American Patriot Forced to Plead Guilty

Child, do you know the difference in passing laws (legislation) and law enforcement? What am I saying, hell no you don't!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do you think the capitol police derive there existence from. Did you even bother to think?

So right back to square one, the ask was utterly disingenuous. Not that anyone was surprised. Most of the morons that scream 'its not in the constitution' on this board do not have the intelligence necessary to even read the simple and straightforward document.
Orange "patriots" are above the law because they are valiantly fighting a "war" against "evil" and the "commies" 'n stuff.
And they are now experiencing the warm feeling of 'the law' crawling right up into their entitled asses. It's very good to see this. Moar please.
Yes, we know what is in your head. You do not have to prove it.

The proof is the 10th Amendment. You're jut not very smart, are ya? If congress is not granted the authority to have their own police force by the Constitution, they're not authorized to have one.

The proof is the 10th Amendment. You're jut not very smart, are ya? If congress is not granted the authority to have their own police force by the Constitution, they're not authorized to have one.

Except in the 10 square miles where they retain all legislative authority. As the quoted passage states.
Except in the 10 square miles where they retain all legislative authority. As the quoted passage states.

Perhaps you should look up the terms you obviously don't understand, or get an adult to explain the difference between legislation and law enforcement.

Run along you fucking freak, we're talking about the Capitol Police. Damn child you are so retarded you can't stay on topic.

They are part of the DC police force, you fucking moron.

The United States Capitol Police has the primary responsibility for protecting life and property, preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal acts, and enforcing traffic regulations throughout a complex of congressional buildings, parks, and thoroughfares. The Capitol Police has primary jurisdiction within buildings and grounds of the United States Capitol Complex. It also has concurrent jurisdiction with other law enforcement agencies, including the United States Park Police and the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.

In 1979, the Capitol Police got a separate chief of police; the role had previously been filled by officers of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The Library of Congress Police were merged into the force in 2009.

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