American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

Natural Citizen said:
I was looking at similar videos about other uncontacted tribes. They're pretty interesting encounters, especially when nobody gets hurt.
In Places Where They Exist
They Are Left To Themselves By The National Authorities
You Go In At Your Own Risk
This meeting was with an isolated tribe in Papua New Guinea which meets the white man for the first time. This took place in the 1970s when there were more un-contacted tribes than today.
Commentary from the video: ''It seems like the tribe have never seen a white man. And that they're finally prepared to believe their own eyes. The long, soft hair of the caucasian is clearly another wonder of the world.''
New Guinea Is Where That Rockefeller Kid Vanished
Lethal Encounters With The Natives Happens In S. America Too
Breaking News:

The Darwin Award Committee just held an emergency meeting, on Thanksgiving of all days, and has set a new precedent by announcing the above mentioned poor sot as the leading candidate for the 2018 Darwin Award Winner.

Being aware of course, that the year is not over yet.
Death Angel said:
What country?
Pretending This Is A Real Question
And BTW, the Bill of Rights are the true human rights. They come from GOD. Governments may trample over your rights but you still have them.
What About It
Murder is a universal crime.
You're Trying To Make A Binding Definition All Your Own
You Invoked God
And Killing Is Not Universally Defined As Murder In Scripture
Last edited:
New Guinea Is Where That Rockefeller Kid Vanished
Lethal Encounters With The Natives Happens In S. America Too

Yeah, that's right, I forgot about him. I read something about maybe they ate him. Assuming he didn't drown or get eaten by a shark or a croc.
Does trespassing justify Murder? They will probably not be held accountable as they are a unique, primitive culture, but their response was extreme to say the least.
Yep. He wasn't there to do any harm. He wasn't there to rape one of these ugly savages. He wasn't there to steal their livelihood or even their food.

We don't prosecute tourists, let alone execute them. But leftist racism dictates that we must apply a double standard when unevolved savages are concerned.
The young man was there the day before and must have said something to them in a conversation as there was an attack and one of the arrows hit his books. He escaped and paddled back to the fishing boat waiting for him. He went back the next day, and the fishermen saw the Natives dragging his body along the beach.
Seems the kid was given a chance and he was arrogant enough to go back, he got his Tribal Justice, apparently. I don't blame the Tribe,
I blame stupidity.
Meister said:
The young man was there the day before and must have said something to them in a conversation as there was an attack and one of the arrows hit his books. He escaped and paddled back to the fishing boat waiting for him.
That's Called Getting Kicked Out

He went back the next day, and the fishermen saw the Natives dragging his body along the beach.
Seems the kid was given a chance and he was arrogant enough to go back, he got his Tribal Justice.
Yep -- Trespassing
That Was Not 'Murder'
As Death Angel Want's To Pretend
I started this as a throwaway thread, because I found it interesting. Now I'm going through 40 pages about Obama, Matthew Shephard, etc. Never change, USMB. Happy Thanksgiving. :smiliehug:
It's a serious issue when someone is murdered and a large percentage justify it.
Either India claims this land; or they don’t. If they do; these people are Indian citizens. As such India is obligated to enforce law on this island.
If they absolve themselves of responsibility for these people... Fuck em! Send in some guys with guns. It isn’t India’s problem after all. It a problem for these sentinalese.
No just leave them the fuck alone.
It Has Been Repeatedly Stated

Does trespassing justify Murder? They will probably not be held accountable as they are a unique, primitive culture, but their response was extreme to say the least.
Leave them alone. It’s easy.

The dip shit that paddled to the island clutching his bible had it coming.
Tell that to the Mexicans. Lol! But none the less; as it stands an American was murdered by an Indian National. India is obligated act.
There are areas in the closest big city where you all know not to go because you're not welcome. Maybe even in your home towns.

Because you know if you go there chances are you'll be trashed or worse.
Death Angel said:
What country?
Pretending This Is A Real Question
And BTW, the Bill of Rights are the true human rights. They come from GOD. Governments may trample over your rights but you still have them.
What About It
Murder is a universal crime.
You're Trying To Make A Binding Definition All Your Own
You Invoked God
And Killing Is Not Universally Defined As Murder In Scripture
You've said nothing.
There are areas in the closest big city where you all know not to go because you're not welcome. Maybe even in your home towns.

Because you know if you go there chances are you'll be trashed or worse.
And hopefully we prosecute and don't consider these offenders "animals" who aren't expected to live by basic moral standards.
Death Angel said:
And THIS is what motivates some here to justify the murder of this individual -- their anti-Christian HATE.
Maybe They Do

But It Still Doesn't Change You Invoked God
And All Killing Is Not Universally Defined As Murder In Any Scripture
There are areas in the closest big city where you all know not to go because you're not welcome. Maybe even in your home towns.

Because you know if you go there chances are you'll be trashed or worse.
And hopefully we prosecute and don't consider these offenders "animals" who aren't expected to live by basic moral standards.
If you know, why shouldn't he? Besides, the US has no jurisdiction in India.
Maybe They Do

But It Still Doesn't Change You Invoked God
And All Killing Is Not Universally Defined As Murder In Scripture
Amother tard recently lectured us that "murder and rape are universal standards and don't require my made up god."
Death Angel said:
Amother tard
Yourself ??
Observe The Below Nonsensical
recently lectured us that "murder and rape are universal standards and don't require my made up for."
That Gibberish ^ ^ ^
Still Doesn't Change You Invoked God
And All Killing Is Not Universally Defined As Murder In Any Scripture

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