American Patriot Forced to Plead Guilty

The election was not stolen so this idiot had no reason to be there in the first place.
You would have bitched about the revolutionaries in 1776 not obeying the government.
Red herring fallacy, false comparison fallacy.

Coffman was appropriately arrested pursuant to a lawful search where he was in violation of perfectly Constitutional firearm and weapon regulatory measures.

He wasn’t ‘forced’ to do anything; he alone is responsible for the crimes he committed.
Wow, you ignorance/stupidity never ceases to amaze.

Here's your lesson for the day retard. Every POWER/AUTHORITY the federal government has is contained in a particular CLAUSE of the Constitution. Even a simpleton like you should know that. And like you admitted, the power/authority for congress to have a police department that answers only to them, DOESN'T EXIST. To quote you "There isn't any".

Now run along dufas, we're done.

Good lord, you fucking retard.
Just when you think a Trumptard can't get ANY dumber, they surprise you.

'Every POWER/AUTHORITY the federal government has is contained in a particular CLAUSE of the Constitution'.

Where is a clause in the constitution for the FBI?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the CIA?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the Secret Service?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the DEA?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the BATF?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the US Marshall's service?

SO, ALL these agencies are illegitimate?

Yeah, run along dumbass.
Liberals like Smokin OP don't understand Constitutional law. Do you see "Highway Patrol" mentioned in the Constitition? Then it's illegitimate.
Yeah, whatever commie, is a bomb really a bomb if it's not functional?
Oh, so now the law is not important. Earlier when you were ranting about showing you the statute you were just trying to sidestep the issue then.

Not that we were not all aware it was a bullshit ask. You support this idiot because he is on your 'team.' That actual morality is not relevant. And you point to the left and throw stones, lol.

No. While I believe there were significant irregularities in certain areas during the 2020 election, I have never suggested it was stolen.

I do have a major issue with the style of “professional “ and “permanent” politicians who seemingly make up the super-majority of today’s elected officials.
Your point?

Under the definition of the law, he illegally possessed a molotov cocktail. What you opine about how he could light them is irrelevant.
no, no, you don't get off with that ask, you said without a wick it was more deadly, and now can't explain how so. come on man, step up and back your own comment.
Good lord, you fucking retard.
Just when you think a Trumptard can't get ANY dumber, they surprise you.

'Every POWER/AUTHORITY the federal government has is contained in a particular CLAUSE of the Constitution'.

Where is a clause in the constitution for the FBI?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the CIA?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the Secret Service?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the DEA?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the BATF?
Where is a clause in the constitution for the US Marshall's service?

SO, ALL these agencies are illegitimate?

Yeah, run along dumbass.

All are executive branch agencies. And all derive their authority directly from the president. Article 2, Section 3. There is no such authority in Article 1. Now that you've been educated, go away you pathetic loser.

Oh, so now the law is not important. Earlier when you were ranting about showing you the statute you were just trying to sidestep the issue then.

Not that we were not all aware it was a bullshit ask. You support this idiot because he is on your 'team.' That actual morality is not relevant. And you point to the left and throw stones, lol.

Damn child, you're just not paying attention. I never asked for a statute. I asked for the constitutional authority for the capitol police to exist. The little boy that's been arguing with me has yet to come up with it. Mainly because it doesn't exist.

Damn child, you're just not paying attention. I never asked for a statute. I asked for the constitutional authority for the capitol police to exist. The little boy that's been arguing with me has yet to come up with it. Mainly because it doesn't exist.

Gosh, you'd think this guy would have objected then if there is "no authority" to have the police. :rolleyes:

The police were formally created by Congress in 1828 following the assault on John Adams II, the son of John Quincy Adams, in the Capitol rotunda. The United States Capitol Police had as its original duty the provision of security for the United States Capitol.[10]
Damn child, you're just not paying attention. I never asked for a statute. I asked for the constitutional authority for the capitol police to exist. The little boy that's been arguing with me has yet to come up with it. Mainly because it doesn't exist.

Section 8:
"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Buildings"

Where the congress has exclusive authority over DC. All cases whatsoever is pretty fucking clear.

And the 10th which leaves the governing power to the states and localities which does not lie with the federal government. As congress is the local government for DC as it cannot be a state, those powers reside there.

Unless you are going to argue that no one has the power to govern in DC, which is an asinine proposition considering it is barred from being a state.
Gosh, you'd think this guy would have objected then if there is "no authority" to have the police. :rolleyes:

The police were formally created by Congress in 1828 following the assault on John Adams II, the son of John Quincy Adams, in the Capitol rotunda. The United States Capitol Police had as its original duty the provision of security for the United States Capitol.[10]

Rent-a-cops/capitol security guards, not a formal police agency with powers of arrest. Any formal federal police force must answer to the executive branch. They were off capitol grounds when they made their earth shaking discovery.

Section 8:
"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Buildings"

Where the congress has exclusive authority over DC. All cases whatsoever is pretty fucking clear.

And the 10th which leaves the governing power to the states and localities which does not lie with the federal government. As congress is the local government for DC as it cannot be a state, those powers reside there.

Unless you are going to argue that no one has the power to govern in DC, which is an asinine proposition considering it is barred from being a state.

Child, do you know the difference in passing laws (legislation) and law enforcement? What am I saying, hell no you don't!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rent-a-cops/capitol security guards, not a formal police agency with powers of arrest. Any formal federal police force must answer to the executive branch. They were off capitol grounds when they made their earth shaking discovery.

:lol: because you say so? I think the authority of the Capitol Police is safe...but this terrorist isn't. He's going to jail for plotting to commit terrorist acts. Doesn't matter that his name isn't Mohammed.
:lol: because you say so? I think the authority of the Capitol Police is safe...but this terrorist isn't. He's going to jail for plotting to commit terrorist acts. Doesn't matter that his name isn't Mohammed.

She me where they get the "authority"? Just like the other commies, all you have is blah, blah, blah. Carry on moron.


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