American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

Horse shit. He was most likely inoculated against all thesuperbugs mankind has encountered heretofore; not to mention your lack of curiosity as to the diseases he might contract from “them”. It’s a bullshit argument barely worthy of comment. But in your case I’ll make an exception...
Perhaps you could provide a list of the jabs he had and another list of the diseases these tribesmen could give him ?
what difference would it make? this island is a unique situation and not some potential tourist spot. this dude knew full well he could get killed doing what he was doing and hey - he was right. score one for him in the end.

if you go play in traffic during rush hour, odds are you're going to get hit. so best advice i have is don't do that. if you go to this island you're going to die, so; don't do that.

we have no idea what havoc we could create by forcing our ways on them. why should we anyway? they are doing fine on their own and seem happy. leave 'em alone and stop trying to force them into world they obviously don't wish to be a part of. there are days i look around and i wish i could find some island and get away from mankind's stupidity.

he was stupid, he died. end of story.

There are plenty more like him. Delusional and superior.
i'll be glad when this "fad" is over and we migrate to a "live and let live" stance we used to have.

I missed the tiny slice of history where mankind lived with a "live and let live" attitude. Seems we've always been "up in each others' grills" use a vernacular.

Haven't we?
not to this degree, no. the PC culture has really shoved a YOU CANNOT DO THIS OR THAT. or YOU CAN'T TELL THOSE KINDS OF JOKES. blazing saddles could never be made today i wouldn't think. culture shift.
Seems like he wasn't a follower of the 11th Commandment:

11. Thou shalt keep they religion to thyself.
They probably thought he was a Jehova's Witness. If I had a bow and arrow every time one of them came knocking on my door...

More lack of tolerance, sad that Americans have no tolerance for others exercising their freedoms.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
I think God did warn him. The first arrow was stopped by a Bible he was carrying, but he still went back. Satan tempts. God warns.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
Its not an immigration policy. Its a survival policy. If whites had not killed off the vast majority of their people they probably would be more friendly.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

Yes. They learned that mud is an engineering marvel that whites couldnt think up. Thats why until whites were exposed to civilization the best they could do is make a pile of rocks.
Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

Yes. They learned that mud is an engineering marvel that whites couldnt think up. Thats why until whites were exposed to civilization the best they could do is make a pile of rocks.

Now that's funny, going to give you that one.

Because whites were limited to europe and surrounded by people that taught them civilization.

And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

Yes. They learned that mud is an engineering marvel that whites couldnt think up. Thats why until whites were exposed to civilization the best they could do is make a pile of rocks.

Now that's funny, going to give you that one.

You think I am just kidding cause youre white. You white guys crack me up when you try to put down mud huts. Its the first form of architecture that cooled the home in the summer and warmed it in the winter.

Mud Architecture - Construction Details And Techniques | Archinomy
And all these black tribes couldn't teach it to themselves?

The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

Yes. They learned that mud is an engineering marvel that whites couldnt think up. Thats why until whites were exposed to civilization the best they could do is make a pile of rocks.

Now that's funny, going to give you that one.

You think I am just kidding cause youre white. You white guys crack me up when you try to put down mud huts. Its the first form of architecture that cooled the home in the summer and warmed it in the winter.

Mud Architecture - Construction Details And Techniques | Archinomy

Dude living in caves / underground is better...a nice year round cool 60 degrees.
The Andaman Islanders were cut off so they couldnt share ideas with other Blacks. Can you imagine if whites had been cut off? They would still be living in caves.

And that's why blacks still live in mud hutts in Africa?

Yes. They learned that mud is an engineering marvel that whites couldnt think up. Thats why until whites were exposed to civilization the best they could do is make a pile of rocks.

Now that's funny, going to give you that one.

You think I am just kidding cause youre white. You white guys crack me up when you try to put down mud huts. Its the first form of architecture that cooled the home in the summer and warmed it in the winter.

Mud Architecture - Construction Details And Techniques | Archinomy

Dude living in caves / underground is better...a nice year round cool 60 degrees.
Could be. My point was that there is a reason whites had no idea about architecture. They simply had no idea what to do to build anything. Blacks on the other hand built their shelters and eventually built the pyramids of Egypt.
Who really cares? Some Bible thumping moron goes where is not welcome & knows what will happen and people care?
Saudi Arabia murdered a journalist in Turkey & the Republicans don't care. Trump doesn't care.

Putin murders his adversaries all the time & Trump loves the guy.

How many people did NK's Kim murder??? Trump & Republicans don't care.

Chau's visit could have brought disease.

As it is now, Chau's stupidity & the publishing of stories will send even more people to this island. Within 5 years, they will be gone.
What a tough immigration policy, I am surprised liberals aren't outraged over this ultra-conservative tribe on this island.
If these people were white, on a remote island off the coast of Europe They’d be screaming for blood...

Good question how come you never see a tribe of white people running around naked on an island, who never been in touch with the outside world?

Actually I was part of a tribe of (mostly) white people who would run around naked and if we had it our way, we would not have contact with the "outside world"

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