American Education: Intellectual

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.
You sound lazy.

To the parasites who push this drudgery, hard work by us peasants results in easy money for them.
News flash: The world doesn't owe you a living, Precious Snowflake. Get off your ass and get to work. The only person responsible for your situation is YOU.
You sound lazy.

To the parasites who push this drudgery, hard work by us peasants results in easy money for them.

Here's a sad fact, not everyone can be a prince.

So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.

It would be nice if a public school education provided students with the tools to survive on their own and not have to rely on government handouts to survive. Whether one chooses to use those tools to make the rich richer, or to enrich oneself is a personal choice.
Just because your political sect rants about dependence only in relation to government dependence, you think you have a monopoly on being against dependence. But not providing tools to survive on our own forces us to be dependent on bosses who will overwork and underpay us. All institutions in this anti-majority republic serve those with the most power, which means the educational system was purposely designed by them to create dependency on them.

Your absurd little uber-socialist dreams have been completely discredited and will NEVER become reality. So, pull your head out of your ass and resolve to work and live like a real adult or be prepared to spend the rest of your wretched, insignificant, worthless life in a state of perpetual disappointment.
To the parasites who push this drudgery, hard work by us peasants results in easy money for them.

Here's a sad fact, not everyone can be a prince.

Here's another sad fact: the guillotine.

You really think you or helpless losers like you will ever be on the 'user' end of one, weakling? Losers like you are prey and you will never be anything more. The very best you can hope for it to continue existing to spew your meaningless nonsense due to the generosity of your betters.
"Every tenth man would give up sex if he never had to go to work again. Almost half of British men would give up sex for half a year in exchange for a 50-inch TV." sex survey anon

Well, given that half of British men already have given up sex involuntarily anyways, the TV is just a bonus.
The corporate parasites prefer a system that creates feelings too, feelings of oppression, harassment, and subservience.


No we don't.

And thank God for corporations. Without them, we'd all be living in caves and eating dirt. Kind of like the OWS protestors do today.
Eastern Bloc education is quite excellent. They actually paid attention to education and let parents parent the kids, or not. They just didn't care about that. They had a mission to educate on subject matter, and they did that well.

This was a big reason for the relative "success" of the Soviet countries, meaning they would have been poorer had they not, because communism sucks as a way of organizing economic activities. However, you can make up for that somewhat by having a highly educated workforce.
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Eastern Bloc education is quite excellent. They actually paid attention to education and let parents parent the kids, or not. They just didn't care about that. They had a mission to educate on subject matter, and they did that well.

This was a big reason for the relative success of the Soviet countries, meaning they would have been poorer had they not, because communism sucks as a way of organizing economic activities. However, you can make up for that somewhat by having a highly educated workforce.

Sure. Take a look at when East and West Germany remerged. The East Germans were able to bring their superhuman skill set to the table, which consisted of....well, er, um, building cars with golf cart engines...perfect for BMW
Eastern Bloc education is quite excellent. They actually paid attention to education and let parents parent the kids, or not. They just didn't care about that. They had a mission to educate on subject matter, and they did that well.

This was a big reason for the relative success of the Soviet countries, meaning they would have been poorer had they not, because communism sucks as a way of organizing economic activities. However, you can make up for that somewhat by having a highly educated workforce.

Sure. Take a look at when East and West Germany remerged. The East Germans were able to bring their superhuman skill set to the table, which consisted of....well, er, um, building cars with golf cart engines...perfect for BMW

You misread it.

Communism is an awful way of organizing economic activity because it misallocates capital throughout the system. Capitalism is much better because it is much more efficient. However, education can compensate somewhat because it allows for technology transfer within the economy. It's not a coincidence that NASA and the defense industry is populated by a bunch of guys who used to work behind the Iron Curtain for example. East Germany was considered a second world country, and had GDP per capita that was at the same level as Portugal, Spain, Greece and Argentina.
So our goal in life should be to become obsessive workoholics in order to make the rich richer? All work and no play makes Johnny a brown-nosing wimp. But I'm sure his Mommy is proud of his success.

It would be nice if a public school education provided students with the tools to survive on their own and not have to rely on government handouts to survive. Whether one chooses to use those tools to make the rich richer, or to enrich oneself is a personal choice.
Just because your political sect rants about dependence only in relation to government dependence, you think you have a monopoly on being against dependence. But not providing tools to survive on our own forces us to be dependent on bosses who will overwork and underpay us. All institutions in this anti-majority republic serve those with the most power, which means the educational system was purposely designed by them to create dependency on them.

I am most interested in which tools you would consider useful to break the dependency of the worker on their boss and facilitate survival on our own? How would these tools help break that dependency, as well as possibly the dependency of "my political sect"?
Here's a sad fact, not everyone can be a prince.

Here's another sad fact: the guillotine.

You really think you or helpless losers like you will ever be on the 'user' end of one, weakling? Losers like you are prey and you will never be anything more. The very best you can hope for it to continue existing to spew your meaningless nonsense due to the generosity of your betters.

Whistling in the dark won't make your predators' paradise last much longer. You will become too fat and lazy to go out of your way to intimidate High IQs, who will then realize that you are in our way and that we have the talent to create ways of removing you.
The failure of public education, which has trickled up to higher education, is the greatest tragedy of the USA, by far.
It has not failed for those who want passive and self-denying employees. This is all by design. Their claims about caring for future hide the ulterior motive of Easy Money.

Go away.

I'd rather take away, ignoring your frantic attempts to humiliate me and be proud enough to realize that we created the wealth of the humiliators.
It would be nice if a public school education provided students with the tools to survive on their own and not have to rely on government handouts to survive. Whether one chooses to use those tools to make the rich richer, or to enrich oneself is a personal choice.
Just because your political sect rants about dependence only in relation to government dependence, you think you have a monopoly on being against dependence. But not providing tools to survive on our own forces us to be dependent on bosses who will overwork and underpay us. All institutions in this anti-majority republic serve those with the most power, which means the educational system was purposely designed by them to create dependency on them.

I am most interested in which tools you would consider useful to break the dependency of the worker on their boss and facilitate survival on our own? How would these tools help break that dependency, as well as possibly the dependency of "my political sect"?

Those who create the most are cheated the most. For example, an employee got $30,000 for his invention, while the corpie parasites got $300 million. Superior minds should follow the example of superior athletes and unionize, which got the athletes 50 times as much salary! Our union should be more hostile and also use embezzlement, hacking, sabotage, fraud, and absolutely anything we can think up to wipe out the exploiters. Since we will create more wealth when we take over, we will not be so possessive as to cheat the other workers.
Just because your political sect rants about dependence only in relation to government dependence, you think you have a monopoly on being against dependence. But not providing tools to survive on our own forces us to be dependent on bosses who will overwork and underpay us. All institutions in this anti-majority republic serve those with the most power, which means the educational system was purposely designed by them to create dependency on them.

I am most interested in which tools you would consider useful to break the dependency of the worker on their boss and facilitate survival on our own? How would these tools help break that dependency, as well as possibly the dependency of "my political sect"?

Those who create the most are cheated the most. For example, an employee got $30,000 for his invention, while the corpie parasites got $300 million. Superior minds should follow the example of superior athletes and unionize, which got the athletes 50 times as much salary! Our union should be more hostile and also use embezzlement, hacking, sabotage, fraud, and absolutely anything we can think up to wipe out the exploiters. Since we will create more wealth when we take over, we will not be so possessive as to cheat the other workers.

Forgive me, but are you saying we should teach children to cheat, hack, sabotage, or that anything goes as long as their employer is destroyed by use of those "tools". What you appear to be suggesting is that we teach the children to rely on a different set of abusers in the form of union bosses? After all, the union bosses enslave the workers and take their earnings, too.
Now, having destroyed the abusive bosses and having taken over (taken what over?), how would you suggest children equipped with such "tools" create wealth?
Here's another sad fact: the guillotine.

You really think you or helpless losers like you will ever be on the 'user' end of one, weakling? Losers like you are prey and you will never be anything more. The very best you can hope for it to continue existing to spew your meaningless nonsense due to the generosity of your betters.

Whistling in the dark won't make your predators' paradise last much longer. .

Well hurry it up then, big mouth. You know, as we all know, that you are completely full of shit, you little fucking worm.

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