?

if so maybe he could shine their shoes or something to prove he has got his mind right

Oh, yes!

The CEO of one restaurant chain suggested that Euro Americans should shine the shoes of that ethnicity. Presumably, the CEO excuses the other (current) minorities from having to do so.
The lefts hate is inconceivable.

Actually, their hate is NOT "inconceivable."

We saw how Stalin & Mao murdered millions of people who did not kowtow to them.

So it is very conceivable.

Many liberals are very illiberal when it comes to anyone disagreeing with them.

They love, for example, to label everyone else "racist," even though their private lives often show them to be less than color blind themselves.
These jack asses dont need America's support with fascist attitudes like that.

An American professional cyclist was suspended from his team Thursday after showing support for President Trump in a seemingly benign social media tiff.
Trek-Segafredo suspended Quinn Simmons for what the team called “divisive” comments on his personal Twitter account.
Simmons, 19, reacted to a tweet from Dutch journalist Jose Been in which she said she hoped for her American friends that “this horrible presidency ends for you,” adding “if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.”
Simmons replied to Been, saying “Bye” with a dark-skinned hand emoji waving. Her tweet was later deleted.
A separate Twitter user wrote that Simmons was “Apparently a Trumper.” He wrote back: “That’s right” with an American flag emoji.

American cycling is already dog shit after Lance, which was partly his own arrogance, and mostly a bunch of ass hurt from hates. It's not a clean sport and nobody worth a shit is clean. There is no way Team Sky (a/k/a UK Postal) isn't cheat like a motherfucker. They should just stop the lame, failed attempts at PED bans and just let it happen, but whatever.

Good god. American cycling is NEVER going to be good again. I am giving up on it. We will never get back to having an American in the yellow jersey or any fucking jersey.

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